Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/71

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A.D. 1266.
Anno quinquagesimo primo Henerici III.
Stat. 5.

have received the King's Debt of the Summons of the Exchequer, and have not acquitted the Debtors thereof at the next account, shall be punished after the statutes made thereupon. (7) And the King willeth, that all Debts of Summons of the Exchequer that the Sheriff or Bailiff have confessed Receipt, shall be allowed him forthwith: so that whether he received all the Debt, or Part, it shall never come more in Demand nor Summons, after the Sheriff hath confessed the Receipt.

Enforced by 3 Ed. 1. c. 19. which subjects Sheriffs offending to a Penalty of Treble the Receipt.

Amended by Stat. Rutland. 10 E. 1.

Statutum De Scaccario, made Ann. 51 Hen. III. Stat. 5. and Anno Dom. 1266.

When the King's Fermors, Sheriffs, and Bailiffs, shall make their Accompts and Payments, Who shall be Escheators in several Shires.[1]

When the King's Bailiffs and Officers shall accompt.

The King commandeth, that all manner of Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and other Officer, as well the Justices of Chester, and other Bailiffs of these Counties, as other that be Receivers [2]⟨of Issues,⟩ of Wards, of Escheats, and other[3] Bailiwicks, shall be answerable in the Exchequer, and there shall make account to the Treasurer and Barons [4]⟨of the same place.⟩ (2) And that all Sheriffs, Fermors, Bailiffs of Franchises, and other, shall[5] to the Profer in the Exchequer, the Monday after the Feast of St. Michael, and the Monday after the Utas of Easter, for to pay their Ferms, Rents, and Issues belonging to the King, and shall bring at the foresaid Terms, the foresaid Ferms, Rents, and Issues due, wholly into the Exchequer, as before is mentioned.[6](3) And if they make default, their Bodies shall remain without departing from thence, until they have paid or made agreement; and he that will not come at the Terms aforesaid, shall be amerced after the Custom of the Exchequer; (4) and the Sheriffs and Bailiffs at the same Terms shall bring and pay such Money as they have received of the Summons of the Exchequer, and other the King's Debts, and shall be prepared and ready to make full accompt of the things aforesaid.

Baillifs of Franchises accompt.
II. And that all Bailiffs of Franchises, which ought to levy the King's Debts, and be answerable to the Sheriffs thereof, shall come and accompt sufficiently, according to the Extreats of the Summons of the Exchequer; and such as do not, their Bodies shall remain in Ward of the Sheriffs; and for Default in them, the Sheriffs shall cause the Debts to be levied by their own Bailiffs, where they have Power, as they have used to do in time passed. And if the Bailiffs do not come in at the Day that the Sheriff shall give them knowledge, the Sheriff shall enter into the same Franchises, and levy the Debts with his own hand.

The Justices and Bailiffs of Chester's accompt.
III. Concerning Justices of Chester, and Bailiffs thereof, the King willeth, that they, or one of them, shall come at the Profer of St. 'Michael every Year, when they ought to give account unto the King; and at the Profer of the Utas of Easter they shall come likewise, and bring in that which they owe to the King for that Term; and the Justices of Chester shall


  1. Translated from Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. (Wikisource contributor note)
  2. Add of Issues.
  3. For and other, read of their.
  4. The words in Italicks not in the Original
  5. For shall, read who ought to come.
  6. For shall bring at the aforesaid Terms, &c. read shall come at the aforesaid Terms, and shall there bring in full the aforesaid Ferms, Rents and Issues, and pay them into the Exchequer.