Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/196

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158 C. 15, 16. Anno vicefimo fecundo Henrici VIII. A. D. 1530, ' have inftructed them in the Feat and Knowledge thereof, to the great Increafe and Fortifications of the ... f ' fame outward Realms, and Countries, but alfo the fame abjured Perfons have difclofed their Knowledges of hirn whicVab- ' the Commodities and Secrets of this Realm, to no little Damage and Prejudice of the fame.' jureth. Every abjured Perfon (hall be conveyed to the Sanfluary that he doth choofe. Rep. i Jac. I. c. t.. & 21 Jac. t. c. 28. If a Sanctuary Perfon da commit any Felony, he lofeth the Privilege of Sandluary. In what Cafe an Offender may betaken out of San&uary, and committed to the Gaol. Trial in One County of a foreign Plea pleaded in another. 3 lnft. 27. In what Cafe a fandTruary Perfon indi£ted of Felony, fuppofed to be committed whilft he was in San£luary, fhall be taken out. In what Cafe one may have the Privilege of Sanctuary Twice. Trial of foreign V. And over this, for morefpeedy Trials of Murders and Felonies, be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, Pleas, That all Manner of foreign Pleas triable by the Country, hereafter to be pleaded by any Perfon or Perfons arraigned upon any Indictment for any Petit Treafon, Murder, or Felony, fhall be forthwith tried before the fame Juftices afore whom fuch Perfons fhall be arraigned, and by the fame Jurors of the fame County that fhall try the Petit Treafon, Murther, or Felony whereof he fhall be fo arraigned, without any farther Refpite or Delay, in whatfoever County or Counties, Place or Places of this E.ealm, the Matter of the fame Pleas be fuppofed or alledged. No Perfon sr- VI. And that no Perfon arraigned for any Petit Treafon, Murder, or Felony, be from henceforth ad- raigned may mitted to any peremptory Challenge above the Number of xx. (2) This Act to endure to the End of the challenge above next Parliament. Continued by 28 H. 8. c. 1. andby 32 H. 8. c. 3. made perpetual. But fo much of 'this Statute SJt " as conccmeth abjured Perfons and Sanctuaries, or ordering or governing of Perfons abjured and in Sancluary, is repealed by i Jac. i. c. 25. & 21 Jac. 1. c. z8. CAP. XV. EXPj The King's general Pardon to his Spiritual Subjects, of all Offences committed againft the Statutes of Pro- vifors, Provifions, and Premunire, and all other Penalties, Forfeitures, Pains, except Treafon, Murder, Robbery, &c. CAP. XVI. EXP, The King's Pardon to his Temporal Subjects, of all Offences committed againft the Statute of Proviiors,. Provifions, and Premunire. 3 E. i.e. 2. Clergy not al- lowed to any Perfon under a Subdeacon. 4 M. 4, 1 The Promife of the Clergy to the ' King for the fate c keeping of noto- < rious Offenders c •convift without Purgation, Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 23 Hen. VIII. and Anno Dom. 5 ^TH^fJE King our Sovereign Lord Henry the Eighth, by the Grace of God King of England, and of France, Defender of the Faith, and Lord of Ireland, at the Sefiionofhis High Court of Pari ia- ' ment, after divers Prorogations holden at Wejiminjier the Fifteenth Day of January, in the xxiij. ' Year of his noble Reign, to the Honour of Almighty God and holy Church, and for the Common Weal 4 and Profit of this his Realm, by the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in

  • this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, hath ordained, eftablifhed, and enacted

' certain good Statutes, Laws, and Ordinances, in Manner and Form following.' CAP. I. An Act concerning Convicts in Petit Treafon, Murder, &cl ' K7^ e r T - e at a P araamerlt holden at Wejiminjler in the Third Year of King Edward the Firft, the fame ' W King moved the Prelates of the Realm, and them enjoined upon their Faith that they owed to him, ' that in no wife they fhould deliver thofe Clerks which were indicted for Felony, without due Purgation, . ' fo that the faid King fhould have no Need to put other Remedy in that Behalf; (2) and that notwith- • 4 ftanding after that Monition, divers and many Clerks convict were accuftomably delivered, and fuffered to ) ' make their Purgations, to the great Courage of Evil-doers :

  • II. By Occaiion whereof afterward, at another Parliament holden at Wejlminfter 'in the Fourth Year of f
  • King Henry the Fourth, upon the Complaint of the Commons, the fame King Henry the Fourth then 1

' advertifed the Prelates of the Realm of the Premiffes, intending then to have provided Remedy by Autho- ■ rity of the faid Parliament, as appertained to his Prerogative Royal, for the Confervation of the Peace of the Crown; (2) at which Time the Archbifhop of Canterbury, for himfelfand all other Bifhops of his Province, then openly promifed to the fame King Henry the Fourth, That if any Perfon from thence- forth were convict of any Treafon which touched not the King nor his Royal Majefty, and fuch as were notorioufly known and reputed for Thieves, and for fuch Caufe delivered to any Ordinary as a Clerk con- vict, that the Ordinary, to whom fuch Perfon or Perfons were delivered, fhould fafely keep them after the Effect of a Conftitution Provincial, to be made by the faid Archbifhop and Biihops after the Effect of the Letters of Simon, then afore that Time Archbifhop of Canterbury, bearing Date the xij. Calends of March, the Year of our Lord God A4.CCC.L. (3) And that no fuch Traitor nor Felon fhould make his Purga- tion againft the faid Conftitution; (4) which Conftitution the laid Archbifhop then promifed to deliver to -the fame King before his next Parliament, to the Intent that if it fhould feem to the fame King, that the Tame Conftitution were not fttfficient Remedy for the Premiffes, that then the faid King might provide fuch Remedy as fhould appertain in that Behalf. (5) Sithen which Time, the fame Conftitution was never ' notified