Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/678

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C. 2.
Anno tricesimo primo Henerici VI.
A.D. 1455.

struction of the said liege People and Subjects in the said County Palatine."A Repeal of the aforesaid Statute(2) Wherefore the foresaid Lord the King considering the Premisses, by the Advice, Assent, and Authority asorefaid, hath willed, granted, and established. That the Act before rehearsed and made at the said last Parliament holden at Reading, shall be adnulled, void, and stand in no Force. (3) And further, for the Conservation, Tranquillity, Quietness, and Peace of all his liege People, as well within the said County Palatine, as of other his liege People out of the said County within the Realm of England, the same Lord the King, by Authority aforesaid, hath granted, ordained, and established. That every Indictment hereafter to be taken before any of the King's Justices in the said County Palatine of Lancaster, or before any Sheriff in his Tourn in the said County, whereby any Person or Persons be supposed by the same Indictment to he or to have been inhabiting or conversant out of the said County of Lancaster, and within any other County within the Realm of England, shall be taken and had by the Verdict of Twelve Men, whereof every of them, or some other Person or Persons to their Use, within the same County of Lancaster, shall have to the yearly Value of an Hundred Shillings. Of what Estate those Jurors who shall indict in the County of Lancaster a Foreigner dwelling in another County.(4) And no Process (hall be made out of any such Indictment, before it be duly inquired and examined before the King's Justices within the said County of Lancaster for the time being, whether the said Indictors, and every of them, at the Time of such Indictment so taken, had Lands and Tenements within the said County of Lancaster to the yearly Value of an Hundred Shillings above all Charges. (5) And if it be found by Examination of the said Justices for the time being within the said County, that the said Indictors, and every of them, at the Time of such Indictment so taken, had not Lands and Tenements to the yearly Value aforesaid, that then the same Indictments, as to such Persons so indicted supposed by the said Indictments to be inhabiting and conversant out of the said County of Lancaster, shall be void and of no Effect. Of What Estate those Jurors must be. who shall indict in another County any Person dwelling in the County of Lancaster (6) And also the same Lord the King, of the Advice and Authority aforesaid, hath granted, ordained, and established, that every Indictment from henceforth to be taken within any County of the said Realm, and out of the said County of Lancaster, before any Justice, or the Sheriff in his Town, whereby any Person or Persons supposed by the same Indictment to be or to have been conversant or inhabiting within the said County of Lancaster, and without such County where such Indictments shall happen to be taken, shall betaken by Verdict of Twelve Men, whereof every of them, or some other Person or Persons to their Use, shall have Lands and Tenements within the same County where the And Indictments shall be taken, to the yearly Value of an Hundred Shillings. (7) And that no Process be made out of any such Indictments before it be duly examined and inquired before the King's Justices, having Power to award any Process upon such Indiclments, whether the said