Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/288

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A ProvKo for the Cells of other Monke- ries being under Obedience, The Right of Founder? and Patrons faved. 250 C. 2 8 . Anno vicefitno feptimo H e n r i c i VIII. A. D. 1 5 3 5 . Aft, were rated and taxed' to pay in any one Year, towards the Payment of the faid Sums of Money granted to the King's Plighnefs. VII. Provided always, That this Aft, or any Thing or Things therein contained, fhall not extend, nor be prejudicial to any Abbots or Priors of any Monafteries or Priories being certified into the King's Ex- chequer to have in PoffeiTions and Profits Spiritual and Temporal above the cteai yearly Value cf two hun- dred Pounds, for or concerning fuch Cells of Religious Houfes, apper.aining or belonging to their Mo- nafteries or Priories, in which Cells the Priors or other chief Governors thereof be : under the Obedience of the Abbots or Priors to whom fucfrCeils belong, as the Monks or Canons of the Covents of their Mo- nafteries or Priories, and cannot fue nor be fued, by the Laws of this Realm, in or by their own proper Names, for "the Pofieffions or other Things appertaining to fuch Cells whereof they be Priors or Governors, but muft fue and be fued in and by the Names of the Abbots or Priors to whom they be Obediencers, and to whom fuch Cells belong ; (2) and alfo be Priors or Governors dative, and removable, from Time to Time, and Accountants of the Profits of fuch Cells, at the only Pleafure and Will of the Abbots or Priors to whom fuch Cells belong ; but that every fuch Cell fhall be and remain undiffolved' in the fame Eftate, Quality and Condition, as if this Aft had never been made ; any Thing in this Aft. to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. VIII. Saving always, and referving unto every Perfon and Perfons, being Founders, Patrons or Donors of any Abbies, Priories or other Religious Houfes, that fhall be fuppreffed by this Aft, their Heirs and Succeffors, all fuch Right, Title, Intereft, Poffeffion, Rents, Annuities, Fees, Offices, Leafes, Commons, and all other Profits whatfoever, which any of them have, or fhould have had, without Fraud or Covin, by any manner of Means, otherwife than by reafon or occafion of the Diffblution of the faid Abbies, Priories or other Religious Houfes, in, to or upon any the faid Abbies, Priories or other Religious Houfes, whereof they be Founders, Patrons or Donors, or in, to or upon any the Lands, Tenements or other He- reditaments appertaining or belonging to the fame, in like Manner, Form and Condition, as other Perfons and Bodies Politick be faved by this Aft, as is afore rehearfed, and as if the faid Abbies, Priories or other Religious Houfes had not been fuppreffed and diffolved by this Aft, but had continued ftill in their eiTential Bodies and Eftates as they be now in ; any Thing in this Aft to the contrary hereof notwith- ftanding. Hofpitality and IX. And be it further enafted, ordained and eftablifhed by Authority aforefaid, That all and lingular Husbandry (hall p er fons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, to whom the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, hereafter the site ofThe fhall give, grant, let or demife any Site or Precinft, with the Houfes thereupon builded, together with the Houfes fuppref- Demeans of any Monafteries, Priories or other Religious Houfes, that fhall be diffolved or given to the fed. King's Highnefs by this Aft, and the Heirs, Succeffors, Executors and Afligns of every fuch Perfon, Body Rep. 11 Jac, 1. Politick and Corporate, fhall be bound by Authority of this Aft, under ihe Penalties hereafter enfuing, to r " *°* keep, or caufe to be kept, an honeft continual Houfe and Houfbolu in the fame Site or Precinft, and to occupy yearly as much of the fame Demeans in Ploughing and Tillage of Hufbandry, that is to fay, as much of the faid Demeans which hath been commonly ufed to be kept in Tillage by the Governors, Ab- bots or Priors of the fame Houfes, Monafteries or Priories, or by their Farmer or Farmers occupying the fame within the Time of twenty Years next before this Aft. X. And if any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, that fhall be bounden by this Aft, do not keep an honeft Houfhold of Hufbandry and Tillage, in Manner and Form as is aforefaid, that then he or they fo offending fhall forfeit to the King's Highnefs for every Month fo offending, fix Pounds thirteen Shillings and Four-pence, to be recovered to his Ufe in any of his Courts of Record. Jufiices of Peace XI. And over that it is enafted by Authority aforefaid, That all Juftices of Peace in every Shire where iha'.i inquire of an y f uc j, Offence fhall be committed or done, contrary to the true Meaning and Intent of this prefent fenders"' " ^^ fhall, in every Quarter and General Seffibns within the Limits of their Cornmiiiion, inquire of the Premiffes, and fhall have full Power and Authority to hear and determine the fame, (2) and to tax and affefs no lefs Fine for every the faid Offences, than is afore limited for the fame Offences, (3) and the Ef- Sa farther cm- trea(:s thereof to be made and certified into the King's Exchequer, according and at fuch Time and Form, "utllTof Mtma- as other Eftreats of Fines, Iffues and Amerciaments been made by the fame Juftices. fterks, 31J/. 8. c. 13. 3a ff. 8. r. ao. 35 H. 8. c. 19. 35 H. 8. c. 14. 37 H. 8. c. 20. 1 Ed. 6. c . 14. and 1 & a P. & M. c . 8. Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 28 Hen. VIII. and Anno Dora. 1536. CTS made in the Parliament begun and holden nt We/imin/ler the eighth Day of June in the eight and twentieth Year of the Reign of our moft dread Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, and there continued and kept till the Diffolution of the fame Parliament the eighteenth Day of July, to the Honour of God s and for the common Weal and Profit of this his Realm.' CAP'