Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/220

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e. 19. 182 C. 7— g. Anno vicefimo quinto Henrici VIII. A. D. 1533, and Temporal, and the Commons, of this prefent Parliament affembled, that it may be enacted by Autho- He that commit- rity of the fame, That the fame Offence be from henceforth adjudged Felony, and fuch Order and Form of tcil. Buggery Procefs therein to be ufed againft the Offenders as in Cafes of Felony at the Common Law; (3) and that with Mankind the Offenders being hereof convict by Verdict, Confcffion, or Outlawry, fhall fuffer fuch Pains of Death, ad-udced^Felon and Loffes and Penalties of their Goods, Chattels, Debts, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, as Fe- M^pUpetual' l° ns be accuftomed to do, according to the Order of the Common Laws of this Realm; (4) and that no 32 H. 8. c. 3. Perfon offending in any fuch Offence, fhall be admitted to his Clergy; (5) and that Juftices of Peace fhall and repealed in have Power and Authority, within the Limits of their Commiffions and jurifdiction, to hear and determine part by 2 & 3 the f a id Offence, as they do ufeto do in Cafes of other Felonies. (6) This Act to endure till the laft Day U 'the who^r/ °f the next Parliament. j Mar, feff. j. c, 1. and revived and made perpetual by 5 El. e. 17. CAP. VII. !E 7C P. j 3 Ed. i, flat. 1. No Perfon with any Nets, Engines, or Device, fhall take any Fry, or Spawn of Eels, or Salmon, in any 47. . Waters, during ten Years, upon Pain of Forfeiture of and his faid Nets, Engines, &c. CAP. VIII. The High Street in Holborn, between Holborn Bridge and the Bars, at the Weft End of the faid Street, fhall be paved on both Sides with paving Stone, at the Charges of the Tenant in Fee-fimple, Fee-tail, or for Life, of the Lands thereunto adjoining, their Heirs and Succelfors, and they fhall from Time to Time maintain the fame paved; and if the LefTees do it, they may defaulk fo much of their Rent; and the Mayor and Aldermen of London may inquire every Quafrter of a Year by the Oaths of twelve Men of the Offen- ders. The like Order fhall be obferved for the paving of the Streets in Southtvark; and he that doth not from Time to Time maintain the Pavements i'ufficiently againft. his own Ground, fhall forfeit to the King, 2» m for every Yard fquare not repaired, Six-pence. C A P. IX. A Bill concerning Pewterers. 1 How Pewterers * TN their rnoft lamentable wife fhewen, and piteoufly complaining unto the King's moft Royal 'Majefty, ihal! ufe their ' J_ and to this his moft high Court of Parliament, the King's moft humble, poor and obedient Subjects, Trade. * ^g Mafter, Wardens and poor Fellowfhip of the Craft and Myftery of the Pewterers, as well of the City ' of London, as of all other Places within this Realm of England, that where the faid Craft or Myftery be- ' fore this Time hath been one of the beft Handicrafts within this Realm, which hath only grown and con- tinued by Mean of divers good Acts and Statutes made for the true Exercife of the fame, whereof one was j 3 H. 7. c. 6. ' made in the nineteenth "Year of the Reign of the King's moft renowned Father, (whofe Soul God pardon) .4 H. S. c. 7. ' and one other was made in the fourth Year of the King's moft victorious Reign, concerning the Crafts of Pewterers and Brafiers, of and for the true making, mixing and felling of good and true Pewter and brafen Veffels, and alfo for ufing and exercifing of true Weights and Beams, to be occupied by the Sellers of any fuch Pewter or brafen Veffels within this Realm, fo that none of the King's Subjects, nor any other Per- fon, fhould by -any Sale of any falfe mixed brafen and Pewter Veffel, or any untrue Weights, be deceived^ TheCauft.why as by the faid Eftatutes more plainly doth appear; (2) which good Statutes, duly put in Execution, hath the Trade of caufed the faid Craft to increafe and multiply, to the great Profit and Utility of a great Number of the Pewteiers did King's. Subjects, and the Commodity of Pewter Veffel much to be had in Reputation in all ftrange Regions now^othd'ecay ' and Countries, until now of late divers evil difpofed Perfons, being the King's Subjects born, which have ■ in this Realm. ' been. Apprentices, and brought up in the Exercife of the faid Craft of Pewterers, have now of late, for 1 their, ftngular Lucre, repaired into ftrange Regions and Countries, and there do exercife the faid Craft of Pewterers, teaching Strangers not only the Cunning of mixing and forging of all manner of Pewter Vef- fel, butalfo do teach all Things belonging to the faid Craft of Pewterers, by mean whereof there is not only brought daily into this Realm, out of ftrange Regions, to be fold, great Number of Things made of Pewter, untruly mixed and made of Tin, wherewith the King's Subjects be daily deceived, and the People of ftrange Countries greatly inftructed in the Cunning of the faid' Craft of Pewterers, fo that there- by not only a great Number and Quantity of Pewter Veffel, and other Things of Pewter, made in divers Sorts and Fafhions, amounting to a great Value, which was daily and continually wont to be carried and conveyed out of this Realm by Merchants into ftrange Regions and Countries, there to be fold and vended, whereby the Commodity of Tin made into Pewter Veffel, which hath been had in great Eftimation, as Things very neceflary and commodious, and the King's Cuftoms thereby much advanced, is now like ut- ■'* terly toceafe and decay, and not to be efteemed as heretofore hath been, but alfo the faid Craft of Pew- ' terers, which at this Day fetteth and keepeth in Work and Occupation a great Number of People, fhall be

  • utterly undone, arid a great Multitude of the King's natural Subjects thereby fall into Idlenefs, to the great

s Impoverifhment of this Realm, if fpeedy Remedy for the Redrefs of the Premiffes be not provided;' (3) In tender Confideration whereof, and for Reformation of the Premiffes, it may pleafe the King's "Highnefsi by the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, No Perfon (hall and by the Authority of the fame, to ordain and enact, That no Perfon or Perfons hereafter, at any time buy any Wares now inhabiting, or which hereafter fhall inhabit within this Realm, fnall buy, or otherwife take by Ex- ,-nadeot Tin °"t change for other Wares, any manner Wares made, or hereafter to be made out of this Realm, of Tin, or «f the Realm. m j x t w i t h Tin, as Platters, 'Difhes, Saucers, Pots, Batons, Ewers, Flaggons, Goblets, Salts, Saltfellerr, Spoons, or any other Thing made of Tin or Pewter as aforefaid, whatfoevy it be, upon Pain of Forfeiture of