Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/172

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134 C 6. Anno xiv _& xv Henri ci VIII. A, D. 1522-3. 5 Crofs, fending nigh to a great Oak, named Hempjied Oak^ which is in Length upon an Hundred four- ' fcore and ten Perches ; which common Way fo ufed is in divers Places thereof right deep, and noyous for ' the Paffage of your People, and alfo is not fo directly leading between the faid Bridget and Crofs, neither fo c commodious for your People, as another Way of like Breadth in other Places within and over the Lands c of the faid Manor might be made.' GuHeford may II. In Consideration, whereof, it may pleafe your Highnefs, of your bleffed Difpofition, with the Affent of lay out a new the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Way in the Ma- Authority of the fame, to enaft and ordain, That it fhall be lawful to your faid Befeecher, his Heirs, and fted ana 'then Affigns, Owners of the faid Manor of Hemp/led, at his and their proper Cofts and Charges, at any Time keep in feveral before the Twenty fixth Day of May, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord God M.D.XXVII. by the the old. Overfight and AfTent of Two Juftices of Peace of the faid County of Kent, and Twelve other difcreet Men, . Inhabitants within the faid Hundreds of Cranebrook and Rolvinden, to affign, limit, and lay out, over and through the Lands of the faid Manor, one other Way for Carriages and Paffages of your Grace, and of your People, and of your and their Heirs and Succeffors, of as great Largenefs in Breadth, or larger than the faid old Way now being is, and as commodious for the faid Carriages and Paffages, as the fame Way now being is, or better, extending and leading directly between the faid Bridge and Crofs, fo that your Grace and your People, by the faid new Way fo to be affigned and laid out, fhall have the more eafy Carriage and Paffage than is, or of late Time hath been, by the faid old Way ; (z) and that after the faid new Way fo laid out and affigned, the faid Carriages, Paffages, and other Bufinefs there, may be as liberally, commonly, and freely from thenceforth there ufed and had for ever, and every other Thing there exercifed and kept, as be- fore this Time hath been had, ufed, exercifed, and kept in the faid old Way, without Let or Interruptionpf the faid George, s Heirs, or Affigns, or any other Perfon, which hereafter fhall have, hold, or poffefs the faid Manor; (3) and that immediately after that the faid new Way (as is aforefaid) to be affigned and limited, fhall be (as is abovefaid) laid out, and fully made, it fhall be lawful to your faid Befeecher, his Heirs, and Affigns, Owners of the faid Manor, to inclofe the faid old Way, and every Part thereof, and that from henceforth to hold in Severalty to them, and to their Heirs and Affigns, to their own Ufe and Profit for ever, as Parcel of the faid Manor, without any common Way or Paffage there from thenceforth to be had or claimed ; any Prefcription or Ufe to the contrary heretofore had notwithstanding. Any Perfon may ' III And in Confideration that many other common Ways in the faid Weld of Kent, be fo deep and lay out a more ( noyous, by Wearing, and Courfe of Water, and other Occafions, that People cannot have their Carriages Wa^n'tnT ' or P aur " a g es by Horfes upon or by the fame, but to their great Pains, Peril, and Jeopardy:' it may be by Wild of Kent the faid Authority enacted and eftablifhed, That if any other Perfon or Perfons, any Time hereafter, in by the AfTent of any Place within the faid Weld of your faid County, of his good Mind and Difpofition, without any Value Two Juftices of of Good by him or them to be received for the fame, will for the common Weal of your People, affign and lay the Peace, and oui: a more commodious Way, in and over the Lands thereunto adjoining, whereof the Perfon or other to Stoat' Hundred" ms Ufe fhall be feifed of Fee in Eftate of Inheritance, that the fame new Way fo to be affigned and laid out, and keep feveral by Overfight and Affent of Two Juftices of Peace of the faid County, and Twelve other difcreet Men, in- theold. habiting within the Hundred where any fuch new Way fhall be limited and laid out, or inhabiting within the fame Hundred and other Hundreds to that Hundred next adjoining, fhall be from thenceforth holden, occupied, and ufed in like Manner as the old Way there now is, or before hath been. IV. And that alfo the fame Perfon or Perfons fo difpofed, willing and accomplishing the fame, fhall and may, for the faid new Way fo affigned and ufed, retain, and hold in Way of Recompence for the fame new Way fo to be given, the Soil and Ground of the old Way in Severalty, as is abovefaid, to him or them, and to their Heirs for ever, in like Manner as is abovefaid of the faid new Way to be affigned at Hempjied; The Juftices and (2) and that the faid Two Juftices of Peace, and Twelve other difcreet Perfons, by whofe Overfight and sij. Men fhall Affent the faid new Way at Hempjied, or any other Way by.virtue of this Aft fhall be hereafter affigned, ™f the new wT limited, and laid out, fhall within Three Months next after the Affignment, Limitation, and laying out of into the Chan- the fame, make Certificate into the King's moft honourable Court of Chancery under their Seals, of the- ceiy. Length and Breadth of the fame new Way or Street, and of other Things adjoining or concerning the fame, as by their Difcretions fhall be thought moft expedient or requilite for the Common Wealth of that County to be certified ; (3 ) and that Certificate to be made from time to time, as oft as any fuch new Way or Street fhall be affigned, limited, and laid out in Form above written. 1 V. Provided alway, That if any Perfon or Perfons, or Body Politick, have, or ought to have, or here- after fhall have any Church-way ., or other whatfoever Way or Paffage, over or through any Manner Lands adjoining to any of the faid old Ways or Streets, which fhall be taken and ufed by Force of this Act, as fe- Veral Soil, and Freehold, in Recompence for any new Way to be made and laid out in Form aforefaid, Or have, or ought to have, or hereafter fhall have any Lands or Tenements adjoining to the faid old Way; that they, and every of them, their Heirs and Succeffors, fhall and may have and ufe their faid Way, or Ways, out of, and into the faid new Way, over and through the Land of the faid old Way or Street, into or over the faid Land or Tenement adjoining to the fame, ""and fo to pais and repafs, as fhall appertain, over They which the fame old Way, at fuch convenient Place or Places thereof, as therefore fhall be limited and affigned by have any Way the faid Two JuStice? of Peace, and other Twelve Men, and by them to be certified into the Chancery, through the old amon cr other Things by them to be certified in Form aforefaid ; any thing in this Aft above written notwith- Way,™y»fe.t. ftandjngi bee 26 H. 5. o & 7. dire£ir,g this Acl to be put in Execution in the County of Stiff ex. CAP. VII. Rep. 33 H. 8. Any Pe_rfon that hath Lands to the yearly Value of C. J. may.fhoot in Crofs-bows and Hand-guns ftotwith- «•*■ Standing the Statute of 6 H. 8. c. 13. All former Placards granted by the King for Shooting in either of > 25 H. 3. c. 17. them fi-^ii b e vcid< CAR