Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/304

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266 C. 13. Anno tricefimo primo Henri ci VIII. A. D. 1539 to have had, holdcn or occupied, in the Rights of their faid late Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, Nun- neries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers or other Religious and Ecclefiaftical Houfes and Places, at the Time of the laid Diffolution, Suppreffion, Renouncing, Kelinquifhing, Forfeiting, Giving up, or by any- other manner of mean coming of the fame to the King's Highnefs fallen the fourth Day of February above fpecified. Co. pi. f. 445. III. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That not only all the faid late Monafteries, wnr w°d'" 'a -Abbathies, Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers, and other Religious and Ecclefi- thei'r Lands given a ^' ca ^ Houfes and Places, Sites, Circuits, Precincts, Manors, Lordfhips, Granges, Meafes, Lands, Te- to the King. Dements, Meadows, Paftures, Rents, Reverfions, Services, and all other the PremifTes, forthwith, imme- aRollioo. diately and prefently, (z) but alfo all other Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpi- tals, Houfes of Friers, and all other Religious and Ecclefiaftical Houfes and Places, which hereafter fhall happen to be diffolved, fuppreffed, renounced, relinquished, forfeited, given up, or by any other mean come to the King's Highnefs ; (3) and alfo all the Sites, Circuits, Precincts, Manors, Lorc.fhips, Gran- ges, Meafes, Lands, Tenements, Meadows, Paftures, Rents, Reverfions, Services, Woods, Tithes, Pennons, Portions, Parfonages appropriate, Vicarages, Churches, Chapels, Advowfons, Nominations, Patronages, Annuities, Rights, Interefts, Entries, Conditions, Commons, Leets, Courts, Liberties, Pri- vileges, Franchifes and other Hereditaments whatfoever they be, belonging or appertaining to the fame or Co. pi. f. 187, any of them, (4) whenfoever and as foon as they fhall be diffolved, fuppreffed, renounced, relinquifhed, 546. forfeited, given up, or by any other Mean come unto the King's Highnefs, (hall be vefted, deemed and ad- judged by Authority of this prefent Parliament, in the very actual and real Seifin and Poffeffion of the King 10 Co. "5;. our Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and Succeffors for ever, in the State and Condition as they now- be, (5) and Plow. t. 19,3. as though all the faid late Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers and all other Religious and Ecclefiaftical Houfes and Places fo diffolved, fuppreffed, renounced, re- The Sites and linquifhed, forfeited, given up, or come unto the King's Highnefs as is aforefaid, (6) as alfo the faid Mo- Lands of the naileries, Abbathies, Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers, and other Religious and beln^the^aaual Ecclefiaftical Houfes and Places, which hereafter ihall happen to be diffolved, fuppreffed, renounced, relin- Pofieffion of the quifhed, forfeited, given up or come unto the King's Plighnefs, Sites, Circuits, Precincts, Manors, Lord- King. - fhips, Granges, Lands, Tenements and other the Premiffes, whatfoever they be, and every of them, were- in this prefent Act fpecially and particularly rehearfed, named and expreffed by exprefs Words, Names,- Titles and Faculties, and in their Natures, Kinds and Qualities. AHAbbeyLands IV. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the faid late Monafteries, Abbathies, fhall be within Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers, and other Religious and Ecclefiaftical Houfes tleC urYof a nd Places, which being diffolved, fuppreffed, renounced, relinquifhed, given up or come to the King's Augmentations, Highnefs by any Manner of Means as is aforefaid, and all the Manors, Lordfhips, Granges, Lands, Te- except fuch nements and other the Premiffes (except fuch thereof as be come to the King's Hands by Attainder or At— which come by tainders of Treafon) (z) and all the faid Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, Nunnerks, Colleges, Hofpi— Attainder. t a ]g 5 Houfes of Friers and other Religious and Ecclefiaftical Houfes or Places, which hereafter fhall happen to be diffolved, fuppreffed, renounced, relinquifhed, forfeited, given up or come unto the King's Highnefs, (3) and all the Manors, Lordfhips, Granges, Lands, Tenements, Meadows, Paftures, Rents, Reverfions, - Services, Woods, Tithes, Portions, Penfions, Parfonages appropriate, Vicarages, Churches, Chapels, Advowfons, Nominations, Patronages, Annuities, Rights, Interefts, Entries, Conditions, Commons, Lsets, Courts, Liberties, Privileges, Franchifes and other Hereditaments, whatfoever they be, belonging to the fame, or to any of them (except fuch thereof which fhall happen to come to the King's Highnefs by Attainder or Attainders of Treafon) fhall be in the Order, Survey and Governance of our faid Sovereign Lord the King's Court of Augmentations of the Revenues of his Crown, and of the Chancellor, Officers Explained by and Minifters of the fame ; (4) and all the Ferms, Iffues, Revenues and Profits, coming and growing of ? z H. S., t ne Premiffes, and of every Part thereof, (except before except) fhall be ordered, taken and received for the. 5" '" King's Ufe by the faid Chancellor, Minifters. and Officers, of the fame Court, in fuch and like Manner and Form, as the Monafteries, Priories, Sites, Circuits, Manors, Granges, Meafes, Lands, Tenements,- Rents, Reverfions, Services, Tithes, Penfions, Portions, Advowfons, Patronages, Rights, Entries, Con- ditions and other Hereditaments, late appertaining or belonging unto the Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories or other Religious Houfes, late by Authority of Parliament fuppreffed, been ordered, furv eyed and govern-' Other Mens ed ; (5) Saving to all and every Perfon and Perfons, and Bodies Politick and their Heirs and Succeffors, Titles faved. and the Heirs and Succeffors of all and every of them (other than the faid late Abbots, Priors, Abbeffes, Prioreffes and other Ecclefiaftical Governors and Governeffes of the faid late Monafteries, Abbathies, Pri- - ories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers' and other Religious and Ecclefiaftical Houfes and Places and their Succeffors, and the Succeffors of every of them, and fuch as pretend to be Founders, Pa- trons or Donors of fuch Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers, and other Ecclefiaftical Houfes and Places, or of any Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, or other Hereditaments belonging to the fame, or to any of them, their Heirs and Succeffors, and the Heirs and Succeffors of every fuch Founder, Patron or Donor, and the now Abbots, Priors, Abbeffes, Prioreffes, and other Ecclefiaftical Governors and Governeffes of fuch Monafteries, Abbathies, Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers, and other Religious and Ecclefiaftical Houfes and Places, which- hereafter fhall happen to be diffolved, fuppreffed, renounced, relinquifhed, forfeited, given up, or come to the King's HighnefS, and fuch as pretend to be Founders, Patrons or Donors of fuch Monafteries, Abba- R ■. _ thies, Priories, Nunneries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers, and other Ecclefiaftical Houfes and Pla- S-ents Seck' C "and ces ' ov °f any Manors, Meffuages, Land's, Tenements or other Hereditaments to the fame belonging, or ctivr Services to any of them, their Heirs and Succeffors, and the Heirs and Succeffors of every of them, (6) all fuch and Suits ex- Right, Title, Claim, Intereft, Poffeffion, Rents, Charges, Annuities, Leafes, Ferms, Offices, Fees, F=pted out of the Liveries'and Livings, Portions, Penfions,. Corrodies, Commons, Synods, Proxies and other Profits, which wring. jji_ey