Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/123

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A. D. 1494. Anno undccimo Henrici VII. C. 12, 13. c a p. xii. A Mean to help and fpeed poor Pcrforn in their Suits. tyne rower to lue according to the L,aws oi mis Liana tor toe ticarcis or injuries ai may ft.

  • Wrongs to them daily done, as will concerning their Perfons and tbeic Inheritance, as other Cau reran

(2) For Kcmcdy whereof, in the Behalf of the poor Perfons of thi , Land, not able to lue for their Remedy PauperU. after the Courfeof the Common Law; be it ordained and enacted by your Highnel's, and by the Lords Spi- ritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament anembled, and by Authory of the fame, That every poor Perfon or Perfons, which have, or hereafter (hall have Caufe of Action or Actions agamic. any Perfon or Peifons within this Realm, fhall have by the Difcretion of the Chancellor of this Realm for the time being, Writ or Writs Original, and Writs of Subbccna, according to the Nature of their Caufes, therefore nothing paying to your Highncfs for the Seals of the fame, nor to any Perfon for the writing of the fame Writ and Writs to be hereafter fued ; ( ;J and that the faid Chancellor for the time being fhall allien fuch of the Clerks which fhall do and ufe the making and writing of the fame Writs, to write the fame ready to be fcaled, and alio learned Counfel and Attornics for the lame, without any Reward taking therefore : If) And after the faid Writ or Writs be returned, if it be afore the King in his Bench, the JufUces there mall aflign to the fame poor Perfon or Perfons, Counfel learned, by their Difcretions, which fhall give their Counfels, nothing taking for the fame: (5) And likewife the juitices fhall appoint Attorney and Attornic3 for the fame poor Perfon or Perfons, and all other Officers requifite and neccilary to be had for the Speed of the faid Suits to be had and made, which fhall do their Duties without any Reward for their Counfels, Help, and Bufinefs in the fame : (6) And the fame Law and Order fhall be obferved and kept of all fuch Suits to be made afore the King's Juftices of his Common Place, and Barons of his Exchequer, and all other Juftices in the Courts of Record where any fuch Suit fhall be. C A P. XIII. Who only may carry a Horfe out of this Land without the King's Licence. The Cuftom and Price of a Mare to be tranfported. ITOrafmuch as many Horfes and Mares of the Breed of this Land now of late have been carried and con- ' veyed out of the fame into the Parts beyond the Sea, which caufeth not only the fmaller Number of ' good Horfes to be within this Realm for the Defence thereof, but alfo the great and good Plenty of the fame ' to be in the faid Parts beyond the Sea, that in Times paft were wont to be within this Land, and over that

  • the Price of every of them to be greatly enhanfed here, to the Lofs and Noyance of all the King's Subjects
  • within the fame:' {%) For Remedy whereof be it ordained, enacted, and eftablifned, by the King our £ .^ fl ' a "

Sovereign Lord, by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent , L this Realm Parliament afl'embed, and by Authority_of the fame, That/rom henceforth no Manner of Perfon ne Perfons without the r '14. viii.d. at the Time of the Seifure upon the faid Forfeiture, or elfe it be not forfeit : (3) And at the Time Qg.'if j n vfc ? of Seifure of the faid Mare or Mares, they fhall be prifed by the Head Officers of the 1 own where any fuch Mo Mare above Mare is taken, and there openly to be fold at the belt Price, and the half-deal of the over Price of her, be- the Value of ing above vi. s. viii. d. to be to the King, and the other Half to him that feifeth ; and the King's Part thereof "• s - x!;d ft;l11 to be delivered to the Cuftomer of the faid Port, (4) And that no Manner Perfon ne Perfons hereafter carry • t jj t?ti°ieeee or convey any Mare or Mares out of this Land, except every of the faid Mares fo carried be of the Age of n'„ Mare frail Three Years at the leaft, and not over the Price of vi, s. viii. d. paying to the King for every of them, being be tranfyoited not above the Value of vi. s. viii. d. fo to be carried or conveyed in the fame Port, fuch Cufloms as hath been except, fl.e be for Mares before ufed ; (5) and that for every Mare of more Value hereafter by the King's Licence after Three Years the Form aforefaid conveyed or carried beyond the Sea, the Owner thereof, or his Deputy, Affignee, or "bo've^die'ivce Servant, fhall pay vi.s. viii. d. for the Cuftom of the fame before it be fhipped, under the Pain of Forfeiture f vis. viiid. of every Mare fo fhipped ere they be cuftomed. (6) And over that it be enacted, That if any Perfon at the The Cuftom of Port will give for any of the Mares fo to be carried vii. s. that it be lawful to him fo giving and paying the a Mare &»»£■ faid vii. s. to take the faid Mare, if fhe be not afore taken by the King's Officer, nor the King's Licence be P?.'. te * J "v*; not in that Behalf aforefaid, for the fame Mare to be carried, obtained. (7) Provided alway, That it fhall p"' e [■) be lawful to every Perfon or Perfons, being Denizens, hereafter to carry a Horfe beyond the Sea, the King's Any Deniren Licence in that Behalf not obtained, for their own Ufe, not intending at the Time of the fhipping of the may carry a fame, nor then fully purpofed to fell him, and that Intent to be known by the Oath of him that fhall fo Horfe t"; tnd . (hip the fame Horfe, taken before the Cuftomer or Searcher of the fame Port, this Act notwithstanding. ufe.°' lEd. 6. c. e. Rep. 5 El. c. 19. Stefanber «mcermr.g-Hwja, *7 if. 8. c. 6. 32/7.8.03. 2 & 3 P. St M. c. 7. 8 £&e. c. 8. 31 Elix. c. 12. II 7«. I. f. iS./kS. i». 13 Geo. z. c. 19. and lZGco.2. c. 34. C A P.