Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/35

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. I' U B L I C K ACT S. Anno decimo oftavo Elizabeths Regins. i. AN AcH againft the Diminifhing and Impairing of the x Queen^ Majefty's Coin, and other Coins lawfully current within the Realm. s. An Act for Confirmation, as well of all Grants made to the Queen's Majefty, as of Letters Patents made by her ity toothers. 3. An Act for the letting of the Poor on Work, and for the avoiding of Idlcnefs. 4 An Act for the avoiding of Frauds in certain Convey- ances and Aflurances made by the late Rebels in the North. 5. An Adt to redrefs Difordcrs in common Informers upon Penal Laws. 6. An Act for the Maintenance of the Colleges in both the Univerfities, and alio in WinchefiervcA Eaton. 7. An Adt to take away Clergy from the Offenders in Rape and Burglary ; and an Order for the Delivery of Clerks convict, without Purgation. 8. An Act for the appointing and authorizing of Juftices of Affixes in the Shires ofJVales. 9. An Adt againft the tranfporting of Leather, Tallow, and raw Hides, out of the Realm. to. An Adt of Addition unto the former Acts, for the Amending and Repairing of Highways. 11. An Adt for the Explanation of the Statutes, intituled, Againft the Defeating of Dilapidations, and againft Leafes ti be made of Spiritual Promotions ', in Come refpedts. 12. An Act for the Trial of Nift prius in the County of Middle/ex. 13. An Act concerning Offices found within the Counties Palatines. 14. An Ait for Reformation of Jeofails. 15. An Aft for Reformation of Abufes in Goldfmiths. 16. An Act for the Toleration of certain Clothiers in the Counties of JVilts, Somerfet, and Gloucejler, to inhabit out of Towns Corporate. 17. An Act for the perpetual Maintenance of Rochefter Bridge. 18. An A<t for the Repairing of Chepflowe Bridge. 19. An Act for the Paving of the City of Ghicbefter. 20. An Act for the Repairing and Amending of the Bridges and Highways near unto the City of Oxford. 21. An Act for the Relief and Re-edifying of the Borough of New Woodjlock, in the County of Oxford. 22. An Act for Confirmation of a Sublidy granted by the Clergy. 23. An Ait of two Fifteens and Tenths, and oneSubfidy, granted by the Tcmporalty. 24. An Act of the Queen's Majefty's moft Free and Gene- ral Pardon. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno decimo oSlavo Elizabeths Regins. 1 . AN Act for JVigftone's Hofpital at Leiceftcr. 2 . jtx. An Act for the Hofpital of Saint Croffe near TFin- chefter. 3. An Ait for Payment of Tythes in Halifax in the County of York. 4. An Acl for the AfTurance of the Manor of Newhall to Thomas Earl of Siiffcx Lord Chamberlaine. 5. An Act for the Lord Vifcount Howard of Byndon, and Henry Howard, Efquire, and Frances his Wife* 6. An Adt for the Rcflitution in Blood of Henry Norris, 1 1 , Lord Nirris of A'-, It. 7. An Act that the Lady fane Sibiila Wife to the Lord Grays of JVilton, born beyond the Sea, (hall be reputed and taken the Queen's natural Subject. 8. An Adt for the better Affurance of certain Lands in tbamptonjhire to Chrifhphtr Hatton, Efquire, from bir John Spencer. 9. An Act for felling divers Lands for Payment of the Debts o: 'i If "1 Hi am Ijuy, Efquire. 10. An Adt for the Aflurancc of certain Lands to Sir John Rivers, Knight. 1 1. An Adt that certain Perfons born beyond the Seas, may be deemed and reputed as mere Englifl). 12. Another Adt that certain Perfons born beyond the Seas, may be deemed and reputed as mere Englijh. 13. An Adt for the Confirmation of an Arbitrament to be made by certain Perfons, touching aControvcrfy between Richard Huddle/Ion, Efquire, and Dame Ifabell Weymen his Wife on the one Part, and Francis JVeyman, Gentle- man, on the other Part. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno vicefimo tertio Elizabeths Regins. 1. A N Act to retain the Queen's Majefty/s Subjects in / their due Obedience. 2. An Adt againft feditious Words and Rumours uttered againft the Queen's moft excellent Majefty. 3. An Act for the Reformation of Errors in Fines and Re- coveries. 4. An Act for the Fortifying of the Borders towards S::t- land. 5. An Act touching Iron-Mills near unto the City of Z:.;- don, and the River of Thames. 6. An Act for the Repairing of Dover Haven. 7. An Adt for the Increafe of Mariners, and for Mainte- nance of the Navigation. 8. An Adt for the true Melting, Making, and Working of Wax. 9. An Act for the Abolifhingof certain deceitful StufTufed in the Dying of Cloth. 10. An Adt for Prefervation of Pheafants and Partridges. 11. An Act for the Re-edifying of Cardiff- Bridge, in the County of Glamorgan. 12. An Act for an Addition to a former Act made Anno 13 of her Majefty's Reign, for the Paving of a Street without Aldgate, leading to her Highnefs Storehoufes at the Mi- nories, and other Places. 13. An Adt for the Inning of Earith and Phtmjlead Alarjh. 14. An Ait of a Subfidv granted by the Clergy. 15. An Adt for a Sublidy and two Fifteens granted by the Temporalty. 16. An Act for the Queen's Majefty's moft Gracious, Ge- neral and Free Pardon. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno vicefimo tertio Elizabeths Regime. 1. A N Act for the Partition of certain Lands between: jl the Coheirs of the Lord Latymer. 2. An Act for the Re-edifying of-the Town of Crlnglefcrd near the City of Norwich. 3.. An Act for the Denization of Walter Goppfnger and Su~ zan Coppinger, Hugh and Simon Boureman, Wtttumi TV?' fon, and fames, Richard, Frar.cis, Mary, Afargarett, Ad gall, znd'Gertrude Holmes, Thomas Harmon'., Giles, Jol Richard and Kathcrine Hughes, and divers others.