Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/273

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A. D. 1535. Anno viccfimo fcptimo II r.NRici VIII. C, 17 — 20. 23- Writing indented before them, wherein the Land cornprifed exceeds the Sum of xl. i. in the yearly Value, 'rh.F«sf rin- V. s. that is t<> fay, it. s. vi. d. to thye (aid Juftices, and ii. s. vi. d. to the faid Clerk lor the inrolling of the '^j 1 ™™ ' nthi: fame : (6) And that the Clerk of the Peace for the Time being, within every Inch County, (hall fuffi-; Co.,- c,o. ciently inroll and ingrofs in Parchment the lame Deeds or Writings indented as is afore faidj '-) and the ki. i6o,'oi7. Roll', thereof at the End of every Year fhall deliver unto the ("aid Gutloi Rotulorum of th.e fame County for imc being, there to remain in the Cuftody of the laid Cu/los Rotulorum for the Time being, amongft '*9. *'*• other Records of every of the fame Counties where any fuch lnrollment (hall be fo made, to the Intent ' that every Party that hath to do therewith, may rcfort and fee the Effect and Tenor of every fuch Writing . fo inrolled. . i I*--Ij. tine by 5 El. c. 26. li'-.'.i, 6j4» 6;3. II. Provided always, That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, extend to any manner Lands, Towm< Tenements or Hereditaments, lying or being within any City, Borough or Town Corporate within this rate, &c 1, when in the Mayors, Recorders, Chamberlains, Bailiffs or other Officer or Officer; have Autho- 'nroll. rity, or have lawfully ufed to inroll any Evidences, Deeds, or other Writings within their Precinct or Li- ^- vcr ' f - "9- I mits; any Thing in this A£t contained to the contrary notwithstanding. 18. £ 3? wife* jroni.'.: .'.'.:• .. C / y 'fipltd by thprcptr Officer [ball be sf tic fair.. Ejjta a: Orig. CAP. XVII. Confirmed by 1 Ed. 6. c. 11. A Servant imbczling his Matter's Goods to the Value of forty Shillings, fhall lofc the Privilege of his ini repelled by Clergy and Sanctuary. * M - lcn - '•'■ '■ Sec 5 El. c. 10. CAP. XVIII. 55. "'.I* 7 - If any Pcrfon do, or procure any Thing to be done, to the annoying of the Stream of the River of Thames 3 making of Shclps by any manner of Means, by mining, digging, calling of Dung, Rubbifh, or other Thing in the fame River; or take or convey away any Boards, Stakes, Timber-work, Pillars or other Things from the faid Banks or Walls, except it be to repair or amend the fame again, or dig or under- mine "any Banks or Wall upon the Water-fide of Thames, to the Kurt, Impairing or Damage of the faid ■ Banks or Walls, he fliall forfeit for every Time fo offending C. s. to the King, and to the Mayor and Commonalty of London, to be recovered by the Mayor and Commonahv by B. P. A. I. wherein no W. E. P, &c. A Provifo for taking of Ballaft for Ships in the Shelps near Tmto Tbavus, the laid Gravel, Earth or Rubbifh of which Shelps, any Pcrfon may take and carry away. p r. CAP. XIX. Sanctuary Perfons fhall wear Badges, and no Weapons. They fhall not go abroad before Sun-riling, nor r Ep . r r lc . u after Sun-fetting. They fhall not refill: rheir Governors. Their Governors fhall determine Contracts of c. 25". & %'t Debts, Trefpalfes, and Covenants between them under xl. s. Jac i.e. a8. CAP. XX. For Tithes to be paid throughout this Realm. I ■* T7 0ra r much as divers Numbers of evil-difpofed Perfons inhabited in fundry Counties, Cities, Towns This Statute is I * JP and Places of this Realm, having no RefpeiSt to their Duties to Almighty God, but againlt Right and confirmed and

  • good Confcience have attempted to fubtrait and withhold, in fome Places the whole, and in fome Places cnJar S cd bys &

i * great Parts of their Tithes and Oblations, as well perfonal as predial, due unto God and holy Church; 3 • 6l c- *3«  ' (2) and, purfuing fuch their deteftable Enormities and Injuries, have attempted in late Time pall to dif- ,s Ed. 3. /-v. 1 ' obey, contemn and defpife the Procefs, Laws and Decrees of the Ecclefialtical Courts of this Realm, in 3. c. 7. ' more temerous and large Manner than before this Time hath been feen :' (5) For Reformation of which 45 EJ - 3- '• 3» faid Injuries, and for Unity and Peace to be preferved amongft the King's Subjects of this Realm, our So- 5 w> 4- '• "• vcreign Lord the King being fupreme Head on Earth (under God) of the Church of England, willing the fpiritual Rights and Duties of that Church to be preferved, continued and maintained, hath ordained and "- enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That every of his Subjects of this Realm of England, Ire- Ti . ,hes fll » 1 . 1 be

land, Wales and Caleis, and Marches of the fame, according to the Ecclefiaftical Laws and Oidinances of?" Xuftom" 3 /*

i his Church of England, and after the laudable Ufages and Cultoms of the Parifh or other Place where he the Pariih where dwelleth or occupieth, fhall yield and pay his Tithes, Offerings and other Duties of holy Church; (4) and they be due. rhat for fuch Subtractions of any of the faid Tithes, Offerings or other Duties, the Parfon, Vicar, Curate, Thc Offender in or other Party in that Behalf grieved, may, by due Proeefs of the King's Ecclefiaftical Laws of the Church J[! bt . ra ' £l!! " s 1 . c f of England, convent the Perfon or Perfons fo offending before his Ordinary, or other competent Tudse of ltne 'A ,- e „

  • ■ r» 1 1 • a 1 1 11 • 1 -n ■ 1 r ^t-" 1 tr 1 -t ,- t-. convemed before

this. Kealm, having Authority to hear and determine the Kignt of 1 ithes, as alio to compel the fame rer- the Ordinary. foil or Perfons offending to do and yield their faid Duties in that Behalf. (5) And in cafe the Ordinary of the Diocefe or his Commiffary, or the Archdeacon or his Official, or any other competent Judge aforefaid, for any Contempt, Contumacy, Difobedience, or other Mifde'meanor of the Party Defendant, make In- formation and Requeft to any of the King's moll honourable Council, or to the -Juftices of the Peace of the Shire where fuch Offender dwelleth, to affifl and aid the fame Ordinary, Commillary, Archdeacon, Offi- cial or Judge, to order or reform any fuch Perfon in any Caufe before rehearfed; that then he of the King's The Offender

faid honourable Council, or fuch two Juftices of Peace, whereof the one to be of the l&uarum, to whom fta11 be bevni

fuch Information or Requeft fliall be made, fliall have full Power and Authority, by Virtue of this Act, h l t w0 J ufliccs Hh 2 - "to**" 8 ***-