Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/360

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Year are on th Roll. ziH.S. c. 13 322 C. 28— 33. Anno tricefimo tertio Henrici VIII. A. D. 1541. jP.&M.aZ. to any of the King's Subjects which will fue for the fame in any the King's Courts of Record, by.Actiorv l^Car.z.ftat.z. c jj e bt, Bill, Plaint, Information or otherwife ; wherein the Defendant fhall not be admitted to wage

  • " 6. and iiGc'o, n ' s Law, nor any Protection nor EfToin, or any other dilatory Plea admitted or allowed.

Noleofthefol- CAP. XXVIII. lowing A<£1$ of ' ■ ' this thirty-third An Ac~l for the Chancellor or the Duchy or Lancafter, and others, to have Chaplains. TO the King our Sovereign Lord. Where in the Parliament holden at Wejiminjler in the one and twentieth Year of your moft gracious Reign, it was amongft other Things ordained and provided* That certain honourable Perfons, and other of your Highnefs Counfellors and Officers, as well Spiritual as Temporal, fhould and might have Chaplains beneficed with Cure, to ferve and attend upon them in their Houfes, (2) which Chaplains fhould not incur the Danger of any Penalty or Forfeiture made or declared in the fame Parliament for Non-Refidence upon their faid Benefices, or for obtaining Licences or Difpenfations of Pluralities, (3) in which Act is no Provifion made for any the Head Officers of your Grace's feveral Courts of your Duchy of Lancajler, the Courts of Augmentations of the Revenues of your Highnefs Crown, the Firft-Fruits and Tenths, the Mafter of your Majefty's Wards and Liveries, the General Surveyors of your Grace's Lands, and other your Grace's Courts.' Certain Perfons jj_ j n Confideration whereof, it may pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted by your Highnefs, tlirTone Chap" w > tn trie Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament af- Iain having a fembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Chancellor of the faid Court of the Duchy of Benefice with Lancajler, the Chancellor of your Highnefs Court of Augmentations, the Chancellor of your Grace's Court Cure of s ° uls > of Firft-Fruits and Tenths, the Mafter of your Highnefs Wards and Liveries, and every of your Grace's ftntfromhfs General Surveyors of your Highnefs Lands, the Treafurer of your Grace's Chamber, the Treafurer of Benefice, Y9 UT Highnefs Court of Augmentations, and the Groom of your Grace's Stole, and every of them for the Time being, fhall and may retain fingularly to every of them in his Houfe, or attendant unto his Perfon, one Chaplain having one Benefice with Cure of Souls, which may be abfent from the faid Benefice, and non-refident upon the fame ; the faid Eftatute made in the faid twenty-firft Year of your moft gracious Reign, or any other Eftatute, Ad: or Ordinance made to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. Thefe Chaplains III. Provided alway, and be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That every of the faid Chaplains fo being mud fometimes beneficed as aforefaid, and dwelling with any the Officers afore named, fhall perfonally repair two Times refort to their - m eveFV Year at the leaft to his faid Benefice and Cure, and there to tarry and abide by the Space of eight Days at every fuch Time at the leaft, to vifit and inftruct his faid Cure, £2) upon the Pain to forfeit for every Time fo failing, xl. s. the one Moiety thereof to the King our Sovereign Lord, the other to fuch as will fue for the fame by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of the King's Courts of Record, in which Suit no EfToin, Protection or Wager of Law fhall be allowed. EXPt CAP. XXIX. |cc-,7- r * " Religious Perfons which, were removed from one Corporation to anotheF K enabled to inherit, purchafe, fue. and be fued. CAP. XXX. All Leafes, Grants and other Writings to be made by the Bifhop of Coventry and Lichfield for the Time being, in Writing under his Seal, of any his Lands, Offices, Fees, &c. and confirmed by the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield in Writing under their Chapter Seal, fhall be good in Law to bind in Succeffion the Succeflbrs of the faid Bifhop : (2J And the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield fhall be for ever the entire and fole Chapter of the faid Bifhoprick of Coventry and Lichfield, whereof the Prior and Covent of the dif- . p R> folved Priory of Coventry were heretofore the Moiety or Half Part. GAP. XXXI. The Diocefe of Ooejler, and the Diocefe of Man in the Ifle of Man; fhall be united to the Province and « Ro Archbifhoprick of York, and fhall be diflevered from the Archbifhoprick of Canterbury. CAP. XXXII. The Church of Whitegate Jn the County of Chejler fhall be a Parifh Church of itfelf, and no Part of th» Parifh of Over. (2) There fhall be a Vicar there to be named by the King, &c. which fhall have per- petual Succeffion, and be called Vicar of the Parifh Church of our blefled Lady the Virgin of Whiterate, l> jy and by that Name fhall fue and be fued. cap. xxxiir. A Repeal of the Statute of 27 H. 8. 0.3. concerning Exaftions taken by the Mayor of Kinvfton upon Hull; but it fhall be lawful for the Mayor there and his Officers to take of all Fifhermen for every Laft of Her- rings of every Perfon privileged, xx.d. and for every Hundred of Salt-fifh, iv.d. and for every Laft of V R. ot r SpratSj viij. d. And every Perfon not privileged, for every Laft of Herrings, ij. s. iv. d. and for every 5 El. c. 5. §. 3. Hundred of oalt-fifh, iv. d. and for every Laft of Sprats, vii d. as they did before the faid Statute. 4 CAP.