Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/610

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564 C. 11. Anno nono Henrici VI. A. D. 1430.

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p'wtd. Proclamations before a Writ awarded to the Ordinary to cer- tify Bafiardy, him or his Heirs that was Party to the Plea. (5) And from henceforth all Juftices of or in the Courts where any Plea is or fhall be depending, taken, or moved, in which Plea, fo depending, taken, or moved, Baftardy is or lhall be alledged againft any Perfon Party to the fame Plea, and thereupon an If- fue joined, * which by the Law ought to be certified by the Ordinary, that the Judges, or one Judge of or in the Courts where the faid Plea is or fhall be depending, taken, or moved, before the Time that any Writ of Certificate pafs out of the fame Court to the Ordinary, to certify upon the Iffue fo joined, or to be joined, fhall make Remembrance under their Seals, or his Seal, at the Suit of the Demandant or Tenant, Plaintiff or Defendant in the Plea, in which the Baftardy is or fhall be alledged, reciting the Iiiue that is joined in the fame Plea of Baftardy, and cer- tifying to the Chancellor of the King of England for the Time being, to the Intent that thereupon Pro- clamation be made in the faid Chancery by Three Months, once in every Month, that all Perfons pre- tending any Intereft to object againft the Party which pretendeth himfelf to be Mulier, that they fue to the Ordinary to whom the Writ of Certificate is or fhall be directed, to make their Allegations and Objections againft the Party which pretendeth him to be Mulier, as the Law of holy Church requireth ; (6J and the faid Chancellor having Notice of the faid Remem- brance and Iffue joined, and being required by the faid Demandant or Tenant, Plaintiff - or Defendant having the faid Remembrance, to make the faid Pro- clamation as afore is faid, the fame Chancellor for the Time being fhall caufe to be made Proclamation in the Form aforefaid; (7) and the Proclamation fo made fhall certify in the Court where the faid Plea in which the Baftardy is alledged another Time fhall be depending. (8) And that the Judges of or in the Court where the fame Plea is or fhall be depending, taken, or moved, before any Proclamation fo to be made in the Chancery, make one Time fuch Procla- mation openly in the fame Court, and alfo another Tims when the Proclamation fhall be certified by the Chancellor of England, and made in the Form above rchearfed : (9) and then the faid Judge fhall award the faid Writ of Certificate to the Ordinary, to cer- tify upon the Iffue fo joined, or to be join d- (ic) and if any Writ of Certificate be made or granted, before that all the Proclamations in the For •■ afore- faid be made and certified, that then the faid Writ of Certificate, and the Certificate of the Ordinary there- upon made or to be made, fhall be void in Law, and of none Effect. (11) And if any Writ before this Time be directed to any Ordinary, to certify if the faid Alianour, Wife of James, be Ballard or not, and at this Time not certified, if it be certified hereafter by Virtue of the faid Writ, that the fame Certificate of the faid Ordinary fo made, be void and of none Effea.' Kaft. 29, 105, 280. Farther frmfomrelamzbcreto 18 El. c. 3. 7 J ac . I. c, 4, 3 Car. I, c. 4, and 6 Geo. z, c. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. femme James mette a afcun prejudice lye enda- mage ne conclude afcun perfone ou perfones forfqe celuy & fes heirs qi fuift fait partie a la plea Et qe defore enavaunt toutz Juges de ou en les courtz la ou afcun plee eft ou ferra pendant pris ou moeve en queux plees enfi faitz pendantz pris ou moevez baftardie eft ou ferra allegge envers afcun perfone partie a mefme le plee & fur ceo iffue joinee ou a joyner le quell par la ley droit eftre certifie par lordinarie qe lez Juges ou un Juge de ou en les courtz ou le dit plee eft ou ferra pen- dant pris ou moeve devaunt le temps qe afcun brief de certificat paffe hors de cell court al ordina- rie pur certifier fur liffue enfi joyne ou a joyner face une remembrance defouth lour fealx ou fon feal al fuyt le demaundant ou tenant pleintif ou defendant en le plee en quell baftardie eft ou ferra allegge recitant liffue qelt joyne en mefme le plee de baftardie & certifiant a le Chaunceller du Roi dEngleterre pur le temps efteant a lentent qe fur ceo proclamation foit fait en la dite Chauncerie par trois moys un foitz en chefcun moys qe toutz les perfones qi pretendent afcun intereffe pur ob- jecter encountre la partie qe luy pretende deftre muliere qils fuent al ordinarie a qi le brief de cer- tificat eft ou ferra direct pur faire lour allegeaunces & objections envers la partie qe luy pretende de- ftre muli re ficome la ley de Seint efglife requiert Et le dit Chaunceller eiant notice del dit remem- braunce & iffue joynee & requis par le dit demaun- dant ou tenant pleintiff ou defendant avauntditz aiant mefme la remembraunce de fair la dite pro- clamation come defuis eft dit mefme le Chaunceller pur le temps efteant ferra fair proclamation en la fourme avauntdit & la proclamation enfi fait certifiera en la court ou le dit plee en quell la baftardie eft allegge alors ferra pendant. Et qe les Juges de ou en la court ou le dit plee eft ou ferra pendant pris ou moeve devaunt afcun procla- mation enfi affaire en la Chauncerie facent un foite; autiel proclamation overtement en mefme la court & auxi autre foitz quant les proclamations ferront certifiez par le Chaunceller & en la fourme reherce faitz et adonqes le dit Juge agardera le dit brief de certificat al ordinarie pur certifier fur iffue iffint joynee ou a joyner. Et fi afcun brief de certificat foit fait ou graunte devaunt' ceo qe toutz les ditz proclamations en la fourme devaunt rebel ce foient faitz & certifiez qe adonqes cell brief de certificat et le certificat del ordinarie fur ceo faite ou affaire foit voide en ley & de null effect, t fi afcun brief devaunt ceft temps foit direct a afcun ordinarie pur certifier fi la dite Alianore femme James foit baftard ou nemye & a ceft temps nient certifie fil foit certifie enapres par vertu du dit brief qe mefme le certificat du dit ordinarie enfi fait foit voide & de null effect. J»- Statutes