Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/144

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io6 C. 22— 24. Anno decimo nono H e n r i c i VII. A. D. 1503. CAP. XXII. E*p, 4 H. 7. A Repeal of a former Statute prohibiting Men of Calais to be Factors for Merchants Strangers in England. CAP. XXIII. For the Merchants of the Hanfee. All Statutes, IDE it ordained, eftablifhed, enacted, and provided by the King our Sovereign Lord, by the Advice of the &-<■. made in JQ Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons of the fame, in this prefent Parliament aiTembled, riTafe halts f° r Merchants of the Hanfe of Almoin, having the Houfe in the City of London, commonly called Guill- Uthe^till-yard., hallda Teutonicorum, That by the Authority of thisfaid Parliament every Aft, Statute, or Ordinance, Afts, ihall be repealed! Statutes, or Ordinances heretofore made concerning Merchants, Merchandifes, or other Wares, extend not to the Prejudice, Hurt, or Charge of the faid Merchants of the Hanfe, contrary to their ancient Li- berties, Privileges, free Ufages, and Cuftoms of old Time granted to the faid Merchants of the Hanfe, as well by the King's noble Progenitors, and ratified and confirmed by the King's Grace, as by Authority of divers Parliaments ; (2) but that all fuch Aft, Statute, and Ordinance, Acts, Statutes, and Ordinances fo made, or to be made, in Derogation of their faid Liberties, Privileges, free Ufages, and Cuftoms, ftand and be, as againft the faid Merchants and their Succeffors, and every of them, void, repealed, adnulled, and of none Effeft ; any Aft, Statute, or Ordinance, Afts, Statutes, or Ordinances to the contrary made This Statute or to be made notwithftanding. (3) Provided alway, That this Aft, or any Thing therein contained, ex- fhali notpreju- ten( j noi ^ or b e j n an y w ;f e prejudicial or hurtful to the Mayor, Sheriffs, Citizens or Commonalty of the tl" ol'lh^d P' tv °f London, or any of them, or the Succeffors of any of them, of or for any Entries, Liberties, Pri- vileges, Franchifes, or other Thing to them or any of them given or granted by the King's moft noble Progenitors or PredecefTors Kings of this Realm, or by Authority of Parliament, or otherwife ; this prefent Aft or any Thing therein contained notwithftanding. CAP. XXIV, For holding the Shire-Court at Chichefter and Lewes. ? TN Confideration that the Shire-Court of and for the Shire of Sujfex is held and kept in the City of Chi- f 1 chejler, which is in the extream Part of the fame Shire, the lame Shire being Ixx. Miles in Length ;

  • by reafon whereof divers and many of the King's Subjefts, inhabiting that Shire, are fometimes out-

' lawed, and fometimes lofe great Sums of Money in that Court ere they have Knowledge thereof, to

  • their utter undoing :' (2) Be it therefore enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That

from the Feaft of Eajler next coming, the Shire-Court for that Shire fhall be holden and kept one Time at Ste2& *Ed.6. Chichejler aforefaid, and the next Time at the Borough of Leives, which Borough is in the midft of that cg.i.iof)ickprq- Shire, and fo to be kept alternh vicibus for ever; (3) and every Shire-Court holden to the contrary hereof, ■v'lda that County and all Things therein done, to be void. Courts /kali he held every Month* Here end the Statutes or King Henry the Seventh. Anno primo H E N R I C I VIII. Statutes made at Weftminfter in the Firft Tear of King Henry VIII. and in the Tear of our Lord 1509. THE King our Sovereign Lord Henry the Eighth after the Conqueft, by the Grace of God King of England and of France, and Lord of Ireland, at his prefent Parliament holden at Wcftminfter the One and twentieth Day of January, in the firft Year of his moft noble Reign, after the Proroga- tion, to the Honour of God and of holy Church, and for the Common Weal and Profit of this Realm, by the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembleq,

  • and by Authority of the fame, hath done to be ordained, made and enafted, certain Statutes and Ordi^ |
  • nances, in Manner and Form following.'