Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/357

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A. D. 1541. Anno tricefimo tcrtio Henrici VIII. C. 21 — 23. 319 -, hi H irs anil SuccclTorB, {hall have as much Benefit and Advantage by fuch Al ' II ot' Ufcs, Rights, ) ntries, (.'• on , Rcverfions, Remainders, and all otl • had been done and de< tared by Authority of Parliament, ( •,; and (1 il be di emed and .. •utiiil and real Poflcflion ol the Land , Tenements, Hereditament*, Ufcs, Good;, t i the Offenders lb attainted, which his Highnefs ought lawfully to have, and wbi< li they I ill or might lawfully lofe and forfeit, it the Attainder had been done by '. . K^". 7 ' lo ' mem, without an) < 'ffice or Ini|uifition to be found of the fame; any Law, Statute, or Ufc of this R . ** 7 ' contrary thereof in any wife notwithfl mding. to all .'ii 1 eveiy Perfon ; nd I' rfon , and Bodies Politick, and thtir Heirs, Afligns and Sue- ■■ '4'- cc lt; ,: i, and every of them (other than fuch Perfon and Perfons which hereafter fliall be attainted of Hig!i ',' fon, and their Heirs and Afligns, and every of them, and all and every Other Perfon and Perfon! A < S»™«*of claiming by them, or any of them, or to their Ufcs, or to the Ufes of any of them, after the faid Treafons ihc Ki K i.t of all fuch Right, Title, Ufc, Poflcflion, Entry, KeverAons, Remainders, Interefls, Conditions, oihcn. Rents, Annuities, Commons, Leafes, and all other Commodities, Profits and Heredita- * f,: '"■ whatfoever they or any of them fhould, might, or ought to have had, if this Act had never been had S Remade. i,,.q, f . n. i El. t. ,-. sEl.e.z,&it. i$El.c.i&t. 14 El. c 1, 2, & 3. 13 El. c. 1. ij ~El. c. 2. 3 Jte. 1. e. 4. fig. *a. ijOm./a ,, . ,. 1 IV. ii If. c. 13. 76 !»'.j, c. 3. 9 W. 3. c. 1. 13 W. 3. c. 3 it 6. 1 jfnti. fiat. z. 'c. 17, s & 3 At. i. io. qslr.n. t. 8. b d»*. <. 7- 7 -i'l". t.zi. 1 Gte. 1. fiat. 2. t. 33. 17 Geo. 2. c. 39. 19 Get. a. c. 9. 20 Gto. 2. c. 30, 9 4O. C A P. XXL Queen Katharine and her Complices attainted of High Treafon. Queen Katharine attainted of Treafon, for her incontinent Life, and /. R. T. C. and F. D. her Complices ; Thi: Ac* is cot and all their Lands and Tenements, Goods and Cattels fhall be forfeit to the King. It fliall be lawful «» the Roll, for any of the King's Subjects, if themfelves do perfectly know, or by vehement Prelumption do perceive, any Will, Act, or Condition of Lightncfs of Body in her which {hall be the Queen of this Realm, to dhclofe the lame to the King, or fome of his Council ; but they fliall not openly blow it abroad, or whif- per it, until it he divulged hy the King or his Council. If the King, or any of his SucceiTors, fhall marry a Woman which was before incontinent, if {he conceal the fame, it {hall be High Treafon ; and fo fliall it be in any other knowing it, and not revealing it to the King, or one of his Council, before the faid Marriage, or within twenty Days after. If the Queen, or Wife of the Prince, fliall by Writing, Mef- Rep. 1 EJ. 6. fage, Words, Tokens, or otherwife, move any other to have carnal Knowledge with them, or any others c - ,a - & ' M> fhall move either of them to that End, then in the Offender it fhall be adjudged High Treafon. "• *■ c ' *' I'll. Be it declared by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the King's Royal Affent by his Letters The King's Af- P-atent under his Great Seal, and figr.ed with his Hand, and declared and notified in his Ab fence to the £"'. t0 Aftso * Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and to the Commons, affembled together in the high Houfe, is and ever y, j^ etttn nj. was of as good Strength and Force, as though the King's Perfon had been there perfonally prefent, and had [C nts. aflented openly and publickly to the fame. IV, And be it alio enacted, That this Royal Affent, and all other Royal Aflents hereafter to be fo given by the Kings of this Realm, and notified as is afor faid, (hall be taken and reputed good and effectual to all Intents and Purpofes, without Doubt or Ambiguity ; any Cuftom or Ufe to the contrary notwith- ftanding. CAP. XXII. The Authority of the Officers of the Court of Wards and Liveries, Stat. 32 Hen. S. cap. 46. with feveral REP. 12 Car. 2. Explanations and Moderations. c - 2 4- CAP. XXIII. An Aft to proceed by Commiffion of 0er and Terminer againft fuch Perfons as fliall confefs Treafon, &c. without remanding the fame to be tried in the Shire where the Offence was committed. ' T70rafmuch as divers and fundry Perfons, upon great Grounds of vehement Sufpicions, as well of High Thelneonw-

  • JP Treafon, Petty Treafoij, and Mifprifions of Treafon, as of Murders, be many Times fent for from n,cnci " enfuing

' divers Shires and Places of this Realm, and other the King's Dominions, to the King's Maj city's great Pe'f"™,," peeled ' Charges and Expences, to be examined before the King's Highnefs Council upon their Offences, to the f Treafon, &c.

  • Intent .that Conviction or Declaration of fuch Perfons fhould fpcedily enfue, as the Merits of their Cafes tobctiiedin

' fhould require: (2) And albeit that after great Travel taken in the Examinations of fuch Perfons, it ap- the Counties

  • pear to the faid Council by Confeflion, Witnefs, or vehement Sufpeet, that fuch Perfons be rather guilty " h "y hs >
  • of fuch Offences whereof they be fo examined, than otherwife ; yet neverthelefs fuch Offenders, fo

' examined, by the Courfe of the Common Law of this Realm, mult be indicted within tlie Shires or Places

  • where they committed their Offences, and alfo tried by the Inhabitants or Freeholders of fuch Shires and

1 Places, although by their Confeffions, or fuflicient Witnefs, their Offences be certainly known to the ' King's Council ; (3) by reafon whereof, befide the Travail and Pains of the King's Majefty's Council in ( fuch Cafes, the King's Highnefs is oftentimes put to great Charges and Expences, in remanding fuch Perfons to the Countries where they offended, there to be indicted and tried of their Offences; (4.) and ' fometime the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Shires or Places where fuch Offences were done, be ' compelled