Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/149

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A. D. 1 5 1 1. Anno terlio Men rici VIII. C. i — 7. 111 Statutes made at Wcftminfter, Anno 3 Men. VIII. a?id Anno Dom. 1511. € p | " ^ ]? King our Sovereign Lord Henry the Eighth after the Conqueft, by the Grace of God King « nt England and of France, and Lord of Ireland, at his Parliament holden?iX.lVcjlm ]hr the Fourth c JL j3 a y f February, in the Third Year of his moft Noble Reign, to the Honour of God and holy 'Church, and for thi common Weal and Profit of this Realm, by the Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and ' Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame, hath ' done to be made certain Statutes and Ordinances, in Manner and Form following.' C A P. I. Every Perfon that fhall carry over the Sea any Money, Plate, and Jewels, EjrY. fiiall forfeit the double Value. EXP. To endure to the next Parliament. CAP. II. The Statute made Anno i H. 8. c. 8. concerning Efcheators, Commiflioncrs, finding and returning of Offi- ces, rehearfed, confirmed, and made perpetual. CAP. III. All Sorts of Men under the Age of Forty Years fhall have Bows and Arrows, and ufe Shooting; certain R ep .3 3 H. 8. Perfons excepted, Ufe. (z) Unlawful Games fhall not be ufed. c. 9. 6H,s.c.2. CAP. IV. Every Perfon that is or fhall be in the King's Wars beyond the Sea, or upon the Sea, fhall have a Protection e X P. of ProfcHurus, or Aloraturus cum claufula Volumus; (2) and he may aliene his Lands holden in Capite Raft. pi. f. 453. without Licence; and if he die in that Service, his Heir within Age and in Ward, (3) his Executors, 4 H - 7- '■ 4- Feoffees, or Aflxgns, fhall have the Wardfhip and Marriage toward the Performance of his Will. 7 H. 7. c. z. fc 3. C A P. V. An Ac"t for Payment of Wages to Soldiers. The Peril enfuing of a Captain's lacking his prefixed Number 6 Co . ,-, of Soldiers. Penalty on a Captain not having his full Number of Soldiers, or detaining any Part of their - inft. 86, S7. Pay. It is Felony for a Soldier to depart from his Captain without Licence. JufHces of the Peace may 13 H. 6. c. 19. inquire of, hear, and determine thefe Offences. The Captain fhall be difcharged, if his Soldiers die, or S El - ° 5- depart from him. This Act doth not extend to the Houfhold Servants of a Captain. Only relates to the 2 f 3 ^ -6; c :f' b*. j.TT n 4 & 5 Pn. & M. Reign of Henry 8. . r. 3. CAP. VI. 7H.7.C.1. The feveral Duties of a Breaker, Kember, Carder, Spinner, Weaver, Fuller, Clothier, and Aulneger, e X P. concerning true Making, Drawing, and Sealing of Woollen Cloths. To endure to the next Parliament. 5&6Ed. 6.c 6. '■() El. c. 20. CAP. VII. 43E, - C - 10 - An Act for perfect Working of Cloths before they fhall be carried out of" the Realm.

  • W7 HERE at the Parliament holden at JVcftminJler the Ninth Day of November, the Third Year of A Reflramt of

' W the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord, King Henry the Seventh (whole Soul God pardon) it was <Jie tranfportini ' fhewed by Shearmen, Fullers, and other Artificers, that fhould live and obtain their needy Suftentation cf WooIlenCIoth

  • by mean of Drapery made and draped within this Realm,?.s well throughout the fame Realm, as within j"'^" 5 " h f ful "

' the City of London, (2) That whereas in a Statute made the Seventh Year of the Reign of King Ed- ftonT&c.' ' ward the Fourth, amongft other it was contained, That no Perfon (Denizen nor Stranger) fhould car- 7 Ed'4. c. 3. ' ry, or do to be carried to any Parts beyond the Sea, any Woollen Yarn nor Cloth unfulled, but the

  • Woollen Yarn to be made in this Realm fhould be woven in the fame; (3) and alfo all Cloth within the
  • fame made, fhould be fulled and fully wrought within the fame, before that any of the fame fhould be

' had or carried out of this Realm, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the very Value of fuch Yarn not woven,

  • and Cloth not fulled, had or carried out of this Realm, (4) the one Half of the fame Forfeiture to be

"* levied to the Ufe of the King, and "the other Half of that to him or them that fhould efpy or make Proof ' of any fuch Y'arn not woven, or Cloth not fulled, carried to any Place beyond the Sea. (5) And foraf- ' much as in the faid Statute of King Edward there is no exprefs Mention made, that the faid Cloths fhould be rowed and fhorn before that they be carried and conveyed out of this Realm, whereby the faid ■:. : . uoftu