Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/363

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A. D. 1541. Anno tricefirao tcrtio Henrici VIIL C. 39. 325 ■ i,l, to any Perfon or Pcrfgiu in Fee-Finnic or Foe-tail, by his Highnefs Letter I'.ii enj ( , r j r undci th ( ii Seal of England, upon whi h Lettet be d any annual Rents or Farms payable to the King's Hjghnei ■ it Augmentations; (z) or demand cjr ifk any Rents, Annuitii i, Offio , Fees or Oth t, or of any I'm h Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hi I lined 01 to bi comprifed in i Letters 1 made oi hereafter to be made, as is aforefaid : (3) Or if our faid Sovereign The Klnt «rfi . (hall make or pretend any Claim, Right, Title, Intereir, 01 Pofleifiun in ■' irs, l ■ , rencments or Hereditaments bargained, fold or exchanged, or to be bai 'dioy i exchanged by tli- King, his Heirs 01 Succefl'ors, to any Perfon or Perfons in Fec-lim;. tiil. by his or their Letters Patents thereof made, or hereafter to be made, under his or their Great Sea] '■■ ,a i ci ' , •..', upon which Letters Patents is or (hall be referved any annual Rents or Farms payable or which (hall be payable to the King, his Heirs or Succcflors, in his laid Court of Augmentations; (4) or The King de- it tli I- ing, his Ileirs or Succcifors, demand or alk any Rents, Annuities or other Profits or Hereditaments minding Ruts Eftatc of Inheritance in, of, or out of any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments con- «;' <*"» out of ir comprifed, or to be contained or comprifed, appointed or to be appointed or afligned to the L " nit of Augmentations, in any Letters Patents made, or hereafter to be made as is aforefaid; U) that then the Chancellor of the laid Court of Augmentations, by the Allent of the Council of the fliJ Court, or the more Part of them, fhall have Power and Authority, by Authority of this Act, to examine all fuch Demands, Rights, Titles, Intercfts and Policffions, Rents, Annuities, Offices, Fees, and other Profits and Hereditaments, whatfocver they fhall be, and every of them fo to be demanded, pretended, i lairned or alked as is aforefaid, and by Witnefs, Proofs and other Ways and Means by their Discretion , i and determine the fame. (f>) And in cafe the King's Patentees in any fuch Letters Patents as is lid, or any of them, their Heirs, Succefl'ors or Affigns, fhall be compelled by the Authority of the laid Court of Augmentations, by Decree or Judgment of the fame Court, to render and yield to any Perfon or Perfons, in Fee-fimple or Fee-tail, the Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments comprifed or Specified in any fuch Letters Patents, or any Parcel of them, or to fuffer any Perfon or Perfons to have and enjoy any Offices, Rents, Annuities, or other Profits or Hereditaments in Fee-fimple or in Fee-tail, out or of the l.une, or out of any Parcel thereof; (7) and that it (hall appear in the faid Letters Patents, that the King, his Heirs or Succcflors, is or (hall be bounden, or of Right and Equity ought to recompenfe and fatisfy the faid Patentees, their Heirs, Succcflors, Executors or Affigns, or any of them, of and for fuch Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, Annuities, Rents, Offices, Fees, or other Profits recovered in Fee- iimple or Fee-tail, by Decree or Judgment of the faid Court as is aforefaid, or elfc to difcharge and ac- quit the laid Patentees, their Heirs, Succeffors, Executors and Affigns, of or for any Rents, Annuities, Offices, Fees, or other Profits aforefaid, recovered by Decree or Judgment in F'ce-fimple or Fee-tail as is abovefaid : (S) Or if it fhall appear unto the faid Court of Augmentations, or unto the more Part of them, that the King, his Heirs or Succcflors, of Right and Equity, ought to have, recover, or enjoy in Fee-fimple or Fee-tail, ny Manors, Lands, Tenements 01 Hereditaments, in any fuch Letters Patents comprifed, or Rents, Annuities, Offices, Fees or other Profits, in, out or of the fame ; (9) that then, in r n wfiat.Cau(es all and every fuch Cafe and Cafes, the faid Chancellor of the Augmentations for the Time being, with thcCcjn of the Aflent of three or more fuch Perfons as hereafter fhall be named by the King, his Heirs or Succefl'ors, Augmentations, (lull have full Powci and Authority, without any Bill or Warrant to be figned or fued from the King, rys ^ thout otne Heirs or Succeffors, for the fame, as well to recompenfe and fatisfy the Party or Parties grieved, fo much m^TR'-coni- in Money of the King's Treafure remaining in the faid Court of Augmentations, as the faid Manors, pmfe to any Lands, Tenements, Rents, Annuities, Offices, Fees, or other Profits or Hereditaments loft or recovered Perfon that ii by Decree or Judgment of the laid Court of Augmentations as is aforefaid, (hall be worth to be be fold, wronged, or othervvife difchar c and acquit fuch Perfon or Perfons thereof, according to his or their Letters Pa- tents; (10) as alio to make and take Order, Direction, Decree and Judgment for the King, his Heirs and Succcflors, for the Recovery, Attaining and having of all and Angular fuch Manors, Lands, Tene- ments, Rents, Annuities, Offices, Fees, Profits and Plereditaments, and all and every other Thing and Things, which the King, his Heirs and Succefl'ors, by and upon fuch Examination and Examinations, ought, fhould and fhall be juftly intitled to have, recover, poffefs or enjoy in Fee-iimple or Fee-tail ; (11) and the fame Decree, Direction, Order and Judgment to be good and effectual in the Law, to bind all Parties and Privies to the fame to all Intents and Purpofes. (12) And where any Decree or Judgment, A Lofs ewe '- which fhall be given in the faid Court of Augmentations for any the PremifTes, extend to the Lofs of the ingbya Decree King's Patentee or Patentees, their Heirs, Succeffors, Executors or Adminiftrators, but for Term of Life t0 the icin s -s or Lives of the Demandant or Demandants, Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, or for Term of Years, the Lofs whereof £f? nte y the King is bounden and ought to recompenfe, difcharge, or acquit by his Letters Patents ; then the faid jj 0W t0 oe nude Chancellor of the Augmentations fhall have full Power and Authority to recompenfe or difcharge the fame pood. in Money as is aforefaid, or elfe to recompenfe the fame of the Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and The Courts Pofl'effions limited to the Survey and Governance of the faid Court of Augmentations, to be granted under cre ^ lcd b > rh ! s the Seal of the fame Court by the Difcretion of the faid Chancellor, as (hall feem to him beft for the King's to tlKExch™' Profit, without any Bill or Warrant to be fued or figned by or from the King for the fame. (13) And que r, purfuant that every fuch Reconipence, Satisfaction and Difcharge to be made by Authority of this AeH to any Per- to the Powers fon or Perfons by the faid Chancellor as is aforefaid, fhall be good and effectual againft the King, his Heirs grfhtedbj 1 M. and Succefl'ors ; any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. ««.»■ 0. 10. LIX. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every of the faid Courts fhall have The Au'horitj full Po ties, tions,