Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/253

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A. D. 1534.. Anno vicefimo fexto Henrici VIII. C. 8—13. 215 and Si us toth Ring's (kid Subject* of the fame County of Suffix, in like Form and Manner, ill p ( ini and Conditions, and with Rice Provifo to be bad, done and executed, as it is con'-. I in the above recited Act concerning the Change of the Way, and Streets in the i li ■:! ; any Prefci iption, Ulc, CuAoDQ or oilier Thing loathe contiary bc.ii^ in any wil ft ind Stt farther x St 3 P. & M. e.X.f.r Amendmtnl of th li:,'i. vitjt, 5 El. c. 13. (outlining tttfirtpim. 18 El, c to- maUig MJiti-n N pun', All:. Ijtf 14 Cj>. x. c 6. itCar.i. e. tl jff.BtM, t. ix. tntaimng ftrlbtr Regulation! for repaying and enlarging Wghwajt, Wr»/ft8q'('.-,. riving Powti to 'Jujl:.n to entargl Highways eiglt Ycrdi in Hi rjitrb , tudfGtm.%. c*t), giving jotfl ' Hatgti to It tut iobleb annoy it ./// i) . 0. x. .. iS. 1 5 C. . ;. r. x. i6Cn.2.r.X9. it Ut . x. .. 18. 14 GVo. X. r. 43. 2"J 6'«. 2. c. 28, 5» JO. cri/ 31 G<». s. C, 34. /;' »«*> Hrgkhtwii ttnib refftfl to Uighwayi, Carriage!, &e, C A P. VIII. For the City of Norwich, for re-edifying of the Houfcs there. P R. C A P. IX. The Bill for Lyn. P R. CAP. X. The King during his Life may repeal the Statute of 23 H. 8. c. 7. by his Proclamation, and revive the fame EXP. by like Means, and all other Statutes made fithence Anno 21. of his Reign, concerning the carrying forth of the Commodities of this Realm, or bringing in of foreign Mcrchandifes. CAP. XI. Wlmfoevcr dwelling in Wales, or the Marches thereof, fhall afTault, beat or hurt any Perfon of the County EXP. Gloucejicr, Salop or Hereford, and fhall be indicted and convict thereof, fhall be one Year imprilbned. [To 33 H. 8. c. 1-, endure to the next Parliament.] CAP. XII. The Bill concerning Counties in Wales. Clerks convict in Wales fhall find Surety for their good abearing. 13 h. S. e. 1, The Benefit of Clergy taken from Offenders in feveral Felonies, unlets they be within holy Orders. He 1 Erf. 6. c. n. within holy Orders, who is convict of Felony, before his Purgation fhall find Sureties for his good 5 * 6E ^ 6. e.g. abearing. A Remedy where there be no Tufticcs of Peace in that County in Wales where the Clerk con- I? J" c ' '" • r 1 1 rt t Cro. Car. 331. vict doth remain in rnlon. 2 . H- 3 _ c _ 26- C A P. XIII. c° 3 B - 3iH - 8, An Act whereby Offences be made High Treafon, and taking away all Sanctuaries for all man- ner of High Tieafons. Orafmuch as it is moft nrceflary, both for common Policy and Duty of Subjects, above all Things to what Crm.-s prohibit, provide, reitrain and extinct all manner of fhameful Slanders, Perils or imminent Danger !hM be account-

  • or Dangers, which might grow, happen or rife to their Sovereign Lord the King, the Queen, or their «dHi S hTrca<bn.

' Heirs, which when they be heard, feen or imderftood, cannot be but odible, and alfo abhorred of all *^ m. *M

  • thofe forts that be true and loving Subjects, if in any Point they may do, or fhall touch the King, his c ]0i

' Queen, their Heirs or SuccelTors, upon which dependeth the whole Unity, and univerlal Weal of this

  • Realm, without providing wherefore too great a Scope of unreafonable Liberty fhould be given to all can-

' kard and traiterous Hearts, Willers and Workers of the fame ; and alfo the King's loving Subjects fhould ' not declare unto their Sovereign Lord now being, which unto them hath been, and is moft entirely both ' beloved and efteemed, their undoubted Sincerity and Truth.' II. Be it therefore enacted by the Afl'ent and Content of our Sovereign Lord the King, and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Autho- rity of the fame, that if any Perfon or Perfons, after the firft Day of February next coming, do malici- ! oufly wifh, will or defire, by Words or Writing, or by Craft imagine, invent, practife or attempt any bodily Harm to be done or committed to the King's moft Royal Perfon, the Queen's or their Heirs apparent, or to deprive them or any of them of their Dignity, Title or Name of their Royal Eftates, or flarideroufly and malicioufly publifh and pronounce, by exprefs Writing or Words, that the King our Sovereign Lord fhould be Heretick, Schifmatick, Tyrant, Infidel or Ufurper of the Crown, or rebellioufly do detain, keep or withhold from our faid Sovereign Lord, his Heirs or Succeffors, any of his or their Caftles, For- treffes, FortilefTes or Holds within this Realm, or in any other the King's Dominions or Alarches, or re- bellioufly detain, keep or withhold from the King's faid Highnefs, his Heirs or Succeffors, or any of his or their Ships. Ordinances, Artillery or other Munitions or Fortifications of War, and do not humbly ren- der and give up to our faid Sovereign Lord, his Heirs or Succelfors, or to fuch Perfons as fhall be deputed i by them, fuch Caftles, Fortreffes, FortilefTes, Holds, Ships, Ordinances, Artillery and other Munitions and Fortifications of War, rebellioufly kept or detained, within fix Days next after they fhall be com- manded by our faid Sovereign Lord, his Heirs or Succelfors, by open Proclamation under the Great Seal ; That then every fuch Perfon and Perfons fo offending in any the Premiffes, after the faid firft Day of Fe- bruary, their Aiders, Counfellers, Conftnters and Abettors, being thereof lawfully convict according to the Laws