Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/179

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A. D. 1529. Anno vicefimo primo Hen rici VIII. C. 7— 9. 14.1 V. Provided always That it (lull lie lawful to all Manner ParfoiU, Vicars, Curator, Parifh Priefls, anJ A Upey he- ather Spiritual Perfons, to take and receive any Manner Sum ol Money, or other Thing, which by any i"**"** » ■ 11 dying mall fortune to be difpofed, given, or bequeathed unto them, or any of therii, or to the High la [hl"' A t c ' ° r Altar of the Church ; this Act, or any 1 liing therein mentioned notwithUanding. 'I. And be ii alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Mortuaries nor Corfc Pr.fcnts, ne any No Mortuarle* Sum or Sums of Money, or other Thing, for any Mortuary or Corfe Prefcnt, (hall be demanded, taken, '" Walei, Ca- ed, or had in the Parts of JVales, nor in the Marches of the fame, nor in the Towns of Calais or ii "> orBcrwicl£ «  .'..£, nor in the Marches of the fame, but only in fuch Parts and Places of Wales, Marches and Towns- aforefaid, where Mortuaries have been accuftomed to be taken and paid; (z) and in thole Parts and Places no Mortuaries nor Corfe Prelcn s, ne any other Thing for Mortuary or Corfc Prefcnt from henceforth ihall be demanded, taken, received, or had, but only after the Form, Order, and Manner above fpecifted in this prefent Act, and none othcrwife, ne of any other Perfon or Perfons than is limited by this prefcnt Act, upon the Pain above contained in this prefent Act. VII. Provided alfo, That it mail be lawful to the Bifhops of Bangor, Landajf, St. David's, and St. Afaph, Morttwriei to be and likewife to the Archdeacon of Chcjler, to take fuch Mortuaries of the Priclls within their Dioceies and n-'j h rnbl, } h B Jurifdictions, as heretofore have been accullomed. (2) Provided alio, That in fuch Places where Mor- F0 ' r °$l Dati?" tuaries have been accuftomed to be taken of Iefs Value than is aforefaid, that no Perfon Ihall be compelled St.Afapb, &c* to pay in any fuch Place any other Mortuary, or more for any Mortuary than hath been accuftomed, ne l» P«t repeated that any Mortuary in fuch Place Ihall be demanded, taken, received, or had of any Perfon or Peribns ex- b f ,z Anns > empt by this Act, nor in any wife. contrary to this Act, upon the Pain afore limited. vTc^'li 6 ' Mortuaries have been of. lefs Value. By »8 Geo. 2. c. 6. Mortuaries tacn away in Cbcjlert cap. vir. Servants imbezelling their Matters Goods to the Value of Forty Shillings, or above, fhall be punifhed as Felons.

  • YT 7Here before thisTime divers, as well Noblemen, as other the King's Subjects, have upon Confidence „ T «
  • VV and Trult delivered unto their Servants their Cafkets, and other Jewels, Money, Goods, and Chat-

' tics, fafely to be kept to the Ufc of their faid Mailers or MiftrelTes, and after fuch Delivery the faid Ser- ' vants have withdrawn themfelves, and gone away from their faid Mailers or MiftrelTes, with the faid Cat- ' kets, Jewels, Money, Goods, and Chatties, or Part thereof, to the Intent to iteal the fame, and defraud ' their laid Mailers or MiftrelTes thereof, and Ibmetime being with their faid Mailers or MiftrelTes, have

  • converted the faid Jewels, Money, and other Chatties, or Part thereof, to their own Ufe, which Milbe-

c haviour fo done was doubtful in the Common Law, whether it were Felony or not ; and by Reafon 1 thereof the forefaid Servants have been in great Boldnefs to commit fuch or like Offences :' (2) Be it therefore enacted, ordained, and eftablilhed by the King our Sovereign Lord, by the AITent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament alTembled, and by Authority of the fame, That all and fingular fuch Servants, to whom any fuch Cafkets, Jewels, Money, Goods, or Chat- les, by his or their faid Mailers or MiftrelTes, fhall from henceforth fo be delivered to keep, that if any fuch Servant or Servants withdraw him or them from their faid Mailers and MiftrelTes, and go away with the faid Cafkets, Jewels, Money, Goods, or other Chatties, or any Part thereof, to the Intent to Ileal the fame, and defraud his or their faid Mailers or MiftrelTes thereof, contrary to the Trull and Con- fidence to him or them put by his or their faid Mailers or MiftrelTes, or elfe being in the Service of his faid Mailer or Miftrefs, without AITent or Commandment of his Mailers or MiftrelTes, he im- bezil the fame Cafkets, Jewels, Money, Goods, or Chatties, or any Part thereof, or otherwife convert the fame to his own Ufe, with like Purpofe to fteai it, that if the faid Cafkets, Jewels, Money, Goods, or Chatties, that any fuch Servant fhall fo go away with, or which he Ihall imbezil with Purpofe to Ileal it, as is aforefaid, be of the Value of xl.s. or above, that then the fame falfe, fraudulent, and untrue Act or Demeanour, from henceforth Ihall be deemed and adjudged Felony ; and he or they fo offending, to be pu- ^" 5*- nilhed, as other Felons be punifhed for Felonies committed, by the Courfe of the Common Law. II. Provided alway, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not in any wife extend, or This Statute - be prejudicial to any Apprentice or Apprentices, nor to any Perfon within the Age of Eighteen Years, ,,aU not cxten, J going away with his or their Mailers Goods or Jewels, or otherwife converting the fame to his or their ' 0dn ,?r L Dtlc ~ own Ufes, during the Time of their Apprenticelhip, or being within the Age of Eighteen Years, but that Years of Age. every Apprentice or Apprentices, fuch Perfon or Perfons being within the faid Age, doing or offending con- 27 H. s. c. 17, trary to this prefent Act, fhall he, and Hand in like Cafe as they and every of them were before the ma- ^8 H -S. <;■ 2, king of this Act ; (2) the fame Act to continue and endure unto the next Parliament. £;{?• b f ' Mar * ' fefi. 1. c. j. and cap. viii. ™fin : ; No Butcher fhall kill any Calf calved between the Firft Day of January, and the Firflof May-, upon Pain E< P' 2 4 H - $* of Forfeiture of vi.s. viii. d. *" 9 ' CAP. IX. Whofocver {hall fell any Hats or Caps made beyond the Sea above the Prices herein limited, fhall for-- Rep. 1 jac. & feitxl. s, c - 2 -' G:a P..