Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/201

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A. D. 1531- Anno viccfimo tcitio TIf. nrici VIII. C. 5. 1^3 ■ , thai then by A ' ike, and retain et to be marked or amended according to the true Content, or elfe caufe the fame to be U. And alfo the Party, Owner of fuch eflel, to lofe and forfeit for every fuch Veffe] not being of the lull Content', after the Rai ivered and im| ' IX. '

litis, Confl

rs in fuch C (hall have rower and Authority to fearch, view, and g: g|] fuch Ban Is, Kilderkins, Firkins, and oth to be made hereafter in any fuch City, I • and take all fuch Advanti ge thi reby, an 1 in like Manner and Form, i

rs within the City of London^ or other Perfons" by this Aft mould or m take

Pro' i led alway . That every Beer-brewer may keep in his Houfe One or Two Servants of the My- A B-cr-brewtr fiery or Ci ift Barrels, Kilderkins, Firkins, and other VefTcls, wherein miykeepa they fhall put their I eei to Sale from time to time; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the con- Sjjj^jjj 1 ?' ti.ny in any wife notwithftanding. Birrds. XI. Ana be it further enafti d by t'nc faid Authority, That if any Pcrfon, at any Time after the faid Fcaft of Lammas next coming, do minifh, or caufe to be minified, any Manner of Barrel, Kilderkin, or Fir- it of any of the King's Subjects, by reafon of taking out the Head of any fuch Vefiel, or '^', taking out of any Staff out or from any fuch Vefl'cl, that then every fuch Veffel to be burnt, and the Of- fender to forfeit for every fuch Offence itj. f. .'; . d. the ( thereof to be to the King our Sovei the other Moiety thereof to him or them of the King's Subjects that will fue for the fame, I > ivered in Manner and Form above rehcarfed ; (2) and the Party lb offending to be further punifhed by the Difcrction of the Head-Officer or Officers before whom fuch Default fhall be prefented. XI'. It is enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That notwithstanding any Thing con- An Afc-brewa tained in tliis Aft of Brewers and Coopers, whereunto this Schedule is annexed, it fhall be lawful for every m») Ale-brewer, mentioned in the fame Act, to have and retain in his Service One Pcrfon of the Myftery or Cooper. I Coopers, to exercife in his Service the Craft of a Cooper only in binding, hooping, and pinning , '.liter's Ale-Veffels recited by the faid Act, and in none otherwife to ufe or exerctfe any Making of Veflels concerning the Craft or Myftery of a Cooper, whiles that he is in the Service of any Ale-brewer. XIII. Alfo it is enacted, That every Cooper, which hereafter fhall make any Alc-Vefl'cl fpecihed in the faid Aft, fhall, from the Fcaft of Pentecoft next coming, make every fuch Vefiel according to the Affife specified in the Treatife called Compojitlo menfurarum ; that is to fay, every Barrel for Ale fhall contain xxx/'j. Gallons of the laid Affife, or above, of" the which viij. Gallons make the common Bufhel to be ufed in this Realm of England; every Kilderkin for Ale xvj. Gallons of the faid Affife, or above, and every Fir- »/. Gallons of Affife, or above, (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of iij.s. iv.d. for every of the fame Veflels by him untruly made contrary to this Aft; the One Half of the fame Forfeiture to be to the King, and the other to him that will fue for the fame by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Writ, or otherwife; in which Aftion no Effoin, Protection, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed. XIV. And be it alfo enacted, That every Cooper mark his Vefl'cl with his own Mark, upon Pain of Evei J r c

7/'. s. iv. d. to be levied and recovered after like Manner and Form as is abovefaid ; (2) and that no Manner £?!!

of Perfon, in the Search-making for the true Gauging of any fuch Veflels, fhall put out the Ale of any ownMark. fuch Veffel, whereby the fame Ale fhall be the worfe. (3) And that it fhall be lawful to every Ale-brewer 51 H. 3. flat. 1. to bring, carry, and caufe to be brought and carried, their Ale to the Houfholds of our Sovereign Lord the King, the Queen, the Princes, and to every Archbifhop's, Bifhop's, Duke's, Marquefs's, Earl's, Baron's, or o"ther honourable Mens Houfes, in Tuns, Buts, Pipes, Hogfheads, or other Veflels of greater or larg> r Quantity than is exprefled in this prefent Aft, as before time hath been ufed in that Behalf. (4) And alio it fhall be lawful to the faid Ale-brewers, to bring, carry, or caufe to be brought, conveyed, or carried, their Ale to every Man's Houfe in Barrels, Kilderkins, and Firkins, bearing and holding their true Con- Farther j tents according to the Purport and Effeft of this prefent Aft ; any Thing contained in the fame Aft to the r f/> ,v, : c / '• contrary hereof notwithftanding. ",• IJ C A P. V. The Bill of Sewers with a new Proviib, oV. c /"UR Sovereign Lord the King, like a virtuous and moft gracious Prince, nothing earthly Co highly How far the

  • VJ weighing, as the advancing of the common Profit, Wealth, and Commodity of this his Realm, con- Couimiflion of

1 fidering the daily great Damages and Lofl'es which have happened in many and divers Parts of this his Seweis flalLex- ' faid Realm, as well by the reafon of the outrageous Flowing, Surges, and Courfe of the Sea in and upon ' , r. 11 r Latch 170. i-i. iade profitable for + Irl - t _ / other outrageous 6 H. 6. .- _ , Floods, and other 8 u. 6. <■. 3. ' Water-courfes ; (2) and over that, by and through Mills, Mill-dams, Wears, Fifhgarths, Kedels, Gores, 4 '.' ' Gotes, Floodgates, Locks, and other Impediments in and upon the fame Rivers and other Water-eourfes, 6 lL S ' u ' to the uieftimable Damages of the Common Wealth of this Realm, which daily is likely more and re c to increafe, unlefs fpeedy Redrefs and Remedy be in this Behalf fliortly provided: (3) Wherein albeit that divers and many Provifions have been before this Time made and' ordained, yet none of them are ' Sufficient Remedy for Reformation of the Premiffes,' hath therefore by deliberate Advice and Aflent of his Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and alfo his loving Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, ^ 2 ordained,