Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/333

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A. D. 1540. Anno tricefimo fccunclo IIrnrici VIII. C. 35. 295 ' F'-rnv., Mcafcs, Lands, Tenements, Meadows, Pafturcs, or other Hereditaments, for Term 0/ Life or < « (2) and toralmuch as by t lie Loninwii Law ni tni Kcaim, no stranger to any Covenant, /Action or Lon- Sole ,,6. • oition, fhall t;ike any Advantage or Benefit of the lame, by any Means or Way- in the I- w, but only ' •' • Parties or Privies thereunto, by the Realbn whereof, as well all Grantees of Reverfion ., a, alio lS " vv - »*4» 4 all Grantees and Patentees of the rCing our Sovereign Lord, of fundry Manors, Lordfhips, Granges, * s&ic.ijj. 4 Perms Meafcs, Lands, Tenements, Meadows, Pafturcs, or other Hereditaments late belonging to Mo- r ' nafterics, and other Religious and Ecclcliaftical Houfes diflblvcd, fiipprtfTcd, renounced, relinquifhed, 1 Si -oi 400. n up, or by otlvr Means come to the Hands and Pofleffion of the King's Majcfty fincc the »8"M" * '»■ lh Day oi February, the feven and twentieth Year of his molt noble Reign, be excluded to have any _ • Entry or Action againft the laid Leflees and Grantees, their Executors or Afligns, which the Leflbrs be- . ' fore that Time might by the Law have had againft the fame Leflees for the Breach of any Condition, Co — ■nt or Agreement c< mprifed in the Indentures of' their faid Leafes, Deoiifes and Grants:' (3) Beit — therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, ~""5' 1 ,'^?'" in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the lame, That as well all and every Perfon and "■ • P • 6 M* Rerfons, and Bodies Politick, their Heirs, Succeflbrs and Afligns, which have or (hall have any Gift or Grant of our faid Sovereign Lord by his Letters Patents of any Lordfhips, Manors, Lands, Tcnemci Rents, Parfonagcs, Tithes, Portions, or any other Hereditaments, or of any Reverfion or Reversions of the fame, which did belong or appertain to any of the faid Monafteries, and other Religious and Eccleftaftical Houfes, diflblved, fupprcfled, relinquifhed, forfeited, or by any other Means come to the King's Hands fincc the faid fourth Day of February the feven and twentieth Year of his mod noble Reign, or which at Pime heretofore did belong or appertain to any other Perfon orPerfons, and after came to the Hands of our faid Sovereign Lord, (4) as alfo all other Perfons being Grantees or Aflignecs to or by our faid Sove- Granges of Re- reign Lord the King, or to or by any other Perfon or Perfons than the King's Highncfs, and the Heirs, Exe- verfions m«y cutors, Succeflbrs and Afligns of every of them, (5) fhall and may have and enjoy like Advantages againft ,al ^ Advantage the Leflees, their Executors, Adminiftrators and Afligns, by Entry for Non-payment of the Rent, or for "ndCov'tnanM doing of Wafte or other Forfeiture ; (6) and alfo fhall and may have and enjoy all and every fuch like, and a gi; n ii ihc Lef- the fame Advantage, Benefit and Remedies by Action only, for not performing of other Conditions, Co- f •« of the fame Venants or Agreements contained and exprelTed in the Indentures of their faid Leafes, Demifes or Grants, Land*, againft all and every the faid Leflees and Farmers and Grantees, their Executors, Adminiftrators and Af- IUo ° r 8 7 6- figns, as the faid Leflbrs or Grantors themfelves, or their Heirs or Succeflbrs, ought, fhould, or might have coldi. had and enjoyed at any Time or Times, (7) in like Manner and Form, as if the Reverfion of fuch Lands, 109. Tenements or Hereditaments had not come to the Hands of our faid Sovereign Lord, or as our faid Sovereign Plowd. f. 175. Lord, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, fhould or might have had and enjoyed in certain Cafes, by Virtue of the D ?"> l - 6S > Act made at the firft. Seflion of this prefent Parliament, if no fuch Grant by Letters Patents had been made ' 3 C T ^ 3 " 9- by his Highnefs. 5 Co ". i«. Bro. Entre congeable 139. Cro. El. foo, S63. Cro. Jac. 305. Cro. Gir. 2 4> 44> 137. II. Moreover be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That all Farmers, Leflees and Grantees of Lord- Leflees may have fhips, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Parfonages, Tithes, Portions, or any other Hereditaments for the likeRei Term of Years, Life or Lives, their Executors, Adminiftrators and Afligns, fhall and may have like Ac- againft thcCian- tion, Advantage and Remedy againft all and every Perfon and Perfons and Bodies Politick, their Heirs, Sue- tKsofthc R t - ceftors and Afligns, which have or fhall have any Gift or Grant of the King our Sovereign Lord, or of any thevmiehth^e other Perfon or Perfons, of the Reverfion of the fame Manors, Lands, Tenements, and other Heredita- had' againfi theu incnto fo letten, or any Parcel thereof, for any Condition, Covenant or Agreement contained or expreflcd Grantors. in the Indentures of their Leafe and Leafes, as the fame Leflees, or any of them might and fhould have Dy«r,f. 257. had againft the faid Leflbrs and Grantors, their Heirs and Succeflbrs; (2) all Benefits and Advantages 3< ; - 6 3- of Recoveries in Value by Reafon of any Warranty in Deed or in Law by Voucher or otherwife only ex- s °* l6 ' cepted. III. Provided always, That this Act, nor any Thing or Things therein contained, fhall extend to hinder or charge any Perfon or Perfons for the Breach of any Covenant or Condition comprifed in any fuch Wri- ting, as is aforefaid, but for fuch Covenants and Conditions as fhall be broken or not performed, after the firft Day of September next coming, and not before ; any Thing before in this Act contained to the contrary theieof notwithftanding. Co. LIt.zij. C A P. XXXV. The Juftices of Forefts to make Deputies. T?Orafmuch as it is much doubted whether the King's Juftices of his Forefts, Parks and Chafes within Every jufHce of ' Jl this Realm, may lawfully make or depute any Deputy or Deputies, for the exerciiing of their faid the King's Fo- ' Rooms or Office of Juftice of the Forefts ;' (2) for the avoiding of which Ambiguity and Doubt, and nls, Chafes ani to the Intent that the Laws of the Foreft may be more truly and fpeedily executed, it may be enacted by _ r jT ' ""' the King our Sovereign Lord, by the Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in Deputies a* he this prefent Parliament aflembled, and 'by Authority of the fame, That from henceforth all and every;: Juftice and Juftices of the King's Forefts, Parks and Chafes within this Realm, which now be, cr here- after fhall be, by their W'riting, fealed with the Seal of their Office, fhall make, ailign, depute and ap- point, as many Deputy or Deputies for the exercifing of the fame Office of Juftice or Juftices of the Fo- refts, as to fuch Juftice or Juftices from Time to Time'ftiail bethought convenient ; (5) which Deputy and Deputies