Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/101

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A.D. 1483. Anno prlmo R 1 c 11 a r d 1 III. C. 13. 63 Girdlers, Poiritmakers, Pinners, Purfers, Glovers, Cutlers, Bladefmtths, Blackfmiths, Spur- 1, Painters, Sadlers, Lorrinei , Pounders, Cardmakers, Hurers, w wea- mers, Bottle takers, and Copper-fmiths, that whereas they were wont in Times pail to be I • awork, and occupied in the laid Crafts for the Suftenance of themfelves, their Wives, Chil- pprentices, and Servants, and many other of the King's Subjects ; (2) now lb it i.<, th2t by Merchant Strangers, Denizens, arid other, there is brought into thefc Parts from beyond the Seas, to within this Realm of England, as much Wares as may be wrought and made by the Artificers hearfed, that by Reafon thereof the People of ftrango. Countries, where the laid Wares be made, be greatly occupied and increaled, and the (aid Artificers in this Realm greatly impoverifhed, and with- out the King's Grace (hewed to them in this Behalf are like to be undone for lack, of Occupation :' II. Our faid Sovereign Lord the King confidering the Pre'mifles, by the Advice and Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Prayer of his Commons, in the laid Parliament affemblcd, and by Authority of the fame, hath ordained and provided, That no Merchant Stranger, after the Fealt of Ea/ier next coming, (hall bring into this Realm of- England to be fold any Manner of Girdles, nor Hartleys wrought for Girdles, Points, Laces, Leather, Puries, Pouches, Pins, Gloves, Knives, Hangers, Tailors Shears, Syfors, Andyrons, Cobbards, 'Jongs, Fireforks, Gredyrons, Stocklocks, Keys, Hinges and Gar- nets, Spurts, painted Glades, painted Papers, painted Forcers, painted Images, painted Cloths, beaten I, or beaten Silver, wrought in Papers for Painters, Saddles, Saddle-trees, Horfe-harnefs, Boots, Bits, Stirrups, Buckle^, Chains, Latten Nails with Iron Shanks, Turncts, Standing Candleilicks, Hanging Candlefticks, Holy-water Stopps,, Hanging Lavcrs, Curtain-rings, Cards for Wooll, (ex- cept Roan Cards) Clafps for Gowns, Buckles for Shoes, Broches, Bells, (except Hawks-bellsJ Tin and Leaden Spoons, Wyre of Latten and Iron, Iron Candlefticks, Grates, Horns for Lanthorns, or any of the faid Wares made and wrought pertaining to the Crafts above fpecified, or any of them, (2) upon Pain to forfeit all the faid Wares fo brought into this Realm contrary to this Act, or the Value of the fame, in whole Hands they or any of them (hall be found ; the one Half of fuch Fines and Forfeitures to be to the King, and the other Half to him or them that (hall feife or purfue for the fame by Action of Debt, by Writ or Bill at the Common Law, or by Bill or Plaint, after the Cuftom of the City or Town where any Enforced and «r- fuch Fines, Forfeitures, and Penalties (hall hereafter happen to be or fall ; (?) and that the Defendant in tnieduubtr fuch Action be not admitted to wage or do his Law ; (4) nor that any Protection or Fffoin of the King's c """ : '■ d '" a *■? Service lhaJl be allowed in the fame for any fuch Defendant. gc^Cat 2. C. 13. Farther relating herein, I Ann. fiat. 2. c. l8. 10 Ann. c. 19. 5 Geo. 1. c. 27. 1 3 Geo. a, c S, And 11 Geo. 2, e, 27. CAP. XIII. The Contents of VelTcls of Wine and Oil, which may not be fold till gauged. TO the King our Sovereign Lord, fhewen unto your Highnefs lamentably complaining your humble Commons of this your prefent Parliament affembled, in the Name of them fclf and of all your other humble Comons of this your honourable Realm, that whereas Butts of Wine, called Malmfcy, were wont in great Plenty to be brought into this your faid Realm to be fold before the Twenty feven and Twenty- eight Years of the Reign of Henry the Sixth, late in deed and not of right King of England, and alio in the fame Years, and than divers of the Butts held in Meafure Seven (core Gallons a piece, and divers held Six Score Twelve Gallons a piece, and the lead: of them held Six fcore fix Gallons a piece, and than a Man might bye and have of the Merchants Stranger, Seller of the faid Malmfeys, by mean of the faid Plenty of them, for 1 s. or liii s. ivd. at the moft a Butt of fuch Wine, he taking for his Payment thereof Two Parts in wcolen Cloth wrought in this your feid Realm, and the third Part in redy Money : It is fo, Sovereign Lord, that by the fubtell and crafty Means of fuch Perfons Strangers as have the Sale of fuch Wines, the which have been made Denizens within this your faid Realm, have caufed the Butts of Malmfeys latewards brought into this your faid Realm to be fold, for to be fore abregged and mi- nifhed of the faid Meafure fo largely, that a Butt of their Malmfeys at this Day fcantly holden in Mea- fure Five fcore eight Gallons ; ana befides that they knowing, as it feemcth, what Quantity of fuch Wine may ferve yearly to be fold within this your feid Realm, where they vvere wont to bring hether yearly great Quantity and plenteoufly of fuch Wine to be fold after the Prices aforefaid, of their Crafti- nefs ufe to bring no more hider now in late Dayes, but only as wolle fcantly ferve this Realm a Year, where thrugh they have enhanfed the Price of the fame Wines to Fight Marks a Butt redy Money, and no Cloth, to the great enriching of theymfelf, and great Difceite, Lofs, Hurt, and Damage of you So- vereign Lord, and of all your Commons of this your faid Realm ; in confideration of which Hurts and Damages aforefaid, and for the Reformation of the fame, pleafe it your Highnefs, of your mooft boun- teous and benign Grace, by the Advice and Aflent of your Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and of your Commons, in this your prefent Parliament affembled, for to ordain, enact, and eftabliih in this your prefent Parliament, and by Authority of the fame : Our faid Sovereign Lord the King, by the Advice and Aftent of the faid Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Supplication of the faid Commons in tiie laid Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, hath ordained, eftablifhed, and enacted,' That no Manner Merchant or other Perfon whatfoever he be, from the Feaft of Saint Michael the Arch- Confirmed by angel next coming, (hall bring nor caufe to be brought into this Realm, any Butt of Malmfey to be fold, 2S H - S ' c - •* unlefs it do contain in Meafure at the leaft the laid old Meafure of at C. xxvi. Gallons,. (3) nor no Vef- f- 5 " Ids with any manner Wines, whoever they be, or of what Country they be, nor no Manner of Veffels of Oil, unlefs the fame Veffels of Wine or Oil do contain and hold the Meafure and Affife following, that is to fay, every Tun to contain Twelve fcore and twelve Gallons, and every Pipe to contain Six fcore and fix Gallons, every Tertian to contain Four fcore and four Gallons, and every Hoglhead to contain. Sixty