Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/103

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A. D. 1485* Anno primo Hen rici VII. C. I — 4. 65 Anno primo HENRICI VII. Statutes made at Weftminfter in the Firjl Year of King Henry VII. and in the Tear of our Lord 1485. THE King our Sovereign Lord Henry the Seventh after the Conquefl, by the Grace of God, King of England, mi of France, and Lord of Ireland, at his Parliament holden at Wejlminjler thi vcnthDay of November, in the Firft Year of his Reign, to the Honour of God and holy Church, in I For the common Profit of his Realm, by the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in the faid Parliament afl'embled, and by Authority of the faid Parliament, hath done to be made certain Statutes and Ordinances in Manner and Form following. CAP. I. A Formedon maintainable againft the Pernor of the Profits of Lands enfeoffed to Ufe. The Tenant in the O B. fame Action mall have Aid Prayer, Voucher, and other Advantages. The Tenant mail have his Age and •*"■ ?• f - '*' other Advantages. Recoveries againft the Pernors of the Profits, and their Feoffees. iiCo.6»". zBulftr.63. 1R.1.C.9. 4H.4.C.7. 11H.6.C.3. 4.H.7,c.24. i R. 3. c. 1. 27 H. 8. c. 10. CAP. II. Aliens made Denizens fliall pay ftich Cuftoms as they did before. ITEM, Where in Time pad divers Grants have been made by King Edward the Fourth, as well by Hut. 13*. his Letters Patents, as by Acts of Parliament, to divers Merchants Strangers born out of this Realm, ' to be Denizens, whereby they have and enjoy fuch Freedoms and Liberties, as do Denizens born within ' this Realm, as well in Abatement of their Cuftom, which they mould bear if they were no Denizens, as c in buying and felling their Mcrchandifc, to their great Avail and Lucre ; (2) and oft-times fuffer other ' Strangers, not Denizens, deceitfully to fhip and carry great and notable Subftance of Merchandife in their c Names, by the which the faid Goods be free of Cuftom in like wife as they were Goods of a Denizen, ' where of Right they ought to pay Cuftom as the Goods of Strangers ; by the which they be greatly ad-

  • vanced in Riches and Honour; (3) and after they be fo inriched, for the moft Part they convey themfclves
  • with their faid Goods into their own Countries, wherein they be naturally born, to the great impoverifti-
  • ing of this Realm, and to the great Hurt and Defraud of the King's Highnefs in Payment of his Cuftoms.' „

(4) Wherefore it is enacted, eftablifhed, and ordained by the Advice of the faid Lords Spiritual and Tern- t ] H 'c' '" *g' poral, and Commons, in the faid Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, That any Perfon 2; h. g. e. 8.' made, or hereafter to be made Denizen, fhall pay for his Merchandize like Cuftom and Subfidy, as he ought Repealed as to or fhould pay afore that he were made Denizen ; any Letters Patents, or other Ordinances by Parliament, native Commo- or otherwife, contrary to this made notwithstanding. dines by 25 Car. ' ■ ° 2. c. 6. 1. 1. and by f. 1. explained as to Cuftoms payable by them. And fee farther 2 ff. £? M. c. 4. fell. 3. 1 .1-,:. flat. I. c. 13. 9 Ann, c, 6. ; Cn, I, t, 7. «sl 8 Get. 1. c, 15. C A P. III. Protections mail be allowed in. any Court in Calais, or the Marches thereof. CAP. IV. An A (ft to punifh Priefts, for Incontinency, by their Ordinaries.

  • TTEM, For the more fure and likely Reformation of Priefts, Clerks, and Religious Men, culpable, or '

' X by their Demerits openly reported, of incontinent living in their Bodies, contrary to their Order :' (2) It is enacted, ordained, and eftablifhed, by the Advice and Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in the faid Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, That it be lawful to all Archbifhops and Bifhops, and other Ordinaries, having Epifcopal Jurisdiction, to punifh and chafe ife fuch Priefts, Clerks, and Religious Men, being within the Bounds of their Jurifdiction, as fhall be convicted afore them by Examination, and other lawful Proof, requifite by the Law of the Church, of Advoutry, For- nication, Inceft, or any other flefhly Incontinency, by committing them to Ward and Prifon, there to abid? for fuch Time as fhall be thought to their Difcretioiis convenient for the Quality and Quantity of their Trefpafs ; (3) and that none of the faid Archbifhops, Bifhops, or other Ordinaries aforefaid, be thereof chargeable of, to, or upon any Action of falfe or wrongful fmprifonmtnt, but th.n they be utteily thereof difcharged, in any of the Cafes aforefaid, by Virtue of this Act. Vol. II. K C ,* P. '