Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/278

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240 C. 25, 26. Anno vicefimo feptimo Hen rici VIII. A. 0.1535, The Bi/liop of Ely and his Steward fhall be Juftices of Peace ■within the fame Me. The Bifhop of Durham and his Chancellor. 1 Roll 400. The Rifnop of York and his temporal Chan- cellor, of Hex- toldfham. XX. Provided alway, and he it enacted, That Thomas now Bifhop of Ely, and his Succeflbrs, Bifhops of Rfy, and their temporal Steward of the Ifle of Ely for the Time being, and every of them, fhall from henceforth be Juftices of Peace within the faid Ifle, and fhall ufe and exercife all Manner of Things within the fame Ifle, that appertained or belongeth to any Juftices of Peace within any County of this Realm of England to do, exercife and ufe, by Virtue and Authority that they be Juftices of Peace, in as ample and large Manner as any other J uftices of Peace in any County within this Realm have or might do, exercife or ufe ; any Thing or Things in this Act contained to the contrary notwithftanding. XXI. Provided alway, and be it enacted, That Cuthbert now Bifhop of Durham, and his Succeflbrs, Bifhops of Durham, and their temporal Chancellor of the County Palatine of Durham for the Time beings and every of them, fhall from henceforth be Juftices of Peace within the faid County Palatine of Durham> and fhall exercife and ufe all manner Things within the fame County Palatine, that appertained! or belong- eth to any Juftice of Peace within any County of this Realm of England, to do, exercife and ufe, by Vir- tue and Authority that they be Juftices of Peace, in as ample and large Manner as any other Juftices of* Peace in any County within this Realm have, or might do, exercife or ufe; any Thing or Things in this Act contained to the contrary notwithftanding. XXII. Provided alway, and be it enacted, That Edward now Archbifhop of York, and his Succeflbrs, Archbifhops of York, and their temporal Chancellor of the Shire and Liberty of Hexam, otherwife called Hextoldjhatn, for the Time being, and every of them, fhall from henceforth be Juftices of Peace within the faid Shire and Liberty of Hexam, otherwife called Hextoldjham, and fhall exercife and ufe all manner of Things within the faid Shire and Liberty, that appertaineth or belongeth to any Juftice of Peace within any County of this Realm of England to do, exercife and ufe, by Virtue and Authority that Ju- ftices of Peace, in as large and ample Manner as any other Juftice of Peace in any County within this Realm have, or might do, exercife or ufe ; any Thing or Things in this Act contained to the contrary not- withftanding. CAP. XXV. All Governors of Shires, Cities, Towns, Hundreds, Hamlets and Parifhes, fhall find and keep every aged, poor and impotent Perfon, which was born or dwelt three Years within the fame Limit, by way of vo- luntary and charitable Alms in every of the fame Cities and Parifhes, &c. with fuch convenient Alms as fhall be thought meet by their Difcretion, fo as none of them fhall be compelled to go openly in begging. Andalfo fhall compel every fturdy Vagabond to be kept in continual Labour. (2) Children under four- teen Years of Age, and above five, that live in Idlenefs, and be taken begging, may be put to Service by the Governors of Cities, Towns, &c. to Hufbandry, or other Crafts or Labours. (3) A valiant Beg- gar, or fturdy Vagabond, fhall at the firft Time be whipped, and fent to the Place where he was born or Iaft dwelled by the Space of three Years, there to get his Living ; and if he continue his roguifh Life, he fhall have the upper Part of the Griftle of his Right Ear cut off; and if after that he be taken wan- dering in Idlenefs, or doth not apply to his Labour, or is not in Service with any Mafter, he fhall be ad- judged and executed as a Felon. (4.) No Perfon fhall make any open or common Dole, nor fhall give any Money in Alms, but to the common Boxes, and common Gatherings in every Parifh, upon Pain to forfeit ten times fo much as fhall be given. (5) There fhall be no playing at unlawful Games. C A P. XXVI. Concerning the Laws to be ufed in Wales. The Caufes why ( A LBEIT the Dominion, Principality and Country of Wales juftly and righteoufly is, and ever hath a Diverfity hath ' Jl. been incorporated, annexed, united and fubject to and under the Imperial Crown -of this Realm, as been made be- ( ' a ver y Member and Joint of the fame, wherefore the King's moft Royal Majefty of meer Droit, and very SuWeAsofEnc!' R'ght' ' s very Head, King, Lord and Ruler; (2) yet notwithftanding, becaufe that in the fame Country, Wales. ' Principality and Dominion, divers Rights, Ufages, Laws and Cuftoms be far difcrepant from the Laws ' and Cuftoms of this Realm, (1) and alfo becaufe that the People of the fame Dominion have, and do ' daily ufe a Speech nothing like, ne confonant to the natural Mother Tongue ufed within this Realm, ' (4) fome rude and ignorant People have made Diftinction and Div,erfity between the King's Subjects of ' this Realm, and his Subjects of the faid Dominion and Principality of Wales, whereby great Difcord, Va- ' riance, Debate, Divifion, Murmur and Sedition hath grown, between his faid Subjects ;' (5) His High- nefs therefore of a fingular Zeal, Love and Favour that he beareth towards his Subjects of his faid Domi- nion of Wales, minding and intending to reduce them to the perfect Order, Notice and Knowledge of his Laws of this his Realm, and utterly to extirp all and fingular the finifter Ufages and Cuftoms differing from the fame, and to bring the faid Subjects of this his Realm, and of his faid Dominion of Wales, to an ami- cable Concord and Unity, hath by the deliberate Advice, Confent and Agreement of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aft mbled, and by the Authority of the fame, Palmer 15. ordained, enacted and eftablifned, That his faid Country or Dominion of Wales fhall be, ftand and continue All Perfons born f or ever f rorn henceforth incorporated, united and annexed to and with this his Realm of England; (w cn'o "al? LiLrtv atl( ^ t ^ at a " an< ^ ^ in § uiar Perfon and Perfons, born and to be born in the faid Principality, Country or Do- as other Subiecis m inion of //'tfA'.r, fhall have, enjoy and inherit all and fingular Freedoms, Liberties, Rights, Privileges and in England do. Laws within this his Realm, and other the King's Dominions, as other the King's Subjects naturally bora Tb L - f within the fame have, enjoy and'ir.herit. England (hall be. ^* And that all and fingular Perfon and Perfons inheritable to any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Pents, ufed in Wales. Reverfions, Services or other Hereditaments, which fhall defcend after the Fe.ift of All-Saints next coming, Dyer, f. 113. within the faid Principality, Country or Dominion of Wales, or within any particular Lordfhip, Parlor Piowd.f. .20. p arce l EXP. 31 Hen, S. c. 7 land an 3 Eulftr.Ji7 Stat. JVallia 1%Ed. 1.