Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/154

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ji6 C. 4— 7. Anno quarto Henri ci Vlli. A. D. 1512; Action and Suit {hall appear, and be fvvorn to try the IiTues joined in the fame : (z) And that the Sheriff's-' that fhall make any Return upon fuch Diflrefs, contrary to the Form aforefaid, {hall forfeit for every fucli Default x. li. the one Half thereof to be to the King, arid the other Half to the Party that will fue there- fore : (3) And that the Defendant in any fuch Action be not admitted to wage his Law, nor Protection therein for him allowed. (4) This Act *to endure only to the next Parliament, and this Act to take Effect ., „ after the laft Day of December, the Fourth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth. Explained. ^23 H .s .<■ . Hi8 . c<5 . B . f » r 13. for the Trial J ■ J ....„■-. i vf Murders in Cities and Tcwns ; and farther, 35 H. S. c. 6. 27 EL r. 6. 4 W. cSf M. c. 24. 7 & %-W. 3. c. 32. 3 fe? 4 Ant:, c. lS. 3 Geo. 2. c. 25. 4 G:o. 2. c. 7. 6 Geo. i, f, 37. 24 Geo.2. t. 18. aW 29 Geo. 2. c 10. which provide farther for the Qualification, &c. of Jurors. EXP. i>a. 8. c. 4. CAP. IV. Proclamations to give. Warning- to him that dwelling in one County is fued to an Exigent in another. C A P. V. EXP. No Penalties for giving of Wages, allured by any Statute, fhall be impofed-upon the Mafter or a: Giver of" ■12 K.. 2. c. 4. Wages. C A P. VI. this SubfiJy is An Act for fealing of Cloths of Gold and Silver. The Statute of 12 E. 4. c. 3. relating to the fealing of expired. Cloths recited, and the Reafon of its not being executed. The- Penalty for taking any Thing for fealing . •la Ed. 4.C. 3. Cloth, &:c. is xx l. and for delaying to feal a Merchant's Cloth, &c. xl s. CAP. VH. An Aft made for Pewterers, and true Weights and Beams.

  • '"T~ , Q the King; our Sovereign Lord, and the honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the
  • JL Commons,, in this prefent Parliament aflembled; Forafmuch as a certain Aft was made and eftabliftj-
  • ed in the Parliament holden at Wejlminfter the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of the late moft famous King ,

4 your Father, Henry the Seventh (whom God pardon) concerning Pewterers and Brafiers hawking and

  • walking about the Countries, and alio concerning falfe Beams, Scales, and Weights, with a Provifion for

' calling of fine Metal, and of perfect Goodnefs; which Act was made to endure to the next Parliament, ' the Tenor whereof hereafter enfueth : The Tenor of ' II. That where many fimple and evil-difpofed Perfons of this your Realm of England (ufing the faid : the Statute of ' Crafts) daily go about this your" Realm from Village, from Town, and from Houfe to Houie, as well in 19H. 7. c.6. « Woods and Forrefts, as other Places, to buy Pewter and Brafs, (2) and that knowing Thieves, and other concerning Psw^ < pj c k er s, that {leal as welLPewter and Brafs belonging to your Highnefs, and under your Mark, and to the ' Lords Spiritual and Temporal, as to other your Subjects of this your Realm, bring fuch ftolen Veflels unto

  • them in fuch hid Places to fell, and fell it for little or nought, and about they bring it to privy Places, or"
  • into Corners of Cities or Towns, and there fell much Part of it to Strangers, the which carry it over the

' Sea by Stealth ; (3) alfo the faid Perfons (fo going about) and divers other ufing the faid Crafts, ufe to !

  • make new Veflels, and to mix good Metal and bad together, and make it nought, and fell it for good
  • Stuff", where indeed the Stuff and Metal thereof is not worth the Fourth Part that it is fold for, to the -
  • great Hart, Deceit, and Lofs of your Subjects; alfo divers Perfons -ufing the faid Crafts, have deceivable ■

■* and untrue Beams and Scales, that One of them will {land even with Twelve Pounds Weight at the one - 1 End, againfl a Quarter of a Pound at the other End, to the fingular Advantage of themfelves, and to the , ' great Deceit and Lofs of your Subjects, Buyers and Sellers with them :' (4) For Reformation of the Pre-- , , .'pi,. , mifles, it would pleafe your Highnefs of your moft abundant Grace,, with the Advice of your Lords Spiri- •nlv Pewter and tua l an d Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by Authority of the fame, Brafs fhall be to enact and eftablilh, That no Perfon or Perfons, ufing the faid Crafts of Pewterers and Brafiers, from fold or changed, henceforth {hall fell or change any Pewter or Brafs, new or old, at any Place or Places within this your ^ *5 f*- ? , c - 9* Realm, but only in open Fairs or Markets, or in their own Dwelling-hpufes, but if they be defired by the mer 'hall have'a &^ Buyers of fuch Wares, upon Pain, of Forfeiture to our Sovereign Lord the King for every fuch De— Moiety. feuh x. li. Of what Good- III. Aho by the fame Authority it may be enacted and eftablilhed, That no Perfon nor Perfons, of what Bet's Pewter and Condition or Degree foever he or they be, from henceforth within the Cities of London and York, or with- Brafs ought m out ^ either call or work any Pewter Veflels or Brafs, at any Place or Places within this your Realm, but that it be as good fine Metal, as is the Pewter and Brafs call and wrought after the perfect Goodnefs of the fame within the City of London, and by the Statutes of the fame ought to be, upon Pain of Forfeiture of all fuch Pewter and Brafs, fo call and wrought of worfe Pewter or Brafs than ought to be wrought in the fame Cities ; the one Half of every fuch Forfeiture to be to the Ufe of your Highnefs, and the other Half to the Ufe of the Finders thereof. Hollow Wares IV. Provided alway, That this Forfeiture in no wife ftretch, ne extend to Brafs or Pewter, being in the made of -Pewter Poflefiion of any Perfon, other than the Workers of the fame, or fuch as have the fame to fell, and being ley-Metal. of the Craft or Myftery.. (2) Alio, that it may by the fame Authority be enacted and eftablilhed, That nc* Manner of Perfon or Perfons, of what Degree or Condition foever he or they be, from henceforth make no hollow Wares of Pewter, that is to fay, SJalts and Po$s that is made of Pewter called Ley-Metal, but that ' it