Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/207

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1 3 c. 9. 17 El. c fr<


A.D. 1531. Anno viccfimo tcrtio IIf.nrici VIII. C. 7 , in which no Eflbin, Protection, norWagerof Law 1 Thing therein contained, bi in any wife prejudicial or hurl

the- Staple for any Bond or Wrii of the Staple to be taken

] between Merchants being free of the fame Staple, for Merchan lame Staple bet. • XII. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Recognizances befi rfayor and Conftablcs of any of the laid Staples whereof the Sums no . rwife contented, lawfully avoided, and difcharged by the Law, flaall be as good an I v ha. Wines, or Tolouje Ode, into this Realm by Ships only of England., Ireland, or iValet, and by only 16 H. I. - to. Matters and Mariners of the fame Countries, confirmed. No Perfon fliall lay on Land, out of a Ship, - any French Wine between the Feaft of St. Michael and the Purification, upon Pain of Forfeiture thereof. ~> l H - *" Cl '* No Perfon fliall fell by Retail any French Wines above viij. d. the Gallon, viz. i. d. the Pint ; nor any Malmefey, Sack, Rumncy, or other fweet Wine, above xij.d. the Gallon. The Prices of the Tun, Butt, Pipe, and Hogfhead of the faid Wines fliall be aflefled by the King's great Officers. The Con? tents and Gauging of the faid Veficls. C A P. VIII. The Bill for the Havens in the Weft Parts. Itcoufly fhewcth, and complaineth unto the King our Sovereign Lord, and to the Lords Spiritual and How cen Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aiienibled, the Inhabitants of the Towns Hivem in-Com.

  • and Ports of Plimouth, Dartmouth, and Teipimoutb, in the County of Devon/hire, Falmouth, and Foway, *?" and l

' in the County of Cornwall, That where the faid Ports have been in Time part the principal and molt M ' ' commodious Havens and Ports within this Realm for the Road, Surety, and Prefcrvation of Ships re- 17 h, 8. c.zt,.

  • forting from all Places of the World, as well in Peril of Storms as otherwife. (2) For where before this The gieat Eafe

' Time all Manner of Ships being under the Portage of Eight hundred Tuns, reforting unto any of the and Benefit

  • faid Ports or Havens, might at the low Water ealily enter into the fame, and there lie in Surety, what o hl ™ cl "5

' Wind or Tcmpeft foever did blow, by reafon whereof not only a great Multitude of Ships, as well of ^ cn ^l^d^y ' this Realm, as of other Regions and Countries, before this Time have been preferved and faved, but the Havens of ' alfo in Time of War the faid Havens and Ports have been the greateft Fortification and Defence of that Plimouth, Dirt- ' Part of this Realm, and the fpecial Prefcrvation of the great Part of the Navy of the fame : (3) Which muuu >> &*• ' faid Ports and Havens been at this prefent Time in Manner utterly decayed and deftroyed by mean of ' certain Tin-works, called Stream-woiks, ufed by certain Perfons within the faid Counties ; which Per- The Caufe of the ' fons more regarding their own private Lucre, than the Commonwealth and Surety of this Realm, have, Decay of the 1- ' by working of the faid Stream-works, digging, fearching, and wafhing of the fame near unto the frefh loi - lliJ Havens..

  • Rivers, Waters, and low Places, descending and coming out of the Lands towards and into the faid

' Ports and Havens to the Sea, conveyed by the Force of the faid frefh Rivers a marvellous great Quantity ' of Sand, Gravel, Stone, Robel, Earth, Slime, and Filth into the faid Ports and Havens, and have lo ' filled and choaked the fame, that where before this Time a Ship of the Portage of Eight hundred Tun, ' as is aforefaid, might have eafily cntrcd at a lew Water into the fame, now a Ship of a Hundred can ' fcantly enter at the Half Flood, to the Decay and utter Deftruction of the faid Havens and Ports, and ' alio to the Ruin and utter Undoing of all the good Towns within the faid Counties oi Devon/hire and ' Cormvall, if Remedy be not in that Cafe fpeedily provided :' (4) For Reformation whereof, be it enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame, That no Perfon or Perfons hereafter fliall labour or a Remedy »o work, or caufe to be laboured or wrought, in any Manner of Tin-works, called Stream-works, within the maintain tham faid Counties of Devonjhire and Cornwall, nigh to any of the faid frefh Waters, Rivers, or low Places, de- ,or the future. fcending or having Courfe unto the faid Havens or Ports, or any of them, nor fliall labour, dig, or wafh any Tin in any of the faid Tin- works called Stream-works, unlefs the faid Digger, Owner, or Waflier fhall make, or caufe to be made, fufficient Hatches and Ties in the End of their Buddies and Cords, and therein put and lay, or caufe to be put and laid, all the Sand, Stones, Gravel, and Robel digged about the ■ infearching, finding, and wafhing of the laid Tin, there to be wholly and furely kept by the faid Hatches and Tics, out and from the faid frefh Rivers and Water-courfes, or any of them, fo that the laid Sand, Stones, Gravel, and Robel, ne any Part thereof, be for lack of fuch Hatches or Ties conveyed into the p, na -... on or. faid Ports and Havens, or any of them, (5) upon Pain to forfeit for every Time that any Owner or Tin- ( m A~L a-d to ner fliall dig or wafh, or caufe to be digged or waflied, any Tin contrary to the Form aforefaid, .v. //. the v.hom applied. One Half thereof to be to the Ufe of our Sovereign Lord the King, and the other Half thereof to be to any &c - of the Inhabitants of the faid Ports, Towns, or Havens, that will fue for the fame in any of the King's The Penalty Courts by Original Writ, Bill, Plaint, Information, or otherwife, wherein the Defendant fliall not be ,°jjj_ e.nxi admitted to wage his Law, ne any Protection or Eflbin fliall be allowable. L 2. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fha!' happen to The Remedy if belued, acculed, indicted, imprifoned, amerced, condemned, or otherwife vexed or troubled in his Per- any Perfon fon, Lands, Tin-works, Goods, or Chattels, by any of the Minifters or Officers of any of the King's troGl Court of Stannary, or by any other Perfon or Perfons, for purfuing or attempting aiiy Suit or Action ae- Sta V ol. 11. Z cording