Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/32

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. I '.. An Act for the Continuance of the making of Woollen Cloth in clivers Towns in the County of Ejfex. 15. An Aft that Timber fhall not be felled to make Coals " for the burning of Iron. 16. An Act to continue the Act made again ft rebellious Aflemblies. 17. An Act for the Prefervation of Spawn and Fry of Fifli. 1 8. An Aft for the Continuance of certain Statutes. 19. An Act retraining Bifhops from making Leafes for above twenty-one Years. Private J fits, c. 17. 20. An Act of a Subfidy of Tonnage and Poundage. 21. An Act of a Subfidy, and two Fifteens and Tenth, granted by the Temporalty. 22. An Act giving Authority to the Queen to make Ordi- nances in Collegiate Churches and. Schools. PRIVATE AC T S. Anno prime Elizabeths Regime. N Act whereby the Queen's Highnefs is reftored in Blood to the late Queen Anne, her Highnefs's Mo- ther. a. An Act for the Reftitution in Blood of the Lord John Graye. 3. An. Act for the Reftitution in Blood of Sir James Crofts, Knight. 4. An Act for: the. Reftitution in Blood of Sir Henry Gates, Knight. J. An~Aft for the Aflurance of certain Manors, Lands and Tenements, formerly Parcel of the Pofleffions of the Bi- fhpprick of London, to the Lord TFmtuiortbi the Lord PJche, and the Lord Darcy. 6. An Act that Garfome Wroth, born in Germany, fhall be taken and reputed the Queen's natural born Subject. 7. An Act that the Manors, Lands and Tenements, which Thomas Brovme and George Browne are feifed of in Fee- Simple or Fee-Tail in the County of Kent, which are of the Tenure and Nature of Gavelkind, fhall from hence- forth be clearly changed from that Cuftom. 5. An Act for the Reititution in Blood of Robert Rud/lon, Efquire. 9. An Act declaring the Repeal of the Attainder of the late Cardinal Poole. 10. An Act for the Incorporation of Trinity-Hall in Cam- An Act for Confirmation of the Marriage between Tlw- mas Duke of Norfolk and the Lady Margaret, Daughter and Heir of Thomas Lord Awdeley, and for Confirmation of her Jointure. iz. An Act for the Reftitution in Blood of the Children of Edward Lcwkenor, Efquire. 13. An Aft for the keeping of a Mart or Fair once a Year in the Town of King's Lynn in the County of Norfolk. 14. An Aft for the making of a Chappel in Carmarthenjinre to be aParifh Church. 15. An Act for the Aflurance of the Manor of Bujhopjlon and Dufilon in the County of Wiltes, and 'other Lands in other Counties, being Parcel of the Pofleffions of the Bifhoprick of Winch <cjter, unto William Earl of Pembroke, Sir Phelip Hobby, Sir John Mafoti, and others. 16. An Act for the Affizes and Seflions for the County of Stafford to be holden in the Town of Stafford. 17. An Act giving Authority to the Queen's Majefty, upon the Avoidance of any Archbifhoprick or Bifhoprick, to take into her Flands certain of the Temporal Pofleffions thereof, recompenfing the fame with Parfonages impro- priate and Tenths. Publick Alls, c. 19. 18. T An Act for the Reftitution in Blood of the Lord Dacrer of the South. 19. An Act for the Reftitution in Blood of Henry Howard, Jane Howard, and Katherine Wife to the Lord Barkley. 20. An Act to annex to the Crown certain Religious Houfcs and Monafteries; and to reform certain Abuies in Chantries. zi. An Act touching the Pofleffions of the Lord Dacres of the South. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno quinto Elizahetha Regina. 1. A N Aft for the Aflurance of the Queen's Majefty 's f Royal Power of all States and Subjects within her Dominions 2. An Aft for the Maintenance and Increafe of Tillage. 3. An Act for the Relief of the Poor. 4. An Act touching divers Orders for Artificers, Labourers, Servants of Hufbandry, and Apprentices. 5. An Aft touching certain politick Conftitutions made for the Maintenance of the Navy. 6. An Act againft fuch as fhall fell any Ware for Apparel without ready Money. 7. An Act avoiding divers Foreign Wares made by Han- dicrafts-men beyond the Seas. 8. An Aft touching Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers, and other Artificers occupying (he Cutting of Leather. 9. An Aft for the Punifhment of fuch Perfons as fhall pro- cure or commit any wilful Perjury. 10. An Aft to revive a Statute made Anno 21 of Henry the Eighth, touching Servants imbeziliing their Matters Goods. 11. An Act againft the Clipping, Wafhing, Rounding, or Filing of Coins. iz. An Act touching Badgers of Corn and Drovers of Cat- tle to be Licenced. 1.3. An Act for the Reviving of a Statute made the Second and Third of Philip and Alary, for the Amending of Highways. 14. An Act againft the Forging of Evidences and Wri- tings. 15. An Aft againft fond and fantaftical Prophecies. 16. An Aft againft Conjurations, Enchantments and Witch- crafts. 17. An Aft for the Punifhment of the Vice of Buggery. 18. An Act declaring the Authority of the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, and the Lord Chancellor, to he one. 19. An Aft for the Repeal of a Branch of a Statute made Anno 1 Edw. 6. touching the conveying of Horfes and Geldings out; of this Realm. 20. An Act for the Punifhment of Vagabonds, calling themfelves Egyptians. zi. An Aft for the Punifhment of unlawful taking of Fifh, Deer, or Hawks. 22. An Aft againft the carrying of Sheep-ikins and Pelts over the Sea, not being Staple Ware. 23. An Aft for the due Execution of the Writ De excom- municato capiendo. 24. An Act for the reviving of a Statute made Anno 23 H. 8. touching the Repairing of Gaols. 25. An Act to fill up Juries De circumjlantibus, lacking in Wales. 26. An Aft for the Inrollment of Indentures of Bargain and Sale in the Queen's Majefty's Courts of Record at Lancafler, Chefter, and Durham* ■vj. An