Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/366

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LXIX. And be it alfo further ena£ted by; the Authority aforefaid, That every Auditor of every the faid feveral Courts, yearly in every County within their faid feveral Limits, by the Space of twenty Days or more 328 C. 39. Anno tricefimo tertio Henrici VIII. A. D. 154TJ The Receiver the fame, in the way of Reward or otherwife, not above the Sum of Four-pence for every Pound which (hall t;<.ke but the fame general or particular Receiver fhall fo happen to pay, (5) upon Pain to forfeit' w. s. vii't. d. for '"' ' a ou * ' every Peny which he or they fhall happen to receive above the faid Sum of Four-pence, for every Pound which he or they fhall fo happen to pay ; the one Moiety of the faid Forfeiture to be to the King, and the other Moiety to the Party that will fue for the fame; (6) and that all the faid Suits concerning the faid Forfeitures maybe commenced and purfued by Bill, Information or Action, in which Suit none Eflbin, Protection or Wager of Law to be admitted. The Auditor's LXVIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons hereafter happen to tender or offer Fees for inrol- un£o an y f t jj e Auditors of the fame feveral Courts, for the Time being, any of the King's Letters Pa- tents, Decrees of any of the fame feveral Courts, Grants, Indentures of Leafes, as well for Term of Years as for Term of Life or Lives, to be inrolled before the fame Auditor, according to his Office; that then the fame Auditor, upon the fame Tender or Offer, fhall inrol the fame, or as much of the fame Let- ters Patents, Decrees, Grants or Indentures, as fhall appertain to his faid Office; (z) and if any of the fame Auditors, or any of their Clerks, or any other to their Ufe, or to the Ufe of any of them, receive and take for the Enrolment of any of the fame Letters Patents, Decrees, Grants or Indentures, or for the Al- lowance of the fame, above the Sum of three Shillings Four-pence, that then the fame Auditor or his Clerk, fo offending, fhall forfeit fix Shillings Eight-pence for every Peny which the fame Auditors, or any of them, fhall happen at any Time hereafter to receive contrary to the }<orm aforefaid ; the one Moiety of the fame Forfeiture to be to the King's Highnefs, and the other Moiety to him that will fue for the fame by fuch Manner and Form as is aforefaid. Auditors (hall caufe Proclama. in four Market- before their Audit, fhall proclaim and declare in four feveral Markets or other Places, the Place and Days Towns so Days where and when they will keep their feveral Audits in the fame Shire, upon Pain to forfeit for every Time before their doing the contrary five Pounds, the one Moiety whereof to be to the King's Highnefs, and the other Moiety coming. t0 j-i^g p ar (y jhaj w ;u f ue f or t h e f am e in Form aforefaid. Auditors and LXX. And that alfo every of the Auditors of the faid feveral Courts, being feverally affigned to their nake'theirPre- f evera l Limits, and every the particular Receivers of the fame feveral Courts, being alfo feverally affigned cents to Bailiffs, an ^ joined with the fame feveral Auditors in their faid feveral Limits, after and between every of the Feafts &c. of St. Michael the Archangel and Cbrijlmas, fhall direct and award their feveral Warrants and Precepts un- der their Seals to every of the Receivers, Bailiffs, Reeves and other Officers whatfoever accountable before the fame Auditors, and by the fame Warrant or Precept to charge and command, in the Name of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, every of the faid Receivers, Bailiffs, Reeves and other Officers, to appear be- fore them at one certain Day and Place in the fame Warrant or Precept to them prefcribed, there to de- clare and make a juft and true Accompt of all fuch Receipts whereof they be accountable and owe to Account. A Remedy a- LXXI. And after if the fame Auditors and particular Receivers do repair unto the fame Place, and there gainft Accomp- keep their Audit according to the fame Proclamations, Precept and Warrant; that then if any Receiver, ,a "k d if it f Bailiff, Reeve or other Officer, being accomptable of or for any of the Manors, Lands, Tenements or Appearance or other whatfoever Hereditaments now remaining, or which hereafter fhall be and remain in the Order, Go- Payment, vernance or Survey of any of the fame feveral Courts, be lawfully warned, as well by the fame Proclama- tion, or by Precept or Warrant in Writing fealed, and in the Name of any of the Auditors of the faid feve- ral Courts perfonally to appear by himfelf, or by his fufficient and lawful Deputy, before the fame Auditor and Receiver, at one certain Day or Place in the faid Warrant or Precept prefcribed, there to make and de- clare a juft and true Accompt of all Receipts of his faid Office: (2) And if the fame Receiver, Reeve, Bailiff and other Officer, fo being lawfully warned, do not appear before the fame Auditor and Receiver at the fame Day and Place in the faid Warrant expreffed ; or if the fame Receiver, Bailiff, Reeve or Officer do, at the fame Day and Place to them prefcribed, appear, and will not accompt before the fame Au- ditor, according to the Tenor and Effect of the fame Precept and Warrant; or if the fame Receiver, Bailiff, Reeve or other Officer accomptable, do by himfelf, or by his fufficient and lawful Deputy, appear before the fame Auditor and Receiver, and then and there enter into his or their Accompt before the faid Auditor, and after the fame Accompt finifhed and ended, if the fame Receiver, Bailiff, Reeve or other Officer, do not content and pay unto the Treafurer of the fame feveral Courts, or to the general or particular Receiver of the fame County for the Time being, as the Cafe fhall require, within three Weeks next and immedi- ately after the fame Accompt fully finifhed and ended, all fuch Sums of Money, which upon the Deter- mination of his faid Accompt he fhall happen to be found in Arrearages, and the fame Default and Con- tempt being duly proved before the head Officer and Officers of the faid feveral Courts for the Time being; that then every fuch Receiver, Bailiff, Reeve or Officer fo offending, to forfeit and lofe his faid Office, and alfo his Fee which he or they had and received for the exercifing of the fame Office. The Penalty if LXXII. And be it alio further enacted- by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That if any of the

  • ° A ." , mi>tant faid Receivers, Bailiffs, Reeves or other Officers, upon the Declaration of their laid Accompts, do willingly

Kent. r ' iwa " conceal and withdraw any Rent, Revenue, Fine, Heriot or other Cafualty whatfoever it be, of the which he ought to have made Accompt, and the fame duly proved before the faid head Officer or Officers for tin Time being; that then every fuch Receiver, Bailiff, Reeve or other Officer fo offending, to forfeit and Ion his faid Office and Fee which he had for the exercifing of the fame, and alfo three Times as much as h< hath fo concealed and withdrawn : (2) And that the faid head Officer or Officers of the fame feveral Court: for the Time being, immediately upon Certificate to him made of the fame Default, Contempt or Offence fhall award Procefs in Nature of Attachment againff. the fame Receiver, Bailiff, Reeve or other Officer, a well for the fame Arrearages. remaining in the Hands of the fame Receiver, Bailiff, Reeve or Officer, as atHi for the Penalty of their Recognizance or Bond, in which the fame Receiver, Bailiff, Reeve or Office 3 ftanded