Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/188

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i5° Strangers Arti- ficers may take Inglifhmen to be their Ap- prentices. 5 El. c. 4. What Charges Strangers fhajl be contribvitory unto with the. Inglilh Artifi- cers, Penalty ef a Stranger refufing to be contribu- tory to lawful Charges with his Company. Strangers Artifi- cers ihall go ■with the War- dens of the fame Company to make Search, The Oath of all Strangers to be true to the King, and obedient to hn Laws, and to make Searches, C. 1 6. Anno vicefimo primo H e n r i c i VIII. A. D. 1 5 2 9. ' XIII. And furthermore it is decreed, That it fhall be lawful to all and every of the faid Strangers Artifi- cers, now being Houfholders within our faid Realm, to take as many of our Subjects born within our Obeifance to be their Servants and Apprentices, in the Craft that they do exercife, as they can lawfully get; and that all the Strangers Artificers, now being Houfholders within our faid City of London, Sub- urbs, Parifhes, or Compafs thereof expreffed in the faid Statutes, or within Two Miles Compafs of the faid Parilhes ; ' XIV. And alfo all and angular Strangers that now be, or hereafter fhall be made Denizens, that do or hereafter will inhabit within our faid City of London, Suburbs, or Parifhes aforefaid, or within Two Miles Compafs of the fame, and keep Houfes, and occupy their Craft ; fhall be contributory to and with our Subjects Artificers within our City of London, paying, bearing, and fuftaining fuch Charges as hereafter fhall be expreffed ; that is to fay, as well every of the faid Strangers, being of the Craft and Myftery of Cordwainers, Houfholders, or Denizens that now be, or hereafter fhall be made Denizens, and fhall inhabit within our faid City, Suburbs, Parifhes, or Two Miles Compafs of the fame, fhall quarterly pay to the faid Matter, Wardens, and Commonalty of the faid Craft of Cordwainers within our faid City of London for the time being, vi. d. (2) And every Servant Stranger of the faid Occupa- tion of the faid Cordwainers within the faid City, Suburbs, and Precinct, not being Denizen, fhall quar- terly pay to the faid Matters, Wardens, and Commonalty, iij. d. (3) And that all other Strangers Ar- tificers and Denizens of every Handicraft and Myftery, inhabiting as well within our faid City of London, as in any other City or Town within this our Realm, fnall pay, bear, and fuftain all fuch and like Char- ges as our Subjects of like Craft and Myftery born out of our Obeifance, inhabiting within the City, Borough, or Town of their Habitation, at this Time do now bear and fuftain. ' XV. And alfo all Strangers Artificers, and Denizens, exercifing the Craft and Myftery of Cordwain- ers, dwelling out of our faid City of London, in any other City or Town within this our Realm, fhall pay, bear, and fuftain, Scot, Taxes, Tallages, Subfidies, Prefts, and all other reafonable Exactions from time to time, according as the faid Matters, Wardens, and Companies of the faid Crafts for the time being, fhall be bounden to pay, bear, and fuftain, when any Subfidy, Tax, Tallage, or Preft, or other reafonable Charges fhall by the Mayor and Aldermen of our faid City of London, and the Mayors and Aldermen of our faid other Cities, and Towns, or by the Common-Council of the faid City, Cities, and Towns, of and for any Charges or Payments of Money, to be paid by the Companies of the faid Crafts, Citizens of any City, for any Payment to be made unto the King's Highnefs, or his Heirs, or elfe to be paid for any Caufe concerning the Common Wealth of any our faid Cities or Towns, or Com- mon Wealth of the faid Artificers, the faid Strangers fhall pay all the fame that they fhall be affefled or taxed to pay, as Contributories with the faid Companies, being our Subjects, as our faid Subjects fhall be aflefied, and taxed to pay ; (2) and if any of them deny or refufe the fame, or any Part thereof, then he or they denying and refufing fo to do, fhall not only lofe the Benefit of this Decree, but alfo fhall not any longer occupy any Handicraft, upon the Pains, Dangers, and Perils fpecified in the above remem- bred Aits and Statutes. ' XVI. And that as well all and every of the faid Houfholders, Strangers aforefaid, as all other Stranger? Artificers, made or to be made Denizens, that fhall be Houfholders, and inhabit and occupy any Craft within our faid City, Suburbs, or Two Miles Compafs of the fame, as long as they fhall remain and abide within the faid City, Suburbs, and Two Miles Compafs of the fame, being reafonably required and warned by the Wardens and other Perfons, Governors in any City, Town, or Borough Corporate of the faid Crafts, within any of our faid Cities or Towns Corporate, or by any of them for the time, being, or by their lawful Deputies or Deputy, fhall go with the faid Wardens or other Governors, there as no Wardens be, to make Search according to the above remembred Acts of Parliament made in the xiv. and xv. Year of our Reign ; (2) which if they refufe to do, and that proved before the Chancellor of England, or before the Mayor of London, and other Cities, before the chief Perfons of the faid Cities or Towns for the time being, that then the fame Houfholders or Houfholder fo offending, denying, or refufing the fame, fhall no longer the fame his Occupation exercife or ufe within this our Realm, upon Pain, Peril, and Danger exprelfed in the afore remembred Acts and Statutes. ' XVlI. And that the fame Strangers Artificers, Denizens or not Denizens, Houfholders, which wilj remain and abide within our faid Realm, fhall, upon Iawtul Notice to them given by the Mafter and' Wardens of their Craft, or One of them, personally prefent themfelves in the Common Hall or Meeting- place of their faid Crafts within our faid Cities and Towns, there as they be inhabiting, and then or there every of them to receive and take their Oaths, ahd be fworn upon the Holy Evan^elift, before the faid Mafter and Wardens of their faid Craft and Myftery within our faid Cities and Towns Corporate, to be faithful and true to us and to our Heirs Kings of England, and to be obedient to us and them, and to our and their Laws, and to all Acts, Ordinances, and Decrees made and confirmed by us and our Council, or by our Council, and duly and truly at all Times, when they fhall be appointed by the War- dens of their Fellowfhip, Craft, or Myftery for the time being, or their Deputies, to make Search with, them according to the Purport, Tenor, or Effect of an Eftatute and Act of Parliament made in the xiv, and xv. Year of our Reign, and have Warnng and Monition thereof by the faid Wardens, or any of them, or any other their fufficient Deputy or Deputies in that Behalf to them given and made, and that they fhall be ready to go with the faid Wardens to make the fame Search, and that they fhall not ?ive Notice to any Stranger of the faid Search, until they with the faid Wardens come together to makethe faid Search, and that they fhall well, indifferently, and truly behave them in the fame, fetting all Af- fection, Favour, Malice, and Dread of any Creature, and all Fraud and Deceit apart, So help them God and all Saints, and by the Holy Evangelift. (2) And their Oath fo received in Form aforefaid, the faid Strangers fhall pay for their Admiflion according as our faid Subjects have always ufed to pay. 4 xyjn.