Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/194

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Rep. i Ed. 6, C. 12. 3 Inft. 48. Enforced by 1 & 2 Ph.&M.c. 4. ivb'icb makes it Felony for them to remain one Month in the Realm, Enforcedfartker by 5 El. c. 20. <whicb takes cttvay Clergy, 156 C. 9— 11. Anno vieefimo fecundo Henri ci VIII. A.D. 1530. The Table of Provided alway, That the Tables fo to be fet up in the City of London, touching Scavage within the fame* Scayage to be fet fj la jj £ r fl. be viewed, examined, and approved by the Chancellor, and Treafurer of England, the Prefident Jhall'be'exfm'n °f the King's Council, the Lord Privy Seal, the Lord Steward of the King's moft honourable Houfhold, and J &c. eramin " the Two Chief Justices of the King's Bench and Common Pleas for the time being, or by Four of them at See farther con- the l ea ft 5 an d by them fubfcribed. cerning Cufioms, 2 & 3 Ed. 6. c. zz. lEl.c.u. 12 Car. 2. c. 4, & 19. 13 6f 14 Car. 2. c. 11. 25 Car. 2. c. 6. 2 W. & M.Jlat. 2. c. 4, & 10. 4^, (S M. c. 5,£f 15. 6rV.& M.c.i. 6& 7 W. 3. e. 7. 7 fef 8 A^. 3. e. io,£f 40. 8 fif 9 W. 3. c. 36. 9 £=f 10 W. 3. e. 23. 1 Ann. fiat. 1. c. 26. 2 Ann. c. 9. 3 £f 4./AH1. c. 5. 4 ^n». c. 6. 8 ^«». c. 7, 6f 13. 12 Ann. fiat. 2. c. i. 3 Geo. 1. c. 7. 5Ceo.Le.11. 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. I. e. 21. 8 Geo. 1. r. 15, £f 18, £•? 31. 9 Geo. 1. e, 21. u Geo. I. e. 7, £f 30. 12 Geo. 1. r. 28. I Geo, 2, fiat, 2. c, ly. ij Geo. 2. c, 31. iS Geo, z, c. 28. 19 Geo, 2. e. 34. 21 Geo. z. e, 2. 28 Geo, 2. e. 21. 30 Geo, 2. e. 18, Sf 29. ani 32 Geo. 2. c. 10. CAP. IX. Wilful Poifoning {hall be adjudged High-Treafon, and the Offender therein fhall be boiled to Death, CAP. X. An Aft concerning outlandifh People, calling themfelves Egyptians. ' T?Orafmueh as before this Time divers and many outlandifh People calling themfelves Egyptians, ufing no ' J/ Craft nor Feat of Merchandife, have come into this Realm, and gone from Shire to Shire, and Place ' to Place in great Company, and ufed great, fubtil, and crafty Means to deceive the People, bearing them ' in Hand, that they by Palmeftry could tell Mens and Womens Fortunes, and fo many Times by Craft ' and Subtilty have deceived the People of their Money, and alfo have committed many heinous Felonies ' and Robberies, to the great Hurt and Deceit of the People that they have come among :' II. Be it therefore by the King our Sovereign Lord, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, ordained, eftablifhed, and enadted, That from henceforth no fuch Perfon be fuffered to come within this the King's Realm; and if they do, then they and every of them fo doing, fhall forfeit to the King our Sovereign Lord all their Goods and Chat- ties, and then to be commanded to avoid the Realm within Fifteen Days next after the Commandment, upon Pain of Imprifonment; and it fhall be lawful to every SherifF, Juftice of Peace, and Ffcheator, tofeize to the Ufe of our Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and Succeffors, all fuch Goods as they or any of them fhall have, and thereof to make Account to our faid Sovereign Lord in his Exchequer; and if it fhall happen any fuch Stranger hereafter to commit within this Realm any Murder, Robbery, or any other Felony, and thereof be indicated, and arraigned, and to plead not guilty, or any other Plea triable by the Country, that then the the Inquest that fhall pais between the King and any fuch Party, fhall be altogether of Engli/bmen, albeit that the Party fo" indicted pray Medietatem lingua, according to the Statute of Anno 8 Henrici 6. or any other Statute thereof made. III. Provided alway, That the Egyptians now being in this Realm, have Monition to depart within Six- teen Days after Proclamation of this Statute' among them fhall be made, upon Pain of Imprifonment, and Forfeiture of their Goods and Chatties; and if they then fo depart, that then they fhall not forfeit their Goods nor any Part thereof, this prefent Statute notwithstanding. IV. Provided alway, That every fuch Perfon or Perfons, which can prove by Two credible Perfons, be- fore the fame Party that feized fuch Money, Goods, or Chatties, of the fame Egyptians, that any Part of the fame Goods, Money, or Chatties, were craftily or feloniouQy taken or ftolen from him, fhall be incon- tinent reflored unto the fame Goods, Money, or Chatties, whereof he maketh fuch Proof before the fame Party, that fo feized the fame Money, Goods, or Chatties, upon Pain to forfeit to the fame Party, that maketh fuch Proof, the double Value of the fame by Action of Debt, Bill, or otherwife, in any of the King's Courts to be fued, upon which Action and Suit he fhall not be admitted to wage his Law, nor any Protection or EiToin to be allowed; any Thing in this A£t to the contrary notwithstanding. V. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if any Juftice of Peace, SherifF, or Efcheator, which by Authority of this Adt, have Power to take or feize any Goods or Chatties of any Egyptians, at any Time hereafter do feize, or take the Goods or Chatties of any fuch Egyptians, that then every fuch Juftice, SherifF, or Efcheator, doing the fame, fhall have, keep, and retain to his own Ufe, the Moiety of all fuch Goods fo by him feized; and of the other Moiety fo by him taken or feized, fhall make anfv/er and account to the King in his Exchequer, according to the Tenour of this prefent A<£t; any Thing in the fame A6t contained to the contrary hereof notwithstanding: And that upon any Account hereafter to be made for the faid other Moiety of the fame Goods, the Accountant fhall pay no Manner of Fees or other Charges, for his Account or Difcharge to be had in the King's Exchequer, nor elfewhere. CAP. XL An Aft concerning Powdike in Marfh-land. a & 3 Ph. & m. ' C. 12. ' X7HeretofoTS this Time divers evil-difpofed Perfons, of their perverfe and evil Difpofition, malicioufly, V V at divers and fundry Times have cut, caft down, and broken up divers Parts of the Dike called the New Powdike in Marfh-land in the County of Norfolk, and the broken Dike, otherwife called Oldfield Dike, by Marfh-land in the Ifle of Ely within the County of Cambridge; by reafon whereof, as well' by the great Abundance of the fait Water, as alfo by the Courfe of the frefh Water entering and coming into and by the faid Parts of the faid Ditches fo broken and caft down, the Ground and Pastures within the Country of Marfh-land in the Counties aforefaid, have been divers and many Times drowned and fur- ' rounded