Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/23

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The TITLES of the STATUT E S. Thomas PqyntHgs, Knight, and the Lady Katherine his

n .-, i ! i I, ,1 Thomai Howard and the Lady Elizabeth 

his Wife; and a Confirmation of an Aifurance of Lands to Sir Thomas Awdtley r Lord Chancellor of England.

Aft for William Lord Parr, the Children born 

of the Body of Lady Anne-, his Wife, in Adultery, fhall be deemed and taken to be Baftards, and difabled to in- herit any of the Lands of the Lord Purr. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno 32 Henri ci 8. 1. A N Aft how by the King's Grant, Lands, Tenements, jf l$c, may be by Will, Tcilamcnt, or otherwife difpofed ; and concerning Wards and Primer Sei/ins. 2. An Aft for Limitation of Prefcription. 3. An Aft for Continuation of certain Afts. 4. An Aft for Trial of Treafons in Wales, Sec. 5. An Aft for Continuation of Debts upon Executions. 6. An Aft for Trial of Felonies upon conveying of Horfes into Scotland. 7. An Aft for true Payment of Tithes and Offerings. 8. An Aft againft Sellers and Buyers of Pheafants and Par- tridges. 9. An Aft againft Maintenance, Imbracery, (jfc. and againft unlawful Buying of Titles. 10. An Aft for the Moderation of the Punifhment of the Incontinency of Priefts and Women offending with them. 11. An Aft concerning dealing of Hawks Eggs, Conies, and Deer. 12. An Aft concerning Sanftuaries, Privileges of Churches and Church-Yards. 13. An Aft concerning the Breed of Horfes of higher Sta- ture. 14. An Aft for Maintenance of the Navy of England, and for certain Rates of Freights. 15. An Aft concerning Archbifhops and Bifhops, their Chancellors, Commiifaries, Archdeacons, and their Offi- cials, to be in the Commiflion of the Aft concerning the Abolition of erroneous Opinions in the Chriftian Re- ligion. 16. An Aft concerning Strangers. 17. An Aft for paving of A/gate, High Holbourn, Chancery- Lane, Grays-Inn-Lane, Shoe-Lane, Fetter-Lane. 18. An Aft for re-editying of decayed Houfes in fundry Towns and Places of the Realm. 19. Another Aft for re-edifying of decayed Houfes in fun- dry Towns of the Welt Parts. 20. An Aft concerning Privileges and Franchifes. it. The Abbreviation and Limitation of Trinity Term. 22. An Aft concerning the Account of Bifhops and others, for the Tenth granted to the King's Majefty. 23. The Subfidy of the Clergy of the Province of Can- terbury. 24. An Aft concerning the Lands and the Goods of the Hofpitals of Saint 'Johns of Jcrttfalem in England and Ireland, to be hereafter in the King's Hands and Dif- pofition. 25. An Aft declaring the Diffolution of the King's pre- tenfed Marriage wiih the Lady Anne of Cleue. 26. An Aft concerning true Opinions and Declarations of Chrift's Religion. 27. The Refumption of extraordinary Grants and Licences of Abfence and Reverfions in the Town of Calais, and the Marches of the fame, and in Berwick, and of the Sheriffwicks for Life in Wales. 28. An Aft that Leflees fhall enjoy their Farm? againft Te- VOL. II. nants in Tail, or in Right of their Wives, or Chui bY. 29. An Aft concerning cuflon ! nOfwAdbtd 30. An Act concerning Mifplcadings, Jeofails, and At- torneys. 31. An Aft for the avoiding of Recoveries by Collufion, by Tenants for 'IV: m ol 32. An Aft concerning joint Tenants for Term of Life or Years. 33. That wrongful DifTcifin i;. no Dcfcent in the Law. 34. An Aft concerning Grantees of Reversion Advantage of the Conditions to be performed by the Lelfees. 35. An Aft that Jufticcs of the Forefts may make De- puties. 36* An Aft for the Expofition of the Statutes of Fines. 37. An Aft for the Recovery of Arrearages of Rents by Executors of Tenant in Fee-fimple. 38. An Aft concerning Precontrafts of Marriages, and touching Degrees of Confanguinity. 39. The Jurifdiftion of the Grcai Mailer of the Houfhold. 40 An Aft concerning the Privileges of Phyficians. 41. An Aft concerning baking of Horfe Bread. 42. An Aft concerning Barbers and Chirurgeons to be of one Company. 43. An Aft concerning Shire Days in the County Palatine of Chefter. 44. An Aft that the Town of Roy/Ion is reduced to one new Pariih. 45. The Ereftion of the Court of the Firft Fruits and Tenths. 46. The Eftablifhment of the Court of the King's Wards. 47. An Aft that the Bifhop of Norwich fhail be charged with the Collection of the King's Tenths in his Diocefc. 48. An Aft concerning the Caftle of Dove?; Caftle Wards, and other Munitions thereabouts. 49. An Aft concerning the King's moft gracious, general and free Pardon. 50. An Aft for the Grant of two Subfidies, and four Fif- teens and Tenths to the King by the Temporally. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno 3 z Henrici 8. '• A N Aft that fuch Tayles as remain in the Cuffody of Jl. the Cofferer unpaid fhall be rcftored to the I rea- furer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer, there to be cancelled and dampned. 2. An Act that the Honour of Wattingford {ball be Sepa- rated from the Dukedom of Comical!, and united to the Manor of Nezvehne, which mail be called the Hon u Nev.'clrne, and have like Liberties and Privileges as the Honour of Walling ford had. 3. An Aft for the uniting of divers Lordfhips and Manors to the Caftle of Wmdfor. 4. An Aft for the uniting of the Manor of Nmfucb, and di- vers other Manors, to the Honour, t , ■' ■'. j. An Aft for the uniting of divers Manors to the Hon of Petworth. 6. An Act that the Monaftery of Furnes, and divers other Lands, fhall be in the Survey, Letting, and Setting of the Chancellor of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancafler, and of the Officers of the faid County. 7. An Aft for the Attainder of Giles H 1 m. 5. An Aft for the Attainder of Ri hard 1 "-■'■■ mas Abel!, Edvuard Poxvellf William Horne, Mai Tyrrell, and Laurena Cooke, for adhering to the Bi of Rome. b o. An