Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/645

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A. D, 1442 2—5- Anno vicefimo Henrici VI. C. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. de Ceftre qi fount as plufours lieges du Roy en diverfe coantees dEngleterre plufours homicidies murdres robbories bateries trefpafles & autres riotris malefaitz eftoife en fa force celle ordinaunce nient obftaunt et qe iceft ordinance endura jefqe al fine de fept ans profchenunent enfuantz. cap. nr. It fhall be High Treafon for IVelJhmen to take and carry away Englijbmen or their Goods into- Wales, or there to withhold them. See Appendix. 599 CAP. IV. What Duties they (hall pay to the King which carry Wools to any other Place than to the Staples. ITEM noftre dit Seignur le Roy a graunte & ordeigne par lauctorite defuifJit qe chefcun merchaunt dein- zein pur lains peaix Ianutz &c elteyne qe ferrount chargez & efkippez en afcun galey carrek ou autre vefTeall deftre amefnez & cariez par le mer par licence du Roy ou autrement as autres lieux & portez qe a leftaple du Roy paient au Roy tielx cuftumes fubfidies & autres devoirs come merchauntz aliens & eftraun- gers paierount au Roy pur tielx merchandifes. Purveu toutz foitz qe cefte graunte ou ordinaunce ne foy extende pas as afcuns peribnes qe ount licence par les lettres patentz du Roy faitz a eux devaunt «ez heures de efkipper carier ou amefner afcuns lains pealx Ianutz ou efteine as autres lieux ou portz de pardela qe al eftaple de Calys mes qels foient de cell ordinaunce tout outrement forfpriz & exceptz. CAP. V. No Cuftomer, &JV. fhall have a Ship of his own, ufe Merchandife, keep a Wharf or Inn, or be a Factor. E. ITEM come al parlement tenuz a Weftm' Ian de regne du Roi Henri le quart xj. ordine fuift & eftablie qe null home qi tient commune hof- trerie en afcun citee ou burgh diceft Roialme foiet cuftumer controullour ne fercheour & ceo pur efchuer les damages & prejudices qi dent pur- ront acrefcier par le favour qe tielx communes hof- telers purroient & veudroient faier as marchauntz & as autres lour hoftes en lour offices. Et ja- tarde divers cuftumers countrollers & auxi fer- cheours countrollours & furveiours des fercheours ount divers hommes pur eftre lour clerkes deputes & miniftres en lour ditz offices des queux clerkes de- putes & miniftres afcuns ount nief.-. de lours propres & afcuns eux intromittent del frette des niefs auxint achatent & vtndount div.rfes merchaun- difes & ount & occupiount a lour propre oeps diverfe- wherwes & keyes efteantz par les ripes del ewe lou commune difcharge des merchaundife eft eue en diverfe portz diceft Roialme par qe fibien graunde deceit & damage journement acrei- cent au Roy de fez cuftume & fubfidees come graunde perde as marchauntz repairauntz a les portz ou les ditz clerks deputees & miniftris occupient les ditez offices Des queux clerks de- putees et miniftres auxi pluifours teignent hoftries & tavernes & auxi gardent wharves &. eux & lour fervitours fount factours & attournes pur merchauntz deinfms & alLns par qe grandes da- mages & perdes journement accrefcent au Roy en fez cuftume & fubfidies par le favour qe tielx clerkes deputes & mi, iftres tieta hoftries taverns & wharves teygnauntz faci'ent as marchauntz & as autres lours hoftes en les ditz offices & pluis greindre damages eft fembleable dent accrefcier en temp avenir ft haftif remedie ne foient purvieu. Noftre dit Seignur le Roy voillint encountre tielx damages & perdes purvoier de remedie en celt par- c. JO. r. 5. • '3- TEM, Whereas in the Parliament holden at Weft-* „ h, 4. c. 1.. minjier the Eleventh Year of the Reign of King'Thc Caaft why " Henry the Fourth, it was ordained and ftablifhed, a common Hoft - " That no Man that had a common Hoftry. in any-^ r i h ' i11 n " be * " City or Borough of this- Realm, lhall be Cuftomer, troiiei-Tr ° r '" " Controller, nor Searcher, and that to efchew thesearcher. " Damages and Prejudices which thereof may grow, " by the Favour that fuch common Hoftlers may and t ^ I " will make to Merchants, and to other their Guefts 1 jj., " in their Offices : (2) And now of late divers Cuftom- " ers, Controllers, and alfo Searchers, Controllers, and " Surveyors of Searchers, have divers Perfons to be " their Clerks, Deputies, and Minifters in their faid " Offices, of which Clerks, Deputies, and Minifters, : " fome have Ships of their own, and fome of them " meddle with the Freighting of Ships, and alio buy " and fell divers Merchandifes, and thereof occupy to " their own Ufe divers Wharfs and Keys, being by " the Water's Sides, where common Difcharge of di- " vers Merchandifes is had in divers Ports of this " Realm, by the which as well great Deceit and Da- " mages daily do grow to the King of his Cuftoms " and Subfidies, as a great Lofs to Merchants repair- " ing to the Ports where the faid Clerks, Deputies,. " and Minifters * be ; (3) alfo many hold Hoftries and * occupy tbt fa!d " Taverns, and alfo keep Wharfs, and they and their offim. 'of ■.'.)■. h " Servants be Faftors and Attornies forMerchants, De- c "'" il > D '/>"«  " nizens, and Aliens, by which great Damage and """ MU P ri " Lofs daily doth grow to the King in his Cuftoms and' " Subfidies, by Favour that fuch Clerks, Deputies, " and Minifters holding fuch Hoftries, Taverns, and " Wharfs, do to Merchants and to other their Guefts " in the faid Offices, and greater Damage is like thereof " to grow in Time to come, if fpeedy Remedy be "' not provided :" ' (4) Our faid Lord the King, wilt ' ling againft fuch Damages and Lofles to provide a ' Remedy in this Behalf, hath ordained and eftablifherL byy