Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/222

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184 C. ij, 12. Anno vicefimo quinto Henrici VIII. A. D. 1533. 6 H. 6. e. 5. the County whereof he is, or fliall be afligned to be Commiffioner ; and for Calais, and the faid Marches ^ H. 6. c. 3. thereof, unlefs that he be dwelling within the fame Town of Calais, or Marches. 6 // g' "c 10. ' ^ - ^ n ^ becaufe that divers Perfons heretofore afligned Commiflioners, have refufed to be fworn ' according to the faid former Act, whereby divers Commiffions heretofore made remain hitherto without The Forfeiture ' effectual Execution:' (2) Be it therefore enacted, 1 hat if any Perfon afligned or to be afligned to be of a Commiffio- f ucn Commiffioner of Sewers, being required hereafter by fuch Perfon or Perfons as have or fhall have Au- nerot Sewers thority, by the King's Writ or otherwise, to receive or accept the Oath comprifed in the faid former Act, the'Oath afligned ev ery Perfon that fo refufeth to take the fame Oath, or upon that Requeft made doth not receive the fame by the Statute of Oath, and that Refufal or Contempt done in the Chancery, or returned into the Chancery with the faid 23 H. 8. c. 5. Writ, fhall lofe and forfeit for the fame Contempt to the King our Sovereign Lord, five Marks, (3) and fo. Farter f™ v '£d to lofe, from Time to Time, five Marks for every fuch Contempt as fhall be done or returned into the faid 6 t % xWar Chancery againft any fuch Perfons, unlefs that he in the fame Chancxry do fhew and alledge in the faid fefr..'i.i. ' Term, wherein fuch Return fhall be made againft him, fufficient and reafonable. Matter and Caufe to be .13 El. c. 9. allowed bv the Lord Chancellor for his Excufe and Difcharge in that Behalf. Zjaci.c.-H- and 1 Ann. c. 10. • /-< a p -y"T To avoid deftroying of Wild-Fowl. The c'aufe rsf ' lilk/HERE before this Time there hath been within this Realm great Plenty of Wild-fowl, as Ducks, theOecVof ' VV Mallards, Wigeons, Teals, Wild-geefe, and divers other kinds, of Wild-fowl, whereby not only Wiid.fowl. -' the King's moft honourable Houfhold, but alfo the Houfes ©f the Noblemen and Prelates of this Realm,

    • have been furnifhed for the neceffary Expences of the fame Houfes, at convenient Prices, but alfo all

' Markets of the fame Realm were fufRciently furnifhed with Wild-fowl, there to be fold, in fuch wife

    • that fuch as were meet to make Provifion of the fame for their Houfes, might at reafonable Prices, at the

"* fame Markets, be thereof provided ; (2) neverthelefs, divers Perfons next inhabiting in the Countries ' and Places within this Realm, where the Subftance of the fame Wild-fowl hath been accuftomed to breed, ' have in the Summer Seafon, at fuch Time as the faid old Fowl be moulted, and not replenifhed withFea- ' thers to fly, nor the young Fowl fully feathered perfectly to fly, have by certain Nets and other Engines ' and Policies, yearly taken great Number of the fame Fowl, in fuch wife that the Brood of Wild-fowl is

  • almoft thereby wafted and confirmed, and daily is like more and more to wafte and confume, if Remedy

' be not therefore provided.' When wild- II. Be it therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, by the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and fowl may be Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, killed. That it fhall not be lawful to any Perfon or Perfons hereafter, between the laft Day of May and the laft

  • •"? ' 3 Imd re- Day of Auguft, to take, or caufe to be taken, any fuch Wild-fowl with Nets or any other Engines, (2)

■vive'dV^i jac. upon Pain of one Year's Imprifonment, and to forfeit for every Fowl fotaken iv.d. the one Half thereof i.e. 28. and far- to be to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Half to him that will fue for the fame hy Action of t'her continued D e t)t. in any of the King's Courts, and in the which Action none Eflbin nor Protection fliall be allowed, ft^Car/i cl' nor Wager of Law received. lattices may in- HI. And be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That all Juftices of Peace, within the Limits of their quire of, hear Commiflion, fhall have Power and Authority to inquire, hear and determine the Offences aforefaid, like and determine as they commonly ufe and do in Cafes of Trefpafs. Offences. jy_ p rov ;j e( l always, That it fhall be lawful to any Gentleman, or any other that may difpend forty Freeholders of shillings by t ^ e Year of Freehold, to hunt and take fuch Wild-fowl with their Spaniels only, without ufing m°y" k"l wild- any Net or other Engine for the fame, except it be a Longbow or Long-bows. fowl with Spa- V. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the fame Authority, That from the firft Day of March, which miels only. fhall be in the Year of our Lord God 1534. unto the laft Day of "June then next enfuing, and fo yearly No Perfon fliall f rom thenceforth, no manner of Perfon or Perfons fhall prefume, by Day or by Night, willingly to with- awathe e" "of d raw ? purloin, take, deftroy, or convey any manner of Eggs of any kind of Wild-foul, from or in any aSlHld-fowL Neft, Place or Places where they fhall chance to be laid by any kind of the fame Wild-fowl, (2) upon 10 Geo. 2. c. 32. Pain of Imprifonment for one Year, and to lofe and forfeit for every Egg of any Crane or Buftard, fo de- §. 10. Andju ftroyed, purloined, withdrawn, conveyed, or taken from any Neft or Place, xx. d. and for every Egg of farther jac.. ever y Bittour, Heron or Shovelard, viii.d. and for every Egg of every Mallard, Teal, or other Wild- fowl, C &M. * IJ. ' one Peny ; (3 ) the one Moiety thereof to be to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Half to him x,An'n. c. 74. that will fue' for the fame in Form aforefaid, wherein no Wager of Law, Eflbin or Protection fhall be al- gAnn.c. 25. lowed ; (4) And that all Juftices of Peace, within the Limits of their Commiflion, fhall have full Power 3 Geo. 1. c. 11. an j Authority to inquire, hear and determine the fame in Form before rehearfed. VI. Provided always, That this Act extend not, nor be hurtful at any Time hereafter, to any Perfon or Perfons that will deftroy any Crows, Choughs, Ravens and Buffards, or their Eggs, or to any other cTows, Rooks, Fowl or their Eggs not comeftible, nor ufed to be eaten. Choughs, &c. excepted. CAP. XII. Elizabeth Barton of Kent, and others attainted of High Treafon, for that under colour of Hypocrify, Re- velations, and falfe Miracles practifed by the faid Elizabeth, they confpired to impugn and flander the Di- vorce between the King and Queen Katherine, his firft Wife, the laft Marriage between him and Queen E X P. Anne, his fecond Wife, to deftroy the King, and to deprive him of his Crown. CAP. 8 Geo. 1. c. 19 and 28 Geo. 2.