Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/317

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A. D. 154-0. Anno triccfnn , fccunJo tTiENRici Vllf. C. 7, 8. 279 . ppellant to fat is I y .hiJ pay the I Surety of tli ■ . ' (ball be adjudged ami llant, if afi rty to whom the fame Cofls fhall be yield i . rery Ordi- t, {ball adju I very Appi al to Caul .y Tithes 01 it to I i irigs. further be it i if any Pcrfon or Perfons, aftc- fuch Sen- T 1 "" ° , y- r " } "' Cencc dcfinitivi obftinately an! willfully rcfufe for to pay their Tithes or Duties, or^.V nicy lb ail j j 1 , tli condemned for the fame, that then two Tuftices of the Pucito Peace for the fame Shire, . lercol one to be of the Quorum, ill. ill have Authority by this Act, upon Infor- the Or..: niation, Certificate or Complaint to them made in writing by the faid Ecclefiaftical Judge that gave the Sentence. feme Sentence, to caufe the lame Party fo refilling, to be attached and committed to the next Gaol, and there to remain without Hail or Mainprife till he or they fhall have found fufficient Sur ties to be bound by Recognizance or otherwife, before the fame Juflices, to the Ut'e of our fiid Sovereign Lord the King, to perform the faid definitive Sentence and Judgment. ifchtrp!

Provided always and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons (hall be Co> p(- f _-„ 

fued, or otherwife compelled to yield, give or pay any manner of Tithes for any Manors, Lands, Tcne- - u j EH. 6. ments or other Hereditaments, which by the Laws or Statutes of this Realm are difcharged, or not charge- c. 13 § 4. able with the Payment of any fuch Tithe-;. The VI. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, this Act nor any Thing therein con- of LonJon. tabled fhall in any wife bind the Inhabitants of the City of London, and Suburbs of the fame, for to pay * Co - **• their Tithes and Offerings within the fame City and Suburbs otherwife than they ought or fhould have c r } 7 V.' T p ' done before tin making of this Act ; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithftanding. intntof Tubai* VII- And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all Cafes where any Perfon or Per- LtrMm fons which now have, or which hereafter fhall have, any Eftatc of Inheritance, Freehold, Term, Right or Recoveries may- Intri.ll of, in or to any Parfonage, Vicarage, Portion, Petition, Tithes, Oblations or other Ecclefiaftical be hid, nJOn- or Spiritual Profi whii h now be, or hereafter fhall be made Temporal, or admitted to be, abide and go veyancesmadeia to or in Temporal Hands and Lay Ufes and Profits by the Law or Statutes of this Realm, fhall hereafter c„ l l J 1 j S c ", l f fortune to be difTeifed, deforced, wronged or otherwife kept or put from their lawful Inheritance, Eftate, -t<m<:', at of Seifin, Poffcffion, Occupation, Term, Right or Intercfl: of, in, or to the fame, or of, in, or to any Par- Lands, eel thereof, by any other Perfon or Perfons claiming or pretending to have Intercfl or Title in or to the Djtrij. «/■ tr. fame; (2) that then in all and every fuch Cafe or Cafes, the Perfon or Perfons fo difTeifed, deforced, or Cr °-£'- l °7< ? <!4- wrongfully kept or put from his or their Right or PofTeflion as is afore rehearfed, their Heirs, Wives and Co. Lit. 1-9. a, fuch other to whom fuch Injury and Wrong fhall be done or committed, fhall and may have their R medy in the King's Temporal Courts, or other Temporal Courts, as the Cafe fhall require, for the Recovery, Getting or Obtaining of fuch Inheritance, Eftate, Freehold, Seifin, Pofleffion, Term, Right or Intereft, }f of Chancery, of every fuch Parfonage, Vicarage, Portion, Penfion, or other Profit called Ecclefiaftical or Spiritual, fo to be demanded, according to the Nature and Caufe of the Suit thereof, (+) in like Manner u Co. 2:, and Form as they fhould, ought or might have had, of or for Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, in fuch Manner to be demanded : (5) And that Writs of Covenant and other Writs for Fines to be levied, and all other Afliirances to be had, made or conveyed, of any fuch Parfonage, Vicarage, Portion, Penfion or other Pi ofit called Ecclefiaftical or Spiritual as is is aforefaid, fhall be hereafter devifed and granted in the faid Chancery according as hath been ufed for Fines to be levied, and Afiiirance to be had, made or con- veyed, of Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments : (6) And that all Judgments to be given upon any J- J r~' 5 "" of the faid Writs original, fo to be devifed or granted of or for any the PremiUes, or any of them, and all ?"d Fines levied Fines to be levied and knowledged in any of the King's faid Courts thereof, fhall be of like Force and F.f- c ourt , " ES feet in the Law, to all Intents and Purpofes, as Judgments given, and Fines levied of Lands, Tenements Tithes' (hall be and Hereditaments in the fame Courts upon Writs original therefore duly purfued and profecuted,' albeit no of like Force as fuch Form of Writs original out of the faid Court of Chancery have heretofore proceeded or been awarded. ° f Lands. VIII. Provided always, That this lalt Act fhall not extend uor be expounded to give any Remedy, Caufe Remedy ft of Action or Suit in the Courts Temporal againft any Perfon or Perfons which fhall refufe or deny to fet " ad o,L T - lthe ' out his or their Tithes, or which fhall detain, withhold or refufe to pay his Tithes or Offerings or any Par- *" t : eel thereof; (2) but that in all fuch Cafes the Perfon or Party, being Ecclefiaftical or Lay Perfon, having c Caufe to demand or have the laid Tithes or Offerings and thereby wronged or grieved, fhall take and have in the Temporal. their Remedy for their faid Tithes or Offerings in every fuch Cafe in the Spiritual Courts, according to the Dyer %>. pt. $*, Ordinance in the firft Part of this Act mentioned, and not otherwife ; any Thing herein exprelTed to the 2 H = contrary thereof notwithftanding. » Co." 4.3'. Per' fanbir Prwi/ioai concerting Tubes, fie zz 6? Z3 Cjr. 2. c. 15. 7 Sf 8 IK 3. c. 6. II & IZ W. 3. c. 16. icbi.i, U malt ftrfthtal by 1 Git. I. fat. z. c. z5. v, .n. r. vm. Whofoever fhall fell or buy any Fefant or Partridge (faving the Officers of the King's, Queen's or Prince's E X P. Houfes) fhall forfeit for every Fefant vj. s. viij. d. and for every Partridge iij, s. iv. d. to the King, ifc ' J"'