Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 13.djvu/667

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asms* AN INDEX T O VOLUME the THIRTEENTH. From 17 GEORGII III. to 20 GEORGII III. both inclufive. account#. COmmiffioners appointed and impowered to examine and ftate the public Accounts, 20 Gn. 3. c. 54. acmfraltp. Impowered to grant Commiflions to private Ships to cruize againft the rebellious Colonies, 17 Gn. 3. c. 7. HDtiertifenienw. An additional Duty of fix Pence charged on all Advertifeaaents in Newfpapers or Pamphlets, 10 Gn. 3. c. 28. § t. aggregate funD. See Oatpanu annuities. 1. The Sum of 5.c«o,ooo/, to be raifed on Annuities, and 500,0cof. by a Lowery, 17 Gn. 3. c- 46. 2. 5,000,0001, to be raifed by Annuities, and 480,002/. by a • Lottery, 18 Gn. 3. c. 22. 3. 7,000,000/. to be railed by Annuities, 308490,000/. by a Lottery, 19 Gn. 3. c. 18. 4. 12,000,coo/, to be raifed by Anqpitiesj and 480,000/. by 1, All Perfons to whom children are bound Apprentices in purfuance of Adis for the Relief of the Poor, obliged to pro¬ vide for them according to their Indentures, 20 Gn, 3. c. 36. p. 2. No Perfon compellable to take poor Children Apprentices from Parilhea they do not inhabit, or occupy Lands, &c. in, idna, < 2. Sn #00T, 4. appropriation of Suppiie#. J7 Gn. 3. e. 47. 18 Gn. 3. t. 54. 19 Gn .3. t. 25. § 8. 19 Gn. 3. t. 71. 20 Gn. 3. e. 57. 20 G<«. 3. c. 62. Vol. X1IL Part IV. 3rreft#. 1. No Perfon to be arrefted or held to fpecial Bail, upon Pro* cefi out of any inferior Court, for lefs than to/. 19 Get. 3, c. 70. $ 1. 2. So much of all Ads for the Recovery of fmall Debts as autho* rifes Imprifontncat for left than 10/. repealed, iqGn.y t.70, S3- artificer#. Lace Manufacturers to be paid in Money, not in Goods, 19 Gn. 3. t. 49. aiiftion#. r. Auctioneers to take out a Licence, 17 Gn. 3. e, 50. $ I. 2. Duties laid on Lands, Houfe.*, Goods, Ctfc. fold by Auction, 17 Gn. 3. e. 50. § 5. Exemptions, J 11, 12, 13. 3. The atove ACt altered and amended, 19 Gn. 3. c. 56. B 25altic. See importation, 2. bankrupt#. The Lord Chancellor impowered to allow Certificates to Bank* rupts who have’conformed themfelves, though not figned by Four-fifths of their Creditors, 18 Gn. 3. c. 32. $76. TBark. The ACt 1 2 Gn. 3. r. 50. lowering the Duty on the Importation of Oak Bark, farther continued, 17 Gn. 3. c. 44, 5 3. OBMorD JLetoel; 1. The Lands in the Nonh Part of Btdftrd Ltwl, and other Lands in the Manor of Crvulaiid charged with farther Taxea for' difeharging Debts and preferving the Drainage, 19 Gn. 3. c. 24. 2. To explain and amend the 7 Gn, 3. c. 53. for draining, fjfe, certain Fen Lands in the South Part of Btdftrd Lrutl in the County of Cambridgt, ftfr. and for felling certain Fen Landa called Invtjltd Landt, 19 Gn. 3. t. 34, 4 K Digitized by Google