Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/174

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136 C. 12— 14. Anno xiv 8c xv Henri ci VXII. A. D. 1522-3. ' than One Yard of that it was in Length at the Time of the fame Sale, and as it fhall (being wet) lack of 4 the Breadth of One Yard and Three Quarters of a Yard. (3) And in the fame Act was and is a Provifo

  • made after the Form following.

' II. Provided alway, That this Aft extend not to Woollen Cloths called Kendals, nor Cloths called Car-

  • penel Whites, commonly made for lining of Hofen, nor to any Cloths called To/locks, made in the County

s of Devon/hire, nor to any Woollen Cloths made in the County of Cornwall, nor for any Cottons or plain ' Lining, or Frife made or to be made in Wales, Lancajhire, and Chefliire, or any of them. ' III. So it is, mod gracious Sovereign Lord, that Vefles, otherwife called Set Cloths, of divers Colours,'

  • be made in your faid County of Suffolk, which be made to be worn in far Countries, and not in England,

' and be of fmall Prices, not above xl. s. a Cloth, that do not hold the Length nor Breadth when they be e wet, which the Buyers do know well when they buy them, fo that therein is no Deceit ; which Cloths in 3 H, 7. c. it, ' the Third Year of the Reign of your moft noble Father King Henry the Seventh were provided for, fo ' that they might lawfully be fold without any Penalty or Forfeiture, though they lacked in Length or 5 Breadth when they were full wet, and fo they have ufed to do Time out of Mind. ' IV. And in the Provifo made in the faid Act of the Sixth Year of your moft noble Reign, they were for- 4 gotten and not provided for, which fhouid be to the utter impoverifhing of the Clothiers of your faid ' County, and of all other that be wrought by reafon of Cloth-making within the faid County of Suffolk, if 6 no Remedy fhouid be therefore provided.' The Statute of V. Wherefore your humble Subjects humbly befeech your Highnefs, That it be enacted by all the Lords 6 H. 8. c g. Spiritual and Temporal, and all the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, with your Royal Aflent to Vefltso^Set to the fame, That all Cloths called Vejfes, otherwife called Set Cloths, what Colour foever they be of, not be- CJoths. ing above the Value of xl. s. a Cloth, fhall not be forfeited, for that they lack in Length or Breadth, when they be full wet, after the Sale of them afore this Time made, or hereafter to be made ; (z) the faid Act Si . made in the Sixth Year of your moft noble Reign, or any other Act heretofore made to the contrary not- 6.'/."g. er J 7 ei. withftanding. c. 18. 35 El. c. 9, & 10. 39 El. c. 20. 43 El. c. 10. 1 Jac, 1. e. 25. 3 Jac. 1. c. 16. 7 Jac. 1. c. 16. 21 Jac. 1. c. 18, & 28. 12 Car. 2. c. 22. i2& 23 Car. 1. c. 8. 11 £f 12 JK 3. c. 20. 6 Ann. c. 8, & 9. 7 Ann. c. 13. 10 Ajm. c. 16. I Geo, 1. c. 15, ©41. ITGso,. I. c, 24, 7 Geo. z. c, 2j. II Geo, 2, f. 28, and 14 Geo. 2. c. 35, CAP. XII. O B, What Coiners fhall do that make Money at any Mint within England. Coiners that fhall make any Money at any Mint fhall coin Part thereof Half- Angels, Groats, and fmall Money. The Print of the Farthing. The Tenth Part of Money coined for any Perfon fhall be paid in Half-Pence and Farthings. This A£t not to affect the Coiners of Tori, Durefme, or Canterbury. CAP. XIII. * PR, A Confirmation of the Statute of n H. 7. c. 5. touching the pulling down of Engines in the Haven of Southampton, and the fame made perpetual. CAP. XIV. ah 7 c a They which be in the King's Service in the Wars may aliene their Lands, for the Performance of their 7 H. 7. c. 2,' 3. Wills, without any Fine for Alienation ; and if any of them die in the King's Service in War, his Feof- 3H, s, c. 4. fees or Executors fhall have the Wardfhip of his Heir and Land. Statutes made at the Parliament begun at London, and continued after- wards by Prorogation and Adjournment to Weftminfter, Anno 21 Hen. VIII, flW Anno Dom, 1529. Cro, El. 853. OTatuta ad rempublicam fpeftantia, edita, in prima feflione parliamenti primo inchoati in civitate Londini ^3 tertio die Novembris, anno invicliffimi principis Henrici oclravi Anglias & Franciae Regis, fidei defenforis, & Domini Hiberniae vicefimo primo, & ex ea civitate tarn adjurnati quam prorogati ad palatium Weftmon' & ibidem continuati per quadraginta & quatuor dies, videlicet ufque ad decimum feptimum diem Decembris & ab eifdem loco & die prorogati ufque ad vicefimum feptimum diem Aprilis tunc proxime inftantis. CAP. I. EXP. The King's Pardon to all Perfons of all Offences, Forfeitures, Pains of Death and Body, except Treafons, Murthers, &c. CAP. II. Rep. 1 Jac. 1. An Abjured Perfon fhall be marked by the Coroner on his Thumb with a hot Iron ; and if he refufe to take c - 25- & his Paffage at the Time appointed by the Coroner, he fhall lofe the benefit of Sanctuary. Si Jac. I, c. 28. CAP.'