Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/265

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A. D. f 53 5« Anno vicefimo fcptimo Henri cr VIII. C. I tcfy, {>)) Women thcii 10) manifel I n i born, i i ,i Day ol < . ' 70 . thcrcol ; ( i ;) and many othc 4 peni ble and Inquietni I i

  • the uttci ol tht anci >r the extirping ana Extin-

"^ hufls and Errois here and to the ' Intent that tl ...aim, ihall n it in any wife hereafter by it .mi oi Invcn ii bed , i m d or hurt, In ich Truftj, Ufcs or Confidcii' pk-afe the King's i y, that it may be enacted by his Highnefs, by the Afl nd I'cmporal, and the Commons, in this p jb c Authority of the fame, in Manner and Form following; that is to fay, That where any' Perfon ' ftand or be feized, i rime hereafter (hall happen to be feized, of and in any Honours, Caftks, 'l>at have tb* Penemcnts, Rent.'., Services, Reverfions, Remainders or other Hereditaments, to the ^ ?! - oi Truft of any other Perfon or Perfons, or of any Body Politick, by reafon of any Bar- z {J^' £ ,'._ gain, Sale, Feoffment, Fine, Recovery, Covenant, Contract, Agreement, Will or othcrwife, by any 3Cr. 903. manner Means whatfocver it be; that in every fuchCafe, all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons, and Bo- i< dies Politick, that have or hereafter (hall have any fuch life, Confidence or Truft, in Fee-Ample, Fee-tail, 8 ^2-'*" fbi Perm of Life or for Years, or othcrwife, or any life, Confidence or Truft, in Remainder or Reverter, " r0 ^'1*46 ! 1 fhall from henceforth ftand and be feized, deemed and adjudged in lawful Scifin, Eftate and Poffeffion of cro'. J»'c. 6. anil in the lame Honours, Caftlcs, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Services, Reverfions, Remainders 401, 453. and Hereditaments, with their Appurtcn; nces, to all Intents, Conftruitions and Purpofes in the Law, of Cr ^- <•"■ 44- an<l in fuch like PP..' . as they had or (hall have in Ufe, Truft or Confidence of or in the lame ; (19) and 2 '?' , thai the Eftat , Title, Right and Poffeffion that was in fuch Perfon or Perfons that were, or hereafter Jro."?" (hall be feized of any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, to the Ufe, Confidence or Truft of any fuch i Perfon or Perfons, or of any Body Politick, be from henceforth clearly deemed and adjudged to be in him PJow. f. ui, or them that have, or hereafter (hall have, fuch Ufe, Confidence or Truft, after fuch Quality, Manner 346. Form an I Condition as they had before, in or to the Ufe, Confidence or Truft that was in them. Mom 859,111. . D) r, f. 1:5,13^, 174, 309, 34.0, 349, 362, 369. Co. I lnft. 237. a. 272. a. 2S7. a. Co. Lit. 1S7. b. Lord Bacon's Reading on this Stat. V.r.. /-lit. y, • 2. 176 to 29 1 . i Haiti P. C. 27. II. And be it lurcher enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That where divers and many Perfons be, or ARimncc n-acc hereafter fhall happen to be, jointly feized of and in any Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reverfions, Re- of diver! ' maindcrs or other Hereditaments, to the Ufe, Confidence or Truft of any of them that be fo jointly feized, V' c c that in every fuch Cafe thatthofe Perfon or Perfons which have or hereafter fhall have any fuch Ufe, Con- /."co" cVTis fidence or Truft in any fuch Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reverfions, Remainders or Hereditaments, fhall iK from henceforth have, and be deemed and adjudged to have only to him or them that have, or hereafter fhall have any fuch Ufe, Confidence or Truft, fuch Eftate, Poffeffion and Seifin, of and in the fame Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reverfions, Remainders and other Hereditaments, in like Nature, Manner, Form, Condition and Courfe, as he or they had before in the Ufe, Confidence or Truft of the fame Lands, Tene- ments or Hereditaments; (2) faving and referving to all and lingular Perfons, and Bodies Politick, their Saving of ihe Heirs and Succeflbrs, other than thole Perfon or Perfons which be feized, or hereafter fhall be feized, of R <i'"<- ol Sttan- any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, to any Ufe, Confidence or Truft, all fuch Right, Title, Entry, E " s ' Intereft, P< ffeffion, Rents and Action, as they or any of them had, or might have had before the making of this Aft. III. And alio faving to all and fingular thofe Perfons, and to their Heirs, which be, or hereafter fhall be Savin (bized to any Ufe, all fuch former Right, Title, Entry, Intereft, PofTeflion, Rents, Cuftoms, Sen ices and R Action, as they or any of them might have had to his or their own proper Ufe, in or to any Manors, Fc ° ift , Tenements, Rents or Hereditaments, whereof they be, or hereafter fhall be feized to any other"/, Ufe, as if" this prefent Act iiad never been had nor made ; any Thing contained in this Act to the contrary i Ai '. .-. notwithftanding. . 2 Roll ; ' IV. And where alfo divers Perfons ftand and be feized of and jn any Lands, Tenements or Heredita- ^ •• 1 ments, in Fee-fimple or othcrwife, to the Ufe and Intent that fome other Perfon or Perfons fhall have . .e yearly to them, and to .his or their Heirs, one annual Rent of or more or lei's, out of the v; . 9 ' and Tenements, and fome other Perfon one other annual Rent, to him and his Affigns for Jones 179. ' Tern: of Life or Years, or for fome other fpecial Time, according to fuch Intent and Ufe as hath been ' heretofore declared, limited and made thereof:' it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in every fuch Cafe the fame Perfons, their L:nd afiiired to Heirs ami Affigns, that have fuch Ufe and Intereft, to have and perceive any fuch annual Rents out of tlle-uft > |J "< any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, that they and every of them, their Heirs and Affigns, be ad- R ™ l - fl,0 "* u I judged and deemed to be in Poffeffion and Seifin of the fame Rent, of and in fuch like -Eftate "as they h; d Htle, Intereft or Ufe of the faid Rent or Profit, and as if a fufficient Grant, or other lawful Con- j ..'. ■ ice had been made and executed to them, by fuch as were or fhall be feized to the Ufe or Intent of any :3s. fuch Rent to be had, made or paid, according to the very Truft and Intent thereof; (2) and that all every fuch Perfon and Perfons as have, or hereafter fhall have, any Title, Ufe and Intereft in or to any fuch > Rent or Profit, fhall lawfully diftrain for Non-payment of the faid Rent, and in their own Names make Avowries, or by their Bailiffs or Servants make Conifances and Juftifieations, (3) anil have all other Suits, ' Entries and Remedies for fuch Rents, as if the fame Rents had been actually and really granted to them, G g 3 with