Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/638

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592 i Shower 399. C. 12. Anno decimo o&avo Henrici VI. Certain Perfons excepted, to whom this Sta- tute doth not extend. See farther for the Qualifications and Duty of Juj- tices of the Peace I Ed. 4. c. 2. 1 I. c. 21. fee. to. 26 Geo. 2. c. 14 ' time being, which fhall put another fufficient in ' his Place ; (4) and if he give not the faid Know- ' ledge (as before) within a Month after that he hath ' Notice of fuch Commiffion, or if he fit, or make any ' Warrant or Precept by Force of fuch Commiffion, ' he fhall incur the Penalty of xx. li. and never- ' thelefs be put out of the Commiffion as before, (5) ' and the King fhall have one Half of the faid Penalty, ' and he that will fue for the King, the other Half; ' and he that will fue for the King, and for himfelf, ' fhall have an Action to demand the fame Penalty by ' Writ of Debt at the Common Law. ' II. Provided always, That this Ordinance fhall

  • not extend to Cities, Towns, or Boroughs, which

' be Counties incorporate of themfelves, nor to Cities, ' Towns, or Boroughs which have Juftices of Peace ' of Perfons dwelling in the fame by Commiffion or ' Warrant of the King, or of his Progenitors. (2) ' Provided alfo, That if there be not fufficient Perfons ' having Lands and Tenements to the Value aforefaid, ' learned in the Law, and of good Governance, with- ' in any fuch County, that the Chancellor of England ' for the time being fhall have Power to put other ' Difcreet Perfons, learned in the Law, in fuch Com- ' miffions, though they have not Lands or Tene- ' ments to the Value aforefaid, by his Difcretion.' R. 3. c. 3. 3 H. 7. c. 1. I M. fiat. 2. c. S. i & z P. (s? M. c. 13. 9 Geo. I- c. 7. 5 Geo. 2. c. 18 Gf 19. 15 Geo. 2. c. 24. 16 Geo. 2 ©"27. 27 C«, z. c, id & 20. and 30 Geo. 2. c. 24. A. D. 1439. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. le quel mette un aultre fuffifaunt en fon lieux et fil ne face le dit notification come devaunt deins un moys apres ceo qe il ad notice du tiel commiffion ou fil feye ou face afcun garaunt ou precept par force du tiel commiffion qe il ert- courge la peyne de xx. li. & nientmeins foit oufte del commiffion come devaunt & eit le Roy lun moite du dit peyne & celuy qi voet fuer pur le Roy lautre moite & eit celuy qi enfy veult purfuer pur le Roy & pur luy mefmes aftion a demander mefme la peyne par brief du dette al commune ley. Purveu toutz foitz qe ceft ordenaunce ne fe extende as citees villes ou burghs queux fount countees incorporates de eux mefmes ne as citees villes ou burghs qe ount juftices de peas des gentz demurantz en icell par commiffion ou graunte du Roy ou de fez progenitours. Purveu toutz foitz qe Ills ne foient gentz fuffifauntz eiantz terres & tenementz a la * value fuifdit apris en la ley & de bon governance deins afcun tiel counte qe le Chaunceller dEngleterre pur le temps efteant eit poalr de mettre autres difcretz apris en la ley en tielx commiffions mefqe ils ne eient terres & tenementz a la value fuifdit par fa difcretion. 2 fif 3 P. & M. c. 10. 7 Jac. 1. c. 5. si Jac. I. c. 12. 6 Get. f. 18, 18 Geo. 2. c. 20. 23 Geo. 2. c. 26. 24 Geo. 2. c. 44 S" 55. ' CAP. XII. 9 H. 5. fiat. 1. c. 1, Appeals or Indictments of Felony committed in a Place where there is none fuch. A Writ of Con- spiracy main- tainable againft. the Indicators, Procurators, and Confpira- rors. Kegifr. 134. Raft. pi. 123. A Confirmation of the Stat, of 7 H. 5. c. 1. & 9' H. 5. c. 1. ' touching Appeals c er Indictments t of FeJony or Treafon. TEM, Whereas in the Parliament holden af Wejlminjler the Second Day of May, the Ninth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Fifth, Fa- ther to the King that now is, amongft other Things it was ordained and eftablifhed, for that many People by Malice, Envy, and Revenge, caufe of- ten the King's liege People to be appealed or in- dicted in divers Counties of Treafons or of Felo- nies, fuppofing by the faid Appeals or Indictments, that the laid Treafons or Felonies were done in a certain Place in fuch a County where the Indict- ment is made, or fuch a Place as is or fhall be declared by the faid Appeals, where no fuch Place is in the fame County, that the Procefs of the fame fhall be void, and holden for none ; (2) and that the Indictors, Procurators, and Confpirators, fhall be alfo punifhed by Imprifonment and Fine, and Ranfom for the King's Advantage, by the Dif- cretion of the Juftices ; (3) and that the faid Ap- pellees or Indictees may have Writs of Confpiracy againft their Indicators, Procurators, and Confpira- tors, and fhall recover their Damages. (4) And this Ordinance fhall ftand in his Force until the next Parliament to be holden after the coming again of the faid late King into England, from beyond the Sea; (5) which Statute by the Deceafe of the faid late King, by Opinion of feme is expired, and by the Opinion of fome not expired." ' (6) The fame our Lord the King that now is, confidering that the faid Ordinance v/as good and profitable for the Weal of him and his liege People, hath declared and or- dained by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Ordinance made in the faid Ninth Year, and TEM come al parlement tenuz a Weftm' al feconde jour de May Ian du regne du Roy Henry quint pier au Roy qoreft ix me entre autres ordeigne fuift & eftablie pur ceo qe plufours gentz par malice enmite & vengeance facent fovent foytz des foialx lieges du Roy eftre appellez ou enditees en divers countees des trefons ou des felonies fuppofantz par les ditz appelles ou en- ditementz qe les ditz. trefons & felonies furent faitz en un certein lieu en tiel countee ou lenditement eft fait ou tiel lieu come eft ou ferra declare par les ditz appelles lou null tiel lieu eft en mefme le countee qe le proceffe dicell foient voidez & tenuz pur null et qe les enditours procuratours & confpiratours foient auxint puniz par im- prifonement fyn & ranfeon pur avantage du Roy par difcretion des juftices et qe les ditz appellez ou enditees purront aver briefs de confpiracie vers lour enditours procuratours & confpiratours & recoverer lour damages. Et qe ceft ordenaunce eftoife en fa force tanqe a prochein parlement a tenier pluis la revenue le dit nadgairs Roy en Engleterre de pardela le quel eftatuit par ]e trefpaffement du dit nadgairs Roy par oppinion des afcuns eft expire & par oppinion de afcuns nient expire. Mefme noftre Seignur le Roy qo- reft confiderant qe la dit ordenaunce fuift bon & profitable pur le bien de luy & fez lieges ad declare & ordeigne par audtorite diceft prefent parlement qe la dit ordenaunce fait le dit an ix rac & enfy par la mort de fon dit pier come afcuns entendent

  • The Word Value feems to be wanting here, but is not on the Roll.