Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/319

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A. D. r^-fo. Anno triccfimo fccundo Henrici VIII. C. io — i ?. 201 VI. Provided alway, and be it enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That this Act dial I not exl 01 Pcrfons with any of the Penalties mentioned in the faid Act, Offence byhii committed contrary to th except the fame P fo ofl nding be fued the Hon of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of the King's Courts, within one Year next after die ffence by liim or them committed, as i ! |i j. C A P. X. C0,1 A Repeal of the Puniflimcnt by Death or Pricfts married or unmarried, and of Women offending with o us. diem by Incontincncy, limited by the Statute of 31 U.S. c. if. A Priefl offending by Incontinency, 3 '-- and convict according to the Laws mentioned in 31 H. 8. c. 14. (lull tlic fir ft Time forfeit to the King all his Goods, Chattels, Debts, and all his Spiritual Promotions, faving one; and being the fecond Time convict, he (hall forfeit all hi^ Goods, Chattels, Debts, and the Iflue and Profits of all his Lands, Benefices and Promotions ; and being the third Time convict, fliall forfeit all his Goods, Debts, Lands, Benefices, is'e. and be imprilbncd during his Life : And the Woman, if married, flic fhall be im- prifoncd during Life ; but being unmarried, (he (hall, the firft Time (he is convict, forfeit nil her Goods, Chattels and Debts ; the fecond Time, the Moiety of the Blues of her Lands during her Life ; and the third Time, the whole Blues and Profits of all her Lands &c, and (hall be itnprifoned during her Life, itj Ed. 6, [The Stat. 31 H. 8. c. 14. and the Laws of Conviction therein mentioned being repealed by 1 Edw. 6. «■*'• C. IZ. this Statute is obfolcte. J S&6Ed. 6. CAP. XL All Sanctuaries and Places privileged, which have been ufed for Sanctuary, fliall be utterly extinguished, except Parifh Churches and their Church-yards, Cathedral Churches, Hofpitals and Churches Collegiate, and all Churches dedicated, ufed as Parifh Churches, and the Sanctuaries to either of them belonging, and Wells in the County of Somerfet, Welbninfier^ Jifanche/ier, Northampton, Norwich, York, Derby and Lancajler. (z) None of the faid Places (hall give Immunity or Defence to any Perfon which (hall com- mit wilful Murder, Rape, Burglary, Robbery in the High-way or in any Houfe, or in any Church or Chapel, or which fliall burn wilfully any Houfe, or Barn with Corn. (3 ) He that taketh Sanctuary in any Church, Church-yard, &c. may remain there forty Days, as hath been ufed, unlefs the Coroner repair to him to take his Abjuration ; ■" «»lii*"Vi Paf* hp Onll aViiuro t-r, arm nf tJm fnrof^A .,,■;. Wccr^A Pl-./-=e not (4) Or it any c. to the Governor of the faid privileged Place ; and if that Place be full of his Number, then he (hall be * H ' conducted to the next privileged Place, and fo to the next, Wc. until, fcfc. •- H.' s. c. 1', CAP. XIII. The Bill for the Breed of HoiTes. ' TT Orafmuch as the Generation and Breed of good and ftrong Horfes within this Realm extended] not only ,, ;r 7 . . ,. ' P to a great Help and Defence of the fame, but alio is great Commodity and Profit to the Inhabitants 27 H. 8, ,6. 1 thereof, which now is much decayed and dim in idled, by reafon that in Forefts, Chafes, Moors, Marifhes, 1 Heaths, Commons and wafte Grounds within this Realm, little ftoned Horfes and Nags of Imall Stature ' and of little Value, be not only fuffered to pafture and feed thereupon, bat alfo to cover and leap Mares ' feeding there, whereof cometh in manner no Profit or Commodity :' II. For Reformation whereof, and for the Increafe and Breed of better and ftrongcr Horfes hereafter to be had within this Realm, be it enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame, That no xhc A»e an<i Commoner or Commoners within any Forcft, Chafe, -Moor,' Mafifh, Heath, Common or Wafte Ground, Heigh; 1 nor any Officer or Officers of or within any of the laid Forefts or Chafes, nor any other Perfon or Perfons, ftoned H whntfoeverhe or they be, at any Time after the laft Day of March which fhall be in the Year of our Lord " lr Gcd One thoufand five hundred and three and forty, fhall have or put to Pafture into or upon any fuch ' . '. l '" Ground, Foreft, Chafe, Moor, Mariih, Heath, Common or wafte Ground, any ftoned Horfe or Horfes, cv being above the Age of two Years, and not being of the Altitude or Height of fifteen Handfuls, to be mea- i u Pan repealed . fured from the loweft Part of the Hoof of the Forefoot, unto the higheft Part of the Wither, and every by S El. c. 3, Handful to contain four Inches of the Standard, to pafture, feed or be in or upon any of the faid Forefts, §■ -• Chafes, Commons, Moors, Marifhes, Heaths or wafte Grounds within any of the Shires and Territories of Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Buckingham, Huntingdon, Effix, Kent, Scuth-Hampfljire, North-Wlltjhire, Ox- ford, Berkjbire, Worccjler, Glocejhr, S.vnerJ'et, North-Wales, South-Wales, Bedford, Warwick, Northamp- ton, Yorkjhire, Chejhire, Stafford/hire, the County'bf the City of York, the Town and Liberties of G'cccfler, the County of the Town of KingJIon upon Hull, the County Palatine of Lancafier, the County of Sa Vol. II. O o • Lr-