Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/162

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j24 C. 10—13* Anno fexto Hen rici VIIL A. D. 15 14. C ertain Cloths to which this Aft tloth not extend. Commilfuins.of Sewers may be granted accord- ing to the Sta- tutes, 6 H. 6. c. 5. Z H. 6. e. 3. &4H. 7. X. Provided alway, That this AcEl extend not to Woollen Cloths called Kcndals, nor Cloths called Car- penel-zuhites, commonly made for Lining for Hofen, nor to any Cloths called Toflokes, made in the County of Devon, (2) nor to any Woollen Cloths made in the County of Cornwall, nor for any Cottons or plain See the References Lining, or Friefe made or to be made in Wales, Lancajhire, and Cbejhire, or any of them. to the ftiregcing Napier. CAP. X. An Ait for Commiffion of Sewers. HERE in the Parliament of the right noble Prince Henry the Sixth, late King of England holden at Wejlmhifter, the Firft Year of his Reign, One good Statute was made and ordained^ That for Ten Years then next following, feveral Commiffions of Sewers fhould be made to divers Per- fons, by the Chancellor of England for the time being to be named, in divers Parties of this Realm, where Need were, after the Form and Tenor of a Commiffion in the faid Act fpecified ; which Act and other Acts for the Authority of fuch Commiffioners, and Executions of the fame, have fince been made and ordained and continued, as been more plainly rehearled in the Parliament holden in the Fourth Year of the Reign of King Henry, late King of England, the Seventh; and in the fame Parliament the faid Fourth Year it was (among other) enacted and eftablifhed, That for Fifteen Years then following, feve- ral Commiffions of Sewers fhould be made to divers Perfons, by the Chancellor of England for the time being to be named, in all Parties of this Realm, and of the Marches of Caleis, Guines, and Hammes, where Need (hall be, made according to the faid Commiffion contained in the faid Sixth Year of King Henry the Sixth ; and that all fuch Commiffioners fhould have full Power, to make, ordain, and execute Ordi- nances, and all other Things do according to the Purport of the fame Commiffion, which Fifteen Years comprifed in the faid Act aforefaid, been now determined ;' pleafeth it therefore the King our Sovereign Lord, with the AfTent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembled, and by Authority of the fame, to ordain, eftablifh, and enact, That the faid Acts, and all other Acts, and Authorities heretofore made concerning Commiffioners of Sewers, and their Commiffions and Authority, not being before this Time repealed, abide, and ftand from henceforth good and effectual to endure for ever ; and alfo that the Chancellor of England for the time being, fhall have from hence- forth full Power and Authority for ever, to grant Commiffions of Sewers into every Part of this Realm, and the faid Marches, where Need is or fhall be, to certain Perfons by the faid Chancellor for the time being to be named, according to the Form and Effect of the faid Commiffion and Act exprefled in the faid Parliament holden the faid Sixth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Sixth : And over that be it or- dained, enacted, and eftablifhed by the faid Authority, That all fuch Commiffioners have, and fhall have full Power and Authority to put their Commiffion in due Execution, and to make and execute Statutes and Ordinances, and all other Things to do after the Effect and Purport of their Commiffion ; and that all Commiffions of Sewers granted or made fince the faid Twenty Years determined, and the Acts, Ordinances, and all Executions, and other Things by the Commiffioners of the fame, concerning the faid Commiffions, or any Two of the fame Commiffioners, and every Thing in the fame comprifed, be and fhall be, effectual and of like Strength, as if the faid Commiffion had been made or granted within the faid Five and twenty Years, immediately after the faid Parliament holden the faid Fourth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh. II. And alfo be it enacted by the faid Authority, That the Chancellor of England for the time being, fhall make no Commiffion to any Perfon or Perfons for the Execution of this Act, except he have Lands and Tenements of Eftate of Freehold to the yearly Value of Twenty Pounds at the leaft, or elfe be Juftice of Quorum learned, within any of the Shires where he fhall be made Commiffioner. HE And if any fuch Commiffion be directed to any Perfon or Perfons, not having Lands and Tenements to the yearly Value of Twenty Pounds, or not being one of the Juftices of Quorum learned as aforefaid, That every fuch Commiffion, and all Prefentments and Accufations, had and prefented before any fuch Commiffioners, and alfo all and every Fines fet by the faid Commiffioner or Commiffioners, to be utterly void and of none Effect. This Act to endure but for Ten Years, and from the End of the fame Ten Years, unto the next Parliament. 5 H. 8. c. 10. 3 & 4. Ed. 6. c.S. 1 Mar.ftat. 3. r; II. 1$ El. e.g. 3 Jac. 1. c. 14. and 7 Ann. c. io. This AR ferns to be revived by aj-H. 8. c. 5. Ar.d fee farther 2 The Statute of i R. CAP. XL 11 . touching bringing in of Bow-flaves, fhall be extended to Strangers only, not to the King's Subjects* C A P. XIL 14 H. 8. c. 7. 25 H, 8. c. 17 None fhall carry beyond the Sea any Norfolk Wooll meet for the making of Worff eds or Stamins, upon Pain of Forfeiture of Forty Shillings for every Stone. CAP. XIII. Whofoever fhall fhoot in, or keep in his Houfe, any Hand-Gun, or Crofs-Bovv, without the King's Li- cence, fhall forfeit the fame, and Ten Pounds for every Shoot, unlefs he hath to the yearly Value of Three hundred Marks. Rep. 33 H. 8. <r. 6. All former Statutes touching fhooting in Crofs-Bows and Hand-(jiins repealed. '

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