Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/244

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2o6 C. 3. Anno vicefimo fexto Hen rici VIII.. A. D. 1534. The Tenth mutt yearly paid for ever to our faid Sovereign Lord, to his Heirs and Succeffors, Kings of this Realm, at the hs paid a; drift- f e aft of the Nativity of our Lord God, (3) and the firft Payment thereof to begin at the Feaft of the Na- mas - tivity of our Lord God, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord God 1535. (4) and to be paid yearly by fuch as fhall be appointed to have the Collection thereof by this Act, in fuch Manner and Form as fhall hereafter be limited by this Act, before the firft Day of April yearly next following after the faid Feaft of the Nativity of our Lord. Commiffions X. And it is ordained and enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the faid yearly Rent and Penfion fhall be , fliallb'e awaided taxed, rated, levied, perceived and. paid to the King's Ufe, his Heirs and Succefibrs, in Manner and Form into every Dio- }j erea f ter to be declared by this Act; that is to fay, that the Chancellor of England for the Time being fhall ttavaJueofMc- h ave Power and Authority to direct into every Diocefe in this Realm, and in [Vales, feveral Commiffions in ry'Tjiritu'al Liv- the King's Name, under his Great Seal, as well to the Archbifhop or Bifhop of every fuch Diocefe, as to ing'. fuch other Perfon or Perfons as the King's Highnefs fhall name and appoint, commanding and authorifmg the faid Commiffioners fo to be named in every fuch Commiffion, or three of them at the leaft, to examine, fearch and inquire by all the Ways and Means that they can by J:heir Difcretions, of and for the true and juft whole and entire yearly Values of all the Manors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Rents, Tythes, Offerings, Emoluments and all other Profits, as well Spiritual as Temporal, appertaining or belonging to any Archbifhoprick, Bifhoprick, Abbacy, Monaftery, Priory, Archdeaconry", Deanry, Hofpital, College, Houfe Collegiate, Prebend, Cathedral Church, Collegiate Church, Conventual Church, Parfonage, Vi- carage, Chauntery, Free Chapel, or to any other Benefice or Promotion fpiritual within the Limits of their "Deductions to be Commiffion, (2) with a Claufe to be contained in every fuch Commiffion, that the faid Commiffioners, or defalked out of three of them at the leaft, fhall deduct and allow in the making and rating of the faid yearly Values of the ijiiriwal Livings, p re miffes thefe Deductions following, and none other; that is to fay, the Rents refolute to the chief Lords, and all other annual and perpetual Rents- and Charges, which any fpiritual Perfon or Perfons been bounden yearly to pay to any Perfon or Perfons, to their Heirs and Succefibrs for ever, or to give yearly in Alms, by reafon of any Foundation or Ordinance, and all Fees fer Stewards, Receivers, Bailiffs and Auditors, and Synods and Proxies, with another Claufe to be alfo contained in every fuch Commiffion, That the faid Commiffioners, or three of them at the leaft, fhall certify under their Seals, at fuch Days as fhall be limited by the faid Commiffions, as well the whole and intire Value, as the Deductions aforefaid, of every Arch- bifhoprick, Bifhoprick, Abbacy, Monaftery, Priory, Archdeaconry, Deanry, Hofpital, College, Houfe Collegiate, Prebend, Cathedral Church, Collegiate Church, Conventual Church, Parfonage, Vicarage, Chauntery, Free Chapel, and of all other Benefits and Promotions fpiritual. The.Commiflio- XL And it is ordained and enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the faid Commiffioners that {hall be fo ners ft all 1 be appointed, or three of them at the leaft, fhall have full Power and Authority to do, accomplifh and execute r"n°™ to execute l ^ e Effects and Contents of their faid Commiffions in every Behalf; (2) and that every the faid Commiffio- their Commit ners, before they fhall execute their faid Commiffion, fhall receive and take a corporal Oath before the Lord fions. Chancellor, or before fuch other as fhall be appointed by the faid Chancellor by the King's Writ of Dedi- mus potejlatem, that they fhall diligently and truly, without Favour, Affection, Fraud, Covin, Meed, Dread or Corruption, do, fulfil and execute the whole Effects and Contents expreffed in every fuch Commiffion within the Limits thereof, to their Cunning, Wits, and uttermoft of their Powers. XII. And it is ordained and enacted by Authority aforefaid, That after fuch Certificate made by the faid . Commiffioners, the faid yearly Rent and Penfion of the tenth Part fhall be fet, taxed, rated and taken juftly and truly and indifferently by the Treafurer, Chancellor, Chamberlain and Barons of the King's Exche- quer, of and out of the clear yearly Value of the Premiffes, that fhall be above the Deductions aforemen- Every fpiritual tioned, and none otherwife. (2) And that every Archbifhoprick, Bifhoprick, Abbacy, Monaftery, Priory, Perfon ftail be Archdeaconry, Deanry, Hofpital, College, Houfe Collegiate, Prebend, Cathedral Church, Collegiate charged for his Church, Conventual Church, Parfonage, Vicarage, Chauntery, Free Chapel, or other Benefice or Promo- Diocefe where tion Spiritual, fhall be feverally and diftinctly taxed, charged and chargeable, in the proper Diocefe where they he, though they been, for the Payment of fuch Portion of the faid tenth Part, as fhall be taxed and fet upon them by their Pofleffions Authority of this Act; that is to fay, every of them by and for themfeves fhall be taxed, charged and lie in other Dio- chargeable in the proper Diocefe where they been, for the tenth Part of the yearly Value of their Poffeffions c es> and Profits to them belonging, wherefoever their faid Poffeffions and Profits fhall happen to be or lie in any Part of this Realm, or elfewhere in any of the King's Dominions; (3) and that none of them fhall be charged or chargeable for the Payment of the others Charge or Portion, chfr-ed to the 6 XIII> And k is alfo enafted b Y Authority aforefaid, That after fuch Certificate made into the King's Ex- Celleftion of chequer, and Tax fet of the tenth Part, in Form above remembered, every Archbifhop and Bifhop now their Tenths in being, and that hereafter fhall be, fhall be charged and chargeable to levy, collect and receive, within their their Diocefes, proper Diocefe, as well in Places exempt as not exempt, all fuch Sums of Money wherewith the Dignities, jz Co. 45. Benefices and other Promotions fpiritual afore mentioned within their Diocefe, chargeable by this Act, fhall 37 ' h' I' c' 1*7' ^ e ^ et? taxed and charged towards the Payment of the faid yearly Penfion, (2) and fhall pay and content 3?h! %. c". 13'- the f a 'd Sums of Money yearly, before the faid firft Day of April, to the Treafurer of the King's Chamber 2.7 H. 8. c. »S. for the Time being, or to any other Perfon or Perfons whom it fhall pleafe the King's Highnefs to appoint ty 3 G.i.c. 10. to receive the fame; (3) and that every of the faid Archbifhops and Bifhops, their Executors and Admi- theK-ingisto n ift ra tors, and the Poffeffions of their Dignities and Churches, fhall ftand charged and chargeable for the l-aTt/rtceive ^ ure and true Payment of fuch Sums of Money as they fhall collect and receive of the faid yearly Rent and the Tenths. Penfion. XIV. And that the Treafurer, Ghancellor, Chamberlain and Barons of the King's Exchequer, fhall Procefs againft a yearly caufe Procefs to be made by their Difcretions for Non-payment of the faid Penfion or yearly Rent, Bifhop tor the r any Parcel thereof, againft every Archbifhop and Bifhop of this Realm; that is to fay, againft every T^ThTwithin Archbifhop and Bifhop for fo much Part and Portion of the faid Penfion and_ yearly Rent, wherewith the fcis n Dkic*fe.' Dignities, Benefices and oth«r Promotions fpiritual aforementioned within his Diocefe fhall be taxed and charged J