Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/159

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A. D. 15 14. Anno fcxto H e n r 1 c 1 VIII. C. 2— 4. 121 CAP. II. The Statute made 3 Anno //. 8. c. 3. concerning Maintenance of Archery, (hooting in Long-Bows, and Pcp*]]H.(. bringing in Bow-Staves into this Realm whercfoevcr, confirmed, and made perpetual. c -9- CAP. IN. The fcvcral Wages of fevcral Sorts of Servants in Hufbandry, Artificers, and Labourers, and the Penalty p vPpi , v,.,.^ of thofe that take more. At what Hours an Artificer and Labourer fhall begin and end his Work, and 711.8 .. 5. what Time he ihall have for bis Meals and Sleep. CAP. IV. An Aft for Proclamations to be made before the Exigents be awarded in foreign Shires.

  • H7^ crc at a Parliament holden at We/lminfter the Fourth Day of February, in the Third Year of the ? t H.%. c. 4.

' VV Reign of our Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth that now is, and from thence (for divers ' urgent CauTes) unto the Fourth Day of November, the Fourth Year of the Reign of our (aid Sovereign ' Lord, prorogued, One good and reasonable Aft was made and ordained, touching Writs of Proclamation ' to be made upon Exigents fucd againft any Pcrlbns in foreign or other Shire, than where fuch Defen-

  • dant be called of; only to endure from thence unto the next Parliament : (2) which Act is now deter-
  • mined, the Effect and true Intent of which (aid Act is thought right available, and commodious, and in
  • avoiding of Outlawries hereafter to be pronounced againft any Perfon by Reafon of fuch foreign Suits,

' to have Continuance, and perpetually to endure:' (t,) Be it therefore, by the King our Sovereign Lord, 5^.'. 3. e. 126* with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament af- '3- fcmbled, and by Authority of the fame Parliament, enacted, ordained, and eftablifhed, That if and where a ^.j ""n"" fo- any Writ of Exigent, at any Time from the Fifteenth Day of Eajler next coming, or after, (hall be re i gn county awarded at the Suit of our Sovereign Lord the King, or any other Perfon or Perfons, Plaintiff" or Plaintiffs, where the in any Action perfonal, againft any Perfon or Perfons called of any Shire or City, being a Shire-corporate of Defendant is itfelf, or elfe late of any fuch Shire or City, other than into fuch Shire or City whereinto fuch Exigent fhall p ". be awarded, to be called according to the Law; (4) and alfo in every Writ of Exigent in any Action per- v hr:^- the Party fonal, whereof the Procefs or Exigent at the (aid Fifteenth Day of Eajler, or after, fhall be directed into ; dwelling in a London or Middle/ex, the Defendant being called late of London, or late of Middlefex, and at the Time of the County Palatine. Exigent awarded not dwelling in London, nor in Middlefex, or elfe that the faid Defendant or Defendants in the fame Exigent dwell in any other Shire or Place than where the King's Writ runneth ; (5) then the Juf- tices before whom any fuch Exigent is to be awarded, in all Actions where the Exigent {hall not be directed into London nor Middlefex, to award a Writ of Proclamation to be directed to the Sneriff of the fame County, where it doth appear by the ufing of fuch Action, that the Party Defendant is or lately was dwelling, if the King's Writ there be current, and elfe to the next Shire adjoining to the County or Counties, or other Places, whereof the Party is called, or lately fuppofed by the faid Exigent to have his Being of, where the King's Writ fo runneth not. (6) And in every Action as aforefaid, whereof the Exigent ihall be directed into London n v er 41 206, or Middlefex, and the Defendant or Defendants in the fame called late of London or of Middlefex, and at 313. Time of the Exigent awarded, not having his or their Dwelling in London or Middlefex, then the Writ of Pro- Bro. Err. io5. clamation to be awarded, made, and directed unto the Sheriff of the Shire, where the Defendant at the Time of the Exigent fo againft him or them awarded fhall have his Dwelling, or, in cafe where the King's Writ runneth not, unto the next Shire thereunto adjoining; (7) the which laid Writ of Proclamation fhall contain the Effect of the fame Action, and that the Sheriff of the County, to whom any fuch Writ of Proclamation Ihall be directed, fhall make Three Proclamations within his County at Three feveral Days, that is to fay, Thr . ec Pr °cla- Two of the fame Proclamations in the full and plain Shire-Court of the fame County, and the Third of For p^lama- the faid Proclamations to be made at the General Seihons in thofe Parts, where the Party Defendant is rionsinCounties fuppofed to be dw lling, or in the Parts of the County next adjoining to the County or Counties where Pa!a:i,-.e, fee the King's Writ runneth not, that the Party Defendant yield himfelf to the Sheriff of the foreign County, J Ed> 6 ; c - IO - to whom any fuch Exigent in any Action perfonal is awarded ; fo that the Sheriff of fuch foreign County l'r & jfc & rt may, upon his yielding, have the Body of the faid Defendant before the Juftices, before whom any fuch Farther provided Exigent is awarded, at the Day in the fame Exigent comprifed, there to anfwer to the Plaintiff in the fame'/wAp 31 El.c.9. according to the Law. II. And that every fuch Writ of Proclamation fhall have the fame Day of Return, as the Writ of Ex- The P.-oclama- igent upon fuch foreign Action fo awarded fhall have : (2) And that every fuch Writ of Proclamation be tion ftaii be delivered of Record to the Sheriff or Deputy of the County, into the which any fuch Writ of Proclamation <tel» v ««<l t0 l!la is to be awarded; (3) and that the Sheriff" of the fame County duly do execute the fame, and thereof shc , n " ot make true Return at the Day of the fame Writ appointed, upon Pain to forfeit fuch Amerciament unto the King our Sovereign Lord, and to his Heirs, as by the Difcretion of the Juftices, before whom fuch Exi- gent fhall be returnable, fhall be fet. III. And that the Officer, in whole Office fuch Exigent is taken, make out the faid Writ and Writs of Proclamation, as hereafter fhall be awarded in any of the faid Courts. IV. And that the fame Officer take no more for the making of any fuch Writ of Proclamation, and the TheOfficer's entring of the fame of Record, but only vi. d. Fee for making V. And if any Outlawry hereafter be had or promulged againft any Perfon or Perfons, in any Action ^outlwvry 0n " perfonal, in any foreign County, and no Writ of Proclamation (as is afore faid) awarded and returned, that '." VOL. II. R . then Writ of Error.