Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/321

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A. D. 1540. Anno (.liccfimo fecundo Henrici VI IT. C. 14 — 16. 283 <■ written, and every of them: (2) and .ill Prcfcntmcnts thereof t" Lw^y. <>«u any of the I nd 1 awd.iy: , Ih ill 1 i I 'i Lawday, in the next General Seffiont of the Peace to hi n the ^f I ti .ni. (hall be found <>r had, or unto the Cu/loi Rotukrum ol the fame after that Prcfentment made; (3) which Ju ft 1 , in their C of the Peace, fhall have Power and Authority 1 v this Afl to hear and determine e tment before thcmlclvcs found, or in any of the faid 1 prefented and ci I 1 I., as well by Examination as otherwife; (4) and if any fuch Steward, Deputy Steward or holder, aforefaid, imhefil or conceal any fuch Prcfentment, or do not (.citify the fame as is afore written, every of them lb off nding (hall forfeitand lofe for every fuch Offence xl.s. ($) the one Half of iture, and of ever} other ol the Forfeitures afore written, to be to the King ou Lord, and the other Half to the Perfon or Perfons that will fue for the fame before the laid Jufticea ice in the faid Quartcr-Seflions, by Bill or Information, which Jufticea fhall have full Power and ity by Virtue of this Act, to hear and determine every fuch Offence, as well by Examination as Otherwife, as is before mentioned. . And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons after the Feaft of No Horfe, CrU- St. Michael tint Archangel next coming, fhall have or put to Pafture any Horfe, Gelding or Marc, infect with in ~ '" M»«in- 1 >r Mange, in, to or upon any of the faid Forefts, Chafes, Moors, Marifhes, Heaths, Commons, wafte ^ CC ^ J *' "|j c Grounds or common Fields, upon Pain to forfeit for every Horfe, Gelding or Mare fo infect, pafturing in ™ * tlle any of the faid Grounds, ten Shillings, (2) which Offence fhall be inquirable and prefentable before the commom. ai d in every Lect, as other common Annoyances be ; and the Forfeiture thereof to be to the Lord of th ■ lame Leet where the faid Offences fhall be prefented. X. Provided alway, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend, nor be prejudi- Korf<.-s of fooil cial to any Perfon or Perfons having any ftoned Horfe or Horfes, under the Heights and Altitudes above Height may b= mentioned, for or concerning the having or putting any of the faid Horlcs to feeding in or upon any Com- put where M«e» mon or other waftc Grounds, where any Mares or Fillies are not u fed nor fuffered to be fed, paftured or " c . no ' u,w J ' * * be Kept. 33", 5, kept. C. 5. for f 3 r. tber Prcvfons concerning Hsrfes, fit % Ef 3 V, £f M. c. 7. 8 El. c. 8. 31 El. c. 12. 13 Gee. ». c. 19. and 18 Geo. a. e. 34. C A P. XIV. The Statutes of 5 R. 2. Stat. 1. c. 3. 6 R. 2. c. 8. 4.H. 7. c. 10. & 23 H. S. c. 7. touching fraighting in O ns. <h Ships only, rehcarfed and confirmed. A Rate what fhall be paid for the Fraight or Portage of > El-c. 13. the feveral Sorts of Merchandi7.cs from the Port of London to other Places, and from thence to London. l '. E £j C '. 5 ' With a Provifo, that in cafe of War the Fraight may be railed. CAP. XV. In all Commiffions to be granted to the Bifhop of the Diocefe, his Chancellor and Commiffary, concerning Chriftian Religion, according to the Statute of 31 H. 8. c. 14. there fhall be joined with them the Arch- deacons and their Officials, all which lhall be named in the faid Commiffions by their names of Dignity, and not by their Chriftian and Surnames. Exp. 1 Ed. 6. c. 12. becaufe the faid 31 H. 8. c. 14. is by that Act repealed. CAP. XVI. Concerning Strangers.

  • r ~T~* HE King our moft dread Sovereign Lord, calling unto his bleffed Remembrance the infinite Num»

' X ber of Strangers and Aliens of foreign Countries and Nations, which daily do increafe and mul- ' tiply within his Grace's Realm and Dominions, in exceffive Numbers, to the great Detriment, Hin-

drance, Lois and Impoverifhmcnt of his Grace's natural true Lieges and Subjects of this his Realm, and 

' to the great Decay of the fame ; (2) remembering alio the manifold good Acts and Statutes which have ' been heretofore made, as well by his moft noble Progenitors, as by his own moft Roval Majefty, for ' Reformation of the fame in divers and fundry Parliaments, that is to wit : Firft, in the fir ft Year of the ^ ™ cc :, ,. ' Reign of King Richard the Third, where it was enacted, That no Perfon, not born under the fame j r. ;

  • King's Obeifance, nor made Denizen, talcing upon him to be an Artificer or Handicraftfman, ihould take 3 Mod. 0^

' nor occupy any Houfe or Chamber within this Realm, nor abide or remain in the tame, nor fojourn 4 with any mange Perfon, not being born under the Obeifance of the fame King, as is aforefaid, nor ex- ' ercife or occupy any Craft or manual Occupation within the fame Realm; (3) but that fuch Strangers ' fhouid depart from this fame Realm, within a certain Time appointed by the faid Efhtute, unlefs they

  • were retained in Service to or with any Subjects or Lieges of the King only, which were expert in
  • their Crafts or Occupations, under Pain to forfeit all their Goods.

1 If. And that no Perfon, not being born under the faid King's Obeifance, nor made Denizen, being an ' Artificer or Handicraftfman, fhouid make any Cloth within this Realm; (2) and alfo that no fuch 1 Strangers fhouid fell any Wares within this Realm, but only in grofs, and not by Retail, upon Pain of 1 Forfeiture of the faid Wares. (3) And moreover that no Perfon, not being hern under the King's ' Obeifance, abiding in any Houfe or Chamber within this Realm, oceuping any Handicraft, after a cer- ' tain Time in the faid Act limited, fhouid take any Servant to work with him, except it were his Son or

  • Daughter, or elfe one of the Subjects of the faid King, and born under his Obeifance, upon Pain to
  • forfeit for every fuch Default as in the faid Act amongft other" Things more plainly appeareth.

O o 2 * III. And