Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/134

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96 Anno duodecimo Henrici VII. A. D. 1496. The Remedy t the Party gricv ed, to recover the Forfeiture Goods, Wares, and Merchandifes, fn or at any of the faid Marts, more or above the Sum of Ten Mark Sterling only, upon Pain of Forfeiture to our faid Sovereign Lord, for every Time that he doth the contrary of this Act, xx. li. and alfo to forfeit to the Parties grieved in this Behalf Ten Times fo much as he contrary ,f to this piefent A£t taketh of him ; (9) and that the Parties fo grieved mail have in this Behalf an Action of - Debt for the faid Forfeiture of Ten Times, in any of the King's Courts within this Realm, by Writ, Bill, Plaint, or Information ; and fuch Procefs to be made in the fame, as is or ought to be made in or upon an ' Aclioii of Debt at the Common Law; (10) and the Trial thereof to be had in fuch Shire, City, Town, or Place where the faid Action is commenced or fued ; ( 1 1 ) and that the Defendant in any fuch A6lion be See farther i not Emitted to wage his Law, (12) nor none Effoin nor Protection be for fuch Defendant admitted or al- ja£i. e.'i. lowed in that Behalf. Jccl.I. for a free Trade to Spain, &c. and 4. Jac. I. r. 9. fcB. 3. CAP. VII. Of Murder. HERE abominable and wilful prepenfed Murders be by the Laws of God and of natural Reafon forbidden, and are to be efchewed ; yet not the lefs, many and divers unreafonable and deteftable Perfons, lacking Grace, wilfully commit Murder, to the high Difpleafure of God, and contrary to all

  • the Laws abovefaid, (2) and moreover againft their natural and obliged Duty, wilfully commit prepenfed '
  • Murder, in flaying their Mafter, or their immediate Sovereign, under whom he or they be, or oweObe-

' dience, in Trull to efchew the Peril and Execution of the Law by the Benefit of their Clergy: (3) In"" ' Hope' whereof, of late one 'James Grame, late of London, Yeoman, wilfully alTented and prepenfed the ' Murder of one Richard Tracy Gentleman, then his Mafter, by him and his prepenfed Affent, the Ninth ' Day of February laft paft, at Brenttvood in the County of EJJ'ex, murdered and flain, to the right perilous' ' Enfample of other evil difpofed :' (4) Wherefore, and in avoiding of like Mifchiefs to enfue, by the Af- fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Common', in this prefent Parliament ailembled, and by ' Authority of the fame, be it enacted, That the faid James Grame, for the Murder of the faid Richard Tracy his late Mafter, be attainted of the faid Murder as a Felon that hath offended in Pety Treafon ; and that the fame James, for the fame Murder, fhall be drawn, and hanged in fuch Manner and Form, as by the " Lav/ of this Land hath been ufed in fuch Cafes, as Perfons being no Clerks, doing like Murder, have or ' ought to be punifhed, any Privilege of his Clergy, or his Demand of the fame notwuhftanding. (cj Alfo be it ordained by the faid Authority, That if any Lay Perfon hereafter prepenfedly murder their Lord, Ma- fter, or Sovereign immediate, that they hereafter be not admitted to their Clergy; (6) and after Conviction or Attainder of any fuch Perfon fo hereafter offending had after the Courfe of the Law, that the fame Perfon " be put in Execution as though he were no Clerk. 1 Ed. 6. c. 12. James Grame murdered Ri- chard Tracy his Mafter. No Lay Perfon ■which doih pur- pofely murder his Mafter, &c. ftall have his Clergy. . 23 H. 8. c. 1. EXP. 11 H. 7. c. i£ 6 Co. 27. Dyer zii. EXP. Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 19 Hen. VII. and Anno Dom, 150 0° HENRICUS Dei gratia Rex Anglias, & Francis, & Dominus Hiberniae, vicecomiti EiTex falutem. Praecipimus tibi firmiter injungentes quod in fingulis locis infra ballivam tuam, tarn intra libertates ' quam extra, ubi magis expediens videris, publicas proclamationes quorundam ftatutorum & ordinationum in ultimo parliaments noftro aucloritate ejufdem parliament! editorum fieri facias in forma fequenti. THE King our Sovereign Lord Henry the Seventh after theConqueft, by the Grace of God King of England and of France, and Lord of Ireland, at his Parliament holden at IVcftminfier the Six- teenth Day of January/in the Ninteenth Year of his Reign, to the Honour of God and holy Church, and for the common Weal and Profit of this his Realm, by the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and-' Temporal, and the Commons, in the laid Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame Parliament, hath done to be made certain Statutes and Ordinances in Manner and Form following.' CAP. I. For Attendance upon the King in his Wars. What he mall forfeit who doth not attend upon the then King in his own Perfon, when he is perfonally engaged in Wars. From what Time, and until what Time every fuch Attendant in Wars fhalJ be paid Wages. To what Perfons this Statute doth not extend. CAP. II. No Cuftom mall be paid for good Bow-ftaves brought into this P„ealm until the next Parliament. CAP. III. The Statute of 1 1 H. 7. c. 24. which giveth an Attaint in certain Cafes, continued until the next Parliament. CAP.