Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/30

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The TITLES of the STATUTE S. n. An Aft for the Sale of Hats and Caps made beyond the Sea. 12. An Aft againft unlawful and rebellious Afemblies.. . 13. An Aft for the Continuance of certain Statutes. 14. An Aft for the Continuance of a Statute made for the Reparation of Gaols. 15. An Aft for the Re-edifying of the Parifh Church of Saint Elens in Stainegate within the City of York . 16. An Aft for the Confirmation of the Attainder of John late Duke of Northumberland, and others. 17. An Aft for the Releafe of the laft. Subfidy of the Tem- poralty^ 18. An Aft of -a Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage of divers Merchandizes. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno prbno Maria, Sejf. 2. N Aft for the Reftitution in Blood of Sir Thomas _ Howard, Knight, otherwife called Thomas Howard Earl of Surry. 2. An Aft for the Reftitution in Blood of Sir Edivard Se'y- ?nor,. Knight, eldeft Son of the late Duke of Somerjet, born of the Lady Anne his laft Wife-. 3. An Aft for the Incorporation of the Warden and Scho- lars of Merton College in Oxford. 4. An Aft for the Reftitution in Blood of the Heirs of Hen- ry Poole, late Lord Mountague. ■ 5. An Aft for the Reftitution in Blood of Sir Marmaduke Con/table, Knight. 6. An Aft for the Reftitution in Blood of Thomas Stanhope, Efquire. 7. An Aft' for the Reftitution in Blood of Mathew Arundell, Efquire. 8. An Aft for keeping the County-Days in Cardigan/hire. 9. An Aft for the Reftitution in Blood of. the Heirs of Sir Miles Partridge, Knight. " 'io. An Aft to make free Denizens the Wives and Children of Richard Bat/on, TJjomas Broivn, and John Bradley, born beyond the Seas. 11. An Aft for the Reparation of Sherborne Cawfey. 12. An Aft repealing a Statute made in the fifth Year of King Edward the. Sixth, touching the approving the Mar- riage between the Marquis of Northampton and the Lady Elizabeth his Wife, and for the Legitimation of their Children. 13. An Aft declaring the Attainder of the Duke of Norfolk. PUBLIC K ACTS. Anno prima Maria, Seff. 3 . i. AN Aft declaring that the Regal Power of this Realm J is in the Queen's Majefty, as fully and abfolutely as ever it was in any of her moft Noble Progenitors, Kings of this Realm. 2. An Aft touching the Articles of the- Queen's Highnefs moft noble Marriage. 3. An Aft for the Repeal of two feveral Afts made in the Seventh Year of King Edward the Sixth, touching the Diffolution of the Bifhoprick of Durham. 4. An Aft for the eftablifhihg of the Office of the Lord Steward of the Queen's moft Honourable Houfnold. 5. An Aft for the Continuance of a Statute made for the Repairing of Sherborne Caufey. 6. An Aft for the Repairing of a Caufey betwixt Briftol and Gloucester. j. An Aft touching Cloth-making in Corporate Towns and Market-Towns. 8. An Aft touching the Buying and Currying of Leather. 9. An Aft touching Ordinances and Rules in Cathedral Churches and Schools. 10. An Aft for the Repealing of a Statute made for the Uniting of the Parifh-Churches of Onger and Greenftecd in the County of EJfex. 11. An Aft touching the Sea-Sands in Glamorganjhire. iz. An Aft for the Continuation of certain Statutes. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno prima Maria, Sejf. 3 . 1. A N Aft for the Reftitution in Blood of Sir William ,/ Parr, Knight, Marquis of Northampton. 2. An Aft for the Aflurance of the Manor of" Gayivood and Ryjing in the County of Norfolk, to the Earl of Surry. 3. An Aft for the Ratifying of the Eftate of Dame Lucye Clyfford in the Manor of Burfton Hawghe. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno prima & fecundo Philippi & Maria. 1 • A ^ Aft touching Letters Patents and other Writings i to be figned by the Queen's Majefty. 2. An Aft for the Reformation of Excefs in Apparel. 3. An Aft againft feditious Words and Rumours. 4. An Aft for the Punifhment of certain Perfons calling themfelves Egyptians. 5. An Aet to reitrain carrying of Corn, Viftuals and Wood over the Sea. 6. An Aft for the reviving of three Statutes made for the Punifhment of Herefies. 7. An Aft that Perfons dwelling in the Country fhall not fell divers Wares, in Cities and Towns Corporate, by Retail. 8. An Aft repealing all Statutes, Articles and Provifions made againft the See Apoftolick of Rome, fince the twen- tieth Year of King Henry the Eighth ; and alfo for Efta- blifhment of all Spiritual and Ecclefiaftical Pofleffions and Hereditaments conveyed to the Laity. 9. An Aft for the Punifhment of traiterous Words againft the Queen's Majefty. 10. An Act whereby certain Offences be made Treafons ; and alfo for the Government of the King's and Queen's "Majefties Iffues. 11. An Aft for the Punifhment of bringing in of coun- terfeit Coin of Foreign Realms, being current within this Realm. 12. An Aft for the impounding of Diftreffes. 13. An Aft appointing an Order to Juftices of Peace touch- ing the Bailment of Prifoners. 14. An Aft for the making of Ruffel Sattins, Sattins Re- veries, and Fuftian.of Naples, in Norwich. 15. An Aft to confirm the Liberties of the Lord Marchers in Wales.. 16. An Aft for the Continuance of certain Statutes. 17. An Aft touching Leafes hereafter to be made by cer- ' tain Spiritual Perfons. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno prima IS fecundo Philippi & Maria. 1. AN Aft repealing the Attainder of the Lord Cardinal l Pole. 2. An Aft repealing all Attainders and" Outlawries-had -or made againft Richard Pate, William Pctovjc, Thomas Gold- well, and others. 3. An