Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/132

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94 C. 2-5. Anno duodecimo H e n r i c i VII. A. D. 1496. 5 El. c. 4. pn prentices any Perfon or Perfons hereafter put to the forefaid Occupation, fo that he pafs not Two at once at the moft : (4) And in like wife hereafter every Perfon fhall be at Liberty to put any Apprentice to the afore- '/lierrba"ts'"&c. f a 'd Occupation ; any A£t or Ordinance afore made to the contrary notwithflanding. way take Apprentices, but fucb ivbofe Parents may dijptnd 40 s. of Freehold. Seefartbe. %bH. 8. c. 16. 33H. 8. c. 16. lEd. 6.c. 6. and 13 &nCar.z. c. 5. concerning Worjicds, 5 H. 8, c, 4, 14 £f 15 H. 8. c. 3. 25 11. 8. t, 3, CAP. II. EXP. The Statutes ordained n H. 7. <r. 24 £sf 25. to reftrain Riots and Perjury, continued until the next Parlia- ment. CAP. III. A Repeal of fo much of the Statute of n H. 7. c. 22. as toucheth only the Wages of Artificers, cs^ CAP. IV. B X Pi No Forfeiture given by the Statute of 1 R. 3. c. 8. touching the Length and Breadth of Cloths, fhall be taken before the next Parliament. The Weight of an Englifh Pen- ny, of an Ounce, a Pound, a Gal- Jon, and a Bu- fhel . II H. 7. c. 4. 9 //. 3. fiat. Ii C. 2J. 5I-W. 3. /a;. 1 . 31 £W. 1 . 14 £a 3. flat. 1. r. 12. 25 Ed. 3. _/?«/. 5. c. 9. £f 10. 27 £« 3. _/?ar. 2. c. 10. 34 £</. 3. <:. 5. 13 R. 2. flat. 1. f. 9. 15 R. 2. < 4. 16 /;. 2. <-. 3 . Sff.6.c. 5. The Meafure of a Bufhel, a Gal- lon, a Pound, an Ounce, and a Sterling. 31 Ed. 1. The Weights and Meafures fent to feveral Cities, &c. by the Statute of 11 H. 7. c. 4, being defective, (ha!) be broken, and new fent. All other Bu- rets and Gal- lons {hall be broken. CAP. V. For Weights and Meafures. ' T T 7Hereas afore this Time the King our Sovereign Lord intending the common Weal of his People, ' V V and to avoid the great Deceit of Weights and Meafures long Time ufed within this his Realm, ' contrary to the Statute of Magna Charta, and of other Statutes thereof made by divers of his noble Pro- ' genitors, at his great Charge and Coft did do make Weights and Meafures of Brafs according to old Stand- ' ards thereof remaining within his Treafury : (z) And for that, that one Weight and one Meafure fhould ' be ufed throughout this his Realm, in avoiding of all Fraud and Difcord in that Behalf, it was at the laft ' Parliament, holden the xiv. Day of October in the xj. Year of our faid Sovereign Lord's Reign, ordained, ' That the faid Meafures and Weights mould be delivered to the Knights and Citizens of every Shire and ' City aflembled in the fame Parliament, Barons of the Five Ports, and certain BurgeiTes of Borough Towns, ' furely by them to be conveyed to certain Cities, Boroughs, and Towns fpecified in a Schedule unto the ' fame AcT: annexed, there to remain for ever, to the Intent in the fame A£t more largely declared: (3) ' Which Weights and Meafures, upon more diligent Examination had fith the making of the faid Statute, ' been approved defective, and not made according to the old Laws and Statutes thereof ordained within ' the faid Realm :' (4) Wherefore the King our Sovereign Lord, by the AfTent of his Lords Spiritual- and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament alTembled, and by Authority of the fame, or- daineth, eftablifheth, and ena&eth, That the Meafure of a Bufhel contain viij. Gallons of Wheat, and that every Gallon contain viij. Ii. of Wheat of Troy Weight, and every Pound contain xij. Ounces of Troy Weight, and every Ounce contain xx. Sterlings, and every Sterling be of the Weight of xxxij. Corns of Wheat that grew in the Midft of the Ear of Wheat, according to the old Laws of this Land. (5) And that it pleafeth the King's Highnefs to make a Standard of a Bufhel and a Gallon after the faid Affife, to remain in his faid Treafury forever; (6) and from henceforth the faid new Bufhels and Gallons, lately fent forth, be not ufed nor occupied for no Meafures, but that they be fent again unto the King's Receipt by the Feaft of ' Whitfontide next coming, at the Cofts and Charges of the faid Cities, Boroughs, and Towns, ha- ving the faid Bufhels and Gallons in keeping, upon Pain of to be forfeited to the King; (7) the fame Bufhels and Gallons, fo fent again into the King's Receipt, to be broken, and with the Stuff and Metal of the fame Bufhels and Gallons, other new Bufhels and Gallons, by the Advice of the Treafurer and Under- Treafurer of England for the time being, before the Feaft of A '11 Saints next coming, to be made and fized according to the faid Bufhel and Gallon, which by this prefent Act is ordained to be new made, and to re- main in the faid Treafury, at the Cofts and Charges of the fame Cities, Boroughs, and Towns. (8j And that every City, Borough, and Town within this Realm, which now have, or fhould have had, by Reafon of the faid Act made in the faid Eleventh Year, any of the faid new Bufhels or Gallons, do convey and carry, before the Feaft of St. Andrexv next coming, into every of the fame City, Borough, and Town, a Bufhel and a Gallon newly to be made, as is afore faid, at the Cofts and Charges of the fame City, Bo- rough, and Town, there to remain; (9) and all other Bufhels, Gallons, and Meafures, which be to be made after the Form by this Act: ordained, be marked and ordered after the Form and EfFecT: of the faid A£t made the faid Eleventh Year; (10) and in the mean Seafon to ufe fuch Bufhels and Gallons, as have been ufed laft afore the coming down of the faid new Bufhels and Gallons, and before the making of the faid Statute in the faid Eleventh Year; (11) and that all Penalties in the firft Aft exprefied be of none EffetS until the Feaft of Candlemas, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord God M.CCCC.XCVII. and after the fame Feaft the fame Ait made in the fame Eleventh Year to ftand in full Strength, witii his Penalties, upon the faid Bufhels and Gallons new to be made, as it fhould have done upon the faid new Bufhels and Gallons made afore the making of this prefent Aft, if this Ac~r had not been made. (12) And that it be ordained by the faid Authority, That after the faid new Buflvls and Gallons be made according to this prefent Act,, that all other Bufhels, and Gallons of Brafs, remaining as well in the faid Treafury, as in ail other Places of England, be before the Feaft of Chrijhnas next coming damned and broken, upon Pain ofxx.ti. to be le- vied upon every City, Borough, and Town, .or any other Place, having the keeping of the common Mea- fures,