Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/276

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238 C; 24* Anno vkefimo feptimo Henrici VIII. A. D. 1535, this Realm, Wales, or to the Marches of the fame; ($) but that the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Suc- ccflbrs, Kings of this Realm, ihall have the whole and fole Power and Authority thereof united and knit to the Imperial Crown of this Realm, as of good Right and Equity it appeitaineth; any Grants, Ufages, Prescription, Act or Acts of Parliament, or any other Thing to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. No Perfon (hall II. And be it alfo enacted by Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons, of what Eftate, Degree or make juflkes Condition foever they be, from the faid firft Day of July, fhall have any Power or Authority to make any .tut the King, j u fti ces f £ yre} J u fti C es of Aflife, Juftices of Peace, or Juftices of Gaol-delivery; (2) but that all fuch VerifoUo. Officers and Minifters fhall be made by Letters Patents under the King's Great Seal, in the Name and by Authority of the King's Highnefs and his Heirs Kings of this Realm, in all Shires, Counties, Counties Palatine, and other Places of this Realm, Wales, and the Marches of the fame, or in any other his Do- minions, at their Pleafure and Wills, in fuch Manner and Form as Juftices of Eyre, Juftices of Aflife, Juftices of Peace, and Tuftices of Gaol-delivery, be commonly made in every Shire of this Realm; any Grants, Ufages, Prescriptions, Allowances, Act or Acts of Parliament, or any other Thing or Things to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. K Writs, i-c HI. And be it further enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all original Writs and judi- ia a County Pa- c; a j Writs', and all manner of Indictments of Treaion, Felony and Trefpafs, and all manner of Procefs to ma'deinihe * ^ c ma( ^ e u P on the <" ame 5 m every Coynty Palatine, and other Liberty within this Realm of England, Wales, King's Name, and Marches of the fume, fhall from the faid firft Day of July be made only in the Name of our faid Sove- 4l.-,ft. 205. reign Lord the King, and his Heirs Kings of England; (2) and that every Perfon or Perfons having fuch County Palatine, or any other fuch Liberty to make fuch Originals, Judicials or other Procefs of J uftice, Ihall make the Tefte in the faid original Writs and Judicial, in the Name of that fame Perfon or Perfons that . hive fuch County Palatine or Liberty. IV. And that in every Writ and Indictment that fhall be made within any fuch County Palatine or Li- berty, after the faid firft Day of July next coming, whereby it fhall be fuppofed any Thing to be done againft the King's Peace, fhall be made and fuppofed to be done only againft the King's Peace, his Heirs and Suc- ceflbrs, and not againft the Peace of any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever they be; any Act of Parlia- ment, Grant, Cuftom, Ufage or Allowance in Eyre before this Time had, granted or ufed, to the contrary notwithftanding. juftices affigned V. Provided always, That Juftices of Aflife, Juftices of Gaol-delivery, and Juftices of Peace, to be within theCoun- made and affigned by the King's Highnefs within the County Palatine of Lancajler, fhall be made and or- ^ Palatine of dained by Commiffion under the King's ufual Seal of Lancajler, in Manner and Form as hath been accuf- anca er. tomed; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. Towns corporate VI. Provided alio, That all Cities, Boroughs, and Towns corporate within this Realm, which have Li- which have Ju- berty, Power and Authority to haye Juftices of Peace, or Juftices of Gaol-delivery, fhall ftill have and ft ' ces " enjoy their Liberties and Authorities in that Behalf, after fuch like Manner as they have been accuftomed, without any Alteration by Occafion of this Act; any Thing in this Act, or in any Article therein contained. to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. Bailiffs and Of- VII. And it is ordained by Authority aforefaid, That all Stewards, Bailiffs, and other Minifters of any ficers of Liber- Liberties or Franchifes, which in Times paft have ufed, or ought to attend upon the Juftices of Aflife, ties (hall attend Juftices of Gaol-delivery, and Juftices of the Peace at large in any County, fhall be attendant to the Juf- as P °heyhave "^ tlces °f Affile, Juftices of Gaol-delivery, and Juftices of Peace of the fame Shires wherein fuch Liberties done. and Franchifes be, and make due Execution of all Procefs to them to be directed, for Miniftration of Juf- tice within fuch Liberties or Franchifes; (2) and that alfo all fuch Bailiffs, or their Deputies or Deputy, fhall give their Attendance and Afliftance upon the Sheriff, together with the Sheriffs Bailiffs, at all Courts of Gaol-delivery from Time to Time, for Execution of Prifoners according to Juftice. Liberties of Ci- VIII. Provided always, That the Article next above rehearfed fhall not in any wife be prejudicial to any -ties or Boroughs Stewards, or Bailiffs of any Cities, Boroughs or Towns corporate fet in any Shire of this Realm, which Tf t< ^ appear have Privilege that they fhould not be compelled to attend or appear out of fuch Cities, Boroughs or Towns ere. wherein they inhabit, but that every fuch City, Borough and Town corporate, ihall ufe their faid Privileges and Liberties as heretofore hath been accuftomed; any Thing in any of the Articles above rehearfed to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. The King (hall IX. And it is further enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the King our Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and have the Fines, Succeffors, Kings of this Realm, from the faid firft Day of July next coming, fhall have all manner of &c, ofBaiiifts jr; neS5 Ifl'ues, Amerciaments and Forfeitures that fhall be loft, forfeit or affefled by or upon any Stewards, Bailiffs, or any other Minifters or Officers of any Franchifes or Liberties, for Non-execution, Mif-exe- cution or infufficient Returns of fuch Writs, Warrants, Precepts or other Procefs, which to them, or to Fines (hall be af- any of them, or to any their Deputy or Deputies, fhall be directed, or for any Contempt, or other Mif- fcifcdupon Bai- demeanor whatfoever it be, concerning their Offices, in and for the due Execution or .Adminiftratioii of lift's of Liberties Juftice; any Grant or Allowance, or other Thing to the contrary hereof notwithftanding. (2) And that for inefficient t h e Amerciaments for infufficient Returns of Writs, or other Procefs, made by Stewards or Bailiffs of Li- not upon the berties or Franchifes, having Returns of Writs and Execution of the fame, fhall be put and fet upon the Sheriff. Heads of fuch Stewards or Bailiffs, and not upon the Sheriffs. Purveyors may X. And furthermore it is enacted by Authority aforefaid, That Purveyors affigned by the King's Com-' provide within rniffion for Provifions of his Grace, the Queen and their Children, fhall and may provide all Victuals, tiu7flT!iin">ar> Corn, and other kinds of Things whatfoever it be, according to their Commiffions, as well within Liber- •©rarit. "° ties and Franchifes as without; any Grants, Allowances, or other Thing to the contrary or let thereof Cm. El. 513. notwithftanding.

  • intt. p. 3. XL Provided always, That fuch Purveyors fhall the Statutes for them provided in every bttalf.

The King's Of- XII. And over this it is ordained by Authority aforefaid, That in all fuch Places wherefoever the King's aTttrtwtSiiii Hi&hnefs.'in his own moft Royal Perfon fhall come to reft, tarry, abide, or make his Repofe within this Re-iisn,