Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/147

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A. D. i kco. Anno primo H f.n Ricr VIII. C. 9. 199 IV. And that no Sheriff", nor other Perfon, which fh ill or ought to return Writs or Precrpf, return Wbn '-mJt tiers, ii] Perfon or Pei fons to inquire ol any I . . I the 1 im Jury i rned, or oth :r to their Ufe, have Lands or Tenement i of the yearly re'"'., of x/s. within the fame Shire where th>- fame inquiry (lull he made, without fraud or ( and Rcprifes, upon Pain of Forfeiture for every Perfon fo returned U.S. (?) Arid thai I ; Intent that the faid Commiffiom r or Efeheator may not change nor imbefil the faid Offices or Inquifitions ; (i) and this to be done upon Pain of every of the faid Perfons that fhall be (worn, at. j. (4) And that AnEf : every Efeheator and Commiffioner, (after a Jury or Inqucft before any of them fvvorn, be ready to give "">" their Verdict or Prefentment, and offer to prefent the fame) that the faid Efeheator or Commiffioners, or ) Part of th< m, fhall receive the fame Verdict without further Delay, upon Pain of C. li. (5) and deliver the ,,c Counterpane of the Indenture to the Jury, in Form above rehearfed, upon like Pain. (6) And that if the An Cffi: f Clerk of the Petit Hag of the King's Chancery for the time being, or his Deputy or Deputies, or any* 1 " 1 Officer there, having Authority, to receive any fuch Office or inquifition, to whofc Hands any fqcp ! Office or Jnqirifitioii ftiall come, which ought to be returned into the laid Chancery, will not receive the found ottered -m- f'jine Office or Inquifition, and put it on the Files to remain of Record, within Three Days after it be re- to him, d or oflered to him to be received, he to forfeit for every fuch Default xl. li. (7) And the Commif- ironthe fioners or Efeheator before whom the fame Office or Inquifition is found, (and as is aforefaid) offered to j^ fi '7'- be delivered into the Chancery, to be discharged of the Penalty of xl. li. limited by Statute for non-return- ,gjj g C ' ing of the fame Office or Inquifition within the Month ; (SJ and that the like Law and Penalty be to officers of the charge the Officer or Officers of the King's Exchequer for the time being, which ought to receive In- Exchequer muft quifitions or Offices returnable into the fame Exchequer, for refilling fo to receive them; (o) and that the active Offi a Commiffioners or Efeheator, before whom the faid Inquifitions or Offices be found, be difcharged of the *j ound and 'f n_ Penalty of the Statute for non-returning of the fame Inquifitions or Offices, fo that then the faid Efcheat- i^£j nt f '%' or or Commiffioners, at any Time after the Month of any fuch Offices before them or any of them , taken, within another Month then next enfuing, return the faid Office into the Chancery or Exchequer, as the Caufc fhall require ; (10) and that the faid Clerk of the Petit Bag for the time being certify, or caufe A Tranfcript of to be certified, the Tranfcript of every fuch Office or Inquifition, taken before any Commiffioners or Ef- arl offi , c _ e fta i,l chcator, to the King's Exchequer the next Term following the Receipt thereof, upon Pain of Forfeiture I* e«tifiedjnto for every fuch Default C. s. (ir) And that no Man be compelled, after the Feaft of All Saints next NoneVaUb' coming, to occupy norexercife the Office of an Efeheator by any one Patent over One whole Year; (12) Efeheator ibove and that he that is once Efeheator, fhall not be made Efeheator again within Three Years after the fore- a Year, faid whole Year ended. (13) And if any Efeheator afterthe Feaft of All Saints be made Efeheator, or ex- Thc Penjuiesof ercife his Office by Reafon of one Patent over the Time of one whole Year ended, or be made Efeheator the offender?, "' within three Years after, as is aforefaid, that then after the faid whole Year in Form aforefaid ended, his and who (hall Patent fo made to be void and of none Effect ; (14) and that the Party or Parties fo grieved, fhall have his ha " ,he Bcr » fit or their Recovery of every the faid Forfeitures of one C. li. by Action of Debt, (15) in which Action the "i^tM.^ ' y Defendant fhall not wage his Law, nor be by Protection nor Effoin, &c. (16) And the Refidue of the other Forfeitures exprefled in this prefent Act, the King fhall have the one Moiety thereof, and the Party that will fue therefore by Action of Debt the other Moiety ; and the Defendant fhall have no other Delay, but as is aforefaid. V. Provided alway, That this Act concerning Efcheators for exercifingof their Office over an whole who may be Year together, and Letters Patents or Grants made or to be made by any Efeheator for Term of Life, or Eichcator's above for Years, or otherwife, extend not, ne be prejudicial to any Efeheator that now is, and that hereafter ° ne Year » and fhall be made and ordained in any City or Town Corporate, or in the Duchies of Ldncafler, Cornwall, y what Mc:ns - and the Counties Palatines of Lancajhr, Chelhr, Durham, or Ely, or to any other County Palatine within the Realm of England, Wales, or the Marches of the fame; or to any Efeheator made, or hereafter to be made, by any Perfon or Perfons Spiritual or Temporal, having Authority by Reafon of any Franchifes, Liberties, Privileges, Prefcriptions, or Grant, to depute or make any fuch Efeheator in the fame. VI_. Provided alio, That this Act, as to any Penalty in the fame concerning the Sufficiency of Efcheators In what Ph tained in the faid Act ; the Efcheatpr of the County Palatine of Lancyhr and Cfccfter in this Provifo only to rep riled and excepted. '.'.' juft. ofP&ce' ■VII. Provided alfo, That this Act extend not," nor be prejudicial to any Juftices of the Peace, for any fl»|l not ha P re- Thine; done concerning the Commiffioiv of the- Peace. • .. ' judiced by this Vlfr. Provided alfo, That nothing penal contained in this prefent Act take Effect before the Feaft of~ ',- , . r* ,) ■ ii*Ami 1 t-»i- v-onnrmcc Etna jL-ajtcr next coming; and this Act to endure to the next Parliament. made P < I by 3 H. 3. c. 1. See farther 2 & 3 Ed. 6, . . 8. CAP. IX. The Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper may appoint Two, Three, or Four Perfons to receive Toll or Cuf- P R«  torn, and to imploy the fame upon the Repair of the Bridge of Stanes in the County of Middkjex, and to yield Accompt thereof. C A P.