Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/105

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A.D. 1+85. Anno pn'mo Hi: nrici VII. C. i<?. 67 ■ 'minjltr the Firft Year ol rehe rfed, not made Deniz( n , » hii h 1 « this I Merchandises brought -from be • Rting t mould do, fell, 01 baiter them in Grofe, and not ' )). lV XV. And ti;-; Money ' comhi i within the feme Port' br Pol • Where they art! ■<.', employ n the Comm this Realm, I iture of the Value, as well ol all the faid Waresana Men handifes kept <■ ant i ii il D: f, or otherwrfe fold then as ahovefaid, and of fo much Monty as fhouid < be 1 contrary to the faid Aft. And that all the laid Merchants of Italy, i 1 light any Merchaqdife or Wares into this Realm 10 he fold, fhould fell or ' barter the fame d Merchandifes in Grofs, and not by Retail, unto the King's Subjects, upon

  • Pain of Forfeiture of the Value of the fame Wares and Merchandifes otherwife fold. And that the

ir laid Wares and Merchandifes, which they fhould bring after the faid Feaft of /.'■-. ' fhould do, batter, 01 fell the fame within Eight Months next after their firft Arrival into this Realm in ' Form at'ni i feid : And the Mom v corning of or by the faid Sale or Batterings of them, and every of them, ' employ a-nd therewith buy the 'Commodities or Merchandifes of this Realm of England within the faid ' Eight Months, in the fame Port or Ports where they fhould firft arrive, their reafdnable Cofts and Expeh- ' ces always except and d. dueled ; and that they fhould in no wife make any Inch Money over by Exchange. 4 A:>d the laid Merchants, their faid Wares and Merchandifes remaining unfold, after the End of the faid ht Months, in no wife fhould fell, nor barter within the faid Realm, but that they fhould carry and • eythem out of the faid Realm, within Two Months then next following after the laid Eight Month-. • if Wind and Weather will fervc it, and elfe as foon as the Wind and Weather will fierve them, after the ' faid Two Months, upon Pain of Forfeiture as well of as much Money as fhould be made out of the faid ' Realm by Exchange, as of the faid Wares and Merchandifes fo fold or bartered after the the End of the

  • faid Eight Months, not carried nor conveyed out of this faid Realm, in Form aforefaiu, or the Value

1 thereof: The Forfeitures, Penalty, and Lois of all the PrcmifTes, to run and be upon the faid Merchants 1 of //.//y, doing contrary to this Aft. And alfo that no Stranger, of what Country foever he were, fhould' ' hoft, or take to fojourn with him within this Realm of England, any Merchant Stranger, not being of the ' fame Nation that he fhould be of, upon Pain to forfeit and lofc at every Time that he fo doth xl. Ii. And ' that no Merchant Stranger be at hoft nor fojourn with any other Merchant Stranger, not being of his Na- ' tion or Country, within the faid Realm, upon Pain of xl. Ii. And that no Stranger fball buy any Wooll, the ' which fhall be fent or pal's through the Streights of Marrock, by GajHfes, Carracks, or Ships, or other Vef- ' fels, forted, clacked, or barbed, nor any Wooll, whereof Locks or Refufe fhould be made, but that the fame ' Wooll fhould be as it were fhorn, and clean wound, without any forting, barking, or clacking, or Locks 4 or Refufe thereof to be made, as it is aforefaid, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame Wooll, and thedou- ' bio Value thereof, as by the fame Act more plainly may appear. Alfo that the faid Merchants of Italy fhould ' have and convey their Wooll, Woollen Cloth, and all their other Merchandifes, over the Streights of ' Marred, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame, as by the fame Aft plainly appeareth.' The King our faid Sovereign Lord, by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in-this prefeht Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame, hath ordained, effablifhed, and do to be enacted, That the abovefaid Forfeitures, Penalties, Seizure, and Actions, comprifed in the faid Afts, and every of them, be revoked, void, annulled, and of no Strength, a°,ainft all Manner of Perfons, except and referved only to the King, to be at Liberty, to have andenjoy all Manner Seizures, Forfeits, and Penalties in the faid Afts (penned : And that it be lawful to the King, to grant to his Befeec.aers his Letters of fafe Conduft, and Letters Patents, furely to be enjoyed, according to the Tenors thereof, the abovefaid Aft and Afts not- withftanding, in as ample wife as though they had never been had nor made. The Second Parliament,^ balden in Third Tear of Kzvg Hen. VII. THE King our Sovereign Lord Henry the Seventh, by the Grace of God King of England arid of France, and Lord of Ireland, at his Parliament holder) at IVeJiminfler the Ninth Day of A. in the Third Year of his Reign, to the Worfhip of God and holy Church, and for the common Wealth of this his Realm, by theAdvic'e of his Lords Spif it'uaV and Temporal, and the Commons in the prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame Parliament, hath Ordained and cftablifhed cer- tain 'Statutes and Ordinances, in Manner and Form as hereafter enfuetn.' K 2 CAP.