Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/263

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A. D. 1535. Anno vicefimo fl-ptimo Ilr. niuci VIII. C. 8. 225 beries by the Kind's Highway, and the fame to be tried before the Jufli' • icxt Shire ording to the Law of this Realm of England. V. And further be it enacted by the Authority afbrefaid, Thatif any manner of 15 '-aft < ■ -,c4, any of the King's true Subjects, or others of the King's Friends, at any Time after the faid Fcafl of the bz > n t ■" Nativity of St. John Battj/f., do come into any of" the faid Forefts by Strays, Thicf-ftolen or others and there be marked and feized by any of the faid Fon fters, Ruin ., Walkei . their Affigns, or any of them, and the Owner and Owners of the fame Cattle, within one Year and a Day then next chance to find the faid Cattle fo taken, and lawfully prove the fame, to be his or their own proper Cattle, that then the lame Cattle to be redelivered to the Owner or Owners thereof, according to ancient Law of this Realm of England ; the faid Owner and Owners reafonably paying for th Of fuch Cattle after the Rate of tlic Time that fuch Cattle (hall have been in the Cuftody and keeping ol any fuch Forefters, Rulers, Walkers and Farmers, or his or their Alfign^, in fuch Manner and Form a-s •tore hath been in like Cafe ufed to be done by the Law of this Realm, of < (ir.. and proved by the Owners within a Year and a Day next after the fei/.ing of the fame Cattle ; (2) And i. any of the faid Forefters, Rulers, Walkers, Farmers, their Afligns, or any of them, do deny the D( ranee of any fuch Cattle, by them or any of them fo feized or marked within any of the faid Forefts, aftc the Owner or Owners of them (hall have duly and lawfully proved them to be his or their own proper Goods and Chattels as is afore faid, that then every fuch toreftcr, Ruler, Walker, Farmer or their Af- TheP figns, fo doing and offending contrary to this Act, to forfeit and pay unto the Party grieved the double Va- detain luc of all fuch Cattle as (hall be fo taken and marked, and not re-delivered to the Owner or Owners a afore faid : (3) And that the Party grieved may have his Action of Detinue at the Common Law, of and for the fame Cattle, againft every fuch Offender or Offenders, and the fame to be tried in the next Shire adjoinant ; in which Action the Defendant fhall not be admitted to wage his Law, nor Eflbin nor Protection fhall be allowed for them : And like Procefs of Outlawry to be had and made in the faid Action of Deti- nue in the next Shire adjoinant, againft every Forcfter, Ruler, Walker, Farmer or their Affigns, (o of- fending contrary to the Tenor of this Act, as in an Action of Trefpafs at the Common Law of this Realm S:l lbt s is ufed. 10 Chapter 5, CAP. VIII. An Act that the King's Spiritual Subjects fhall pay no Tenths of their Spiritual Promotions for ' that firlt Year for which they paid their Firft- Fruits. 4 TT7HER E by a late Act made in this Parliament, for and concerning the Grant made to the King's ' W Highnefs of the Tenth of the yearly Value of all Spiritual Poffeffions of this Realm, and of the

  • Firft-Fruits thereof, there appeareth by the Words of the laid Act, that Prelates and all other Incum-

' bents be charged to the Payment of the Tenth that fhall be due to the King's Highnefs in and for the firft

  • Year that they fhall be elected, prefected, prcfented, collated or admitted to any Dignities, Benefices, or

4 other Promotion fpiritual, (2) and for the fame firft Year flia.ll alfo pay the whole Firft-Fruits of their 4 faid Dignities, Benefices and Promotions, which is a double Charge:' (3) For Reformation whereof, No Spiritual the King's Highnefs, for the entire and hearty Love that his Grace beareth to the Prelates and other In- Perfons fhall cumbents, chargeable to the Payment of the faid Tenth and Firft-fruits, of his excellent Goodnefs is pleaf- P 3 '? an y Tenth ed and contented that it be enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That whenfoever any Perfon 'j* 6 r fame Y c ? r or Perfons, from the firft Day of May, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord God One thoufand five Fnft. P Fruits!' r hundred thirty and fix, fhall be named, prefected, prefented, collated, or by any other Means appointed z 6 H. 8. c. 3. to have any Archbifhoprick, Bifhoprick, Abbacy, Monaftery, Priory, College, Hofpital, Archdeaconry, feci. 9, Deanry, Provoftfhip, Prebend, Parfonage, Vicarage, Chauntery, Free Chapel or other Dignity, Benefice ■or Promotion fpiritual, by Virtue whereof they lhall be charged or chargeable, as well for the Payment of the Tenth of every the faid Archbifhoprick, Bifhoprick, Abbacy, Monaftery, Priory, College, Hofpital, Archdeaconry, Deanry, Provoftfhip, Prebend, Parfonage, Vicarage, Chauntery, Free Chapel, or other Dignity, Benefice or Promotion fpiritual, as with the Payment of the Firft-Fruits of the fame, and every of the fame, fhall at his or their Compofition, Agreement, or Entry into Specialty or Specialties for the Payment of the faid Firft-Fruits, have Allowance and Deduction of the faid tenth Part of the Whole out of the Sum to be paid for the faid Firft-Fruits for the Year wherein he or they fhall be firft nominated, prefected, prefented, collated, or by any other Means appointed to have any of the faid Dignities, Bene- fices, Offices, or other Promotions fpiritual, according to the juft Rate, Taxation and Sdl'ment of the Tenth of every of the faid Archbifhoprick, Bifhoprick, Abbacy, Monaftery, Priory, College, Hofpital, Archdeaconry, Deanry, Provoftfhip, Prebend, Parfonage, Vicarage, Chauntery, Free Chapel or other Dignity, Benefice, Office or Promotion fpiritual within this Realm, or elfev/here within any of the King's Dominions, of what Name, Nature or Quality foever they be, or to whofe Foundation, Patronage or Gift: foever they belong, now being inroiled, or that hereafter fhall be inrolled in the King's Exchequer, or in any other the King's Courts of Record. II. And be it further enacted, That every Commiffioner or Commiffioners, or other the King's Officers Every Terfon or Minifters, or any other Perfon or Perfons, which either by Authority of any Act of Parliament, or by authorized to Ccmmiflion or Commiffions under the King's Great Seal, or otherwife by his Grace's Commandment, or compound for , by the Commandment of fuch as by his Highnefs fhall be authorized for that Purpofe, be appointed, af- Fuft ^°2 t {i figned or deputed, or that hereafter fhall be appointed, authorized, affigned or deputed to compound, agree tCl * b p^ 011t and receive Bonds and Specialties to his Majefty's Ufe, for Payment of the faid Firft-Fruits of every of the oftiie Fitil- faid Dignities, Benefices, Offices or other Promotions fpiritual, {hail and may by Force of this A«£t,, from Fruits, the faid firft Day of May for ever forward, have Authority to deduct and allow unto every fuch Perfon or Vol. II. G g Perfons