Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/393

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A. D. 1542-3. Anno xxxiv & xxxv IIrnrici VIII. C. . 1 that the Sheriff 1 Icethtoi ife, to appear before the I laid, (hall pay lor his Mainprifc ij. d. and not above ; (zj and thi jvfan 1 Mainprifc, but fuch as be fufpcc"t, and as (hall b( returned by them ; gt th< '• (3) And alfo the faid Sheriff (hall have, I ' turnofaWri . ■ ■ : a bafe Court, before the (aid Ji . and that thi nner for the Return of any of the (aid Wi its ol lied, unlcfs he return the fame cuted. Kill. Item, That in all and 1 r Judicial, or other Proccf,, I y.Mle lereof, a- well for the Sea). as Writing, • I I'd fid in. Com;, il : 1 I Juftii , or three of them, whereof the faid Preftdcnt to "' ic, by theii Dii'cretions I 1 rime to Time, as the Cafe fhall require; (2) and that they (K:. II have ^^J' Vnver and Authority from Time to Time to alTcfs and appoint what Fee the faid Sheriff,, Efcheutors fa— >a J< "* and Coroners and their Miniftcrs, Prcnotari and their Clerics, and other Minifters of Juftice in the faid , (lull have, take and receive of the King's Subjects n>r any manner Writs, Plaints, Pleas, Procefs, Returns, or any other Matter or riling concerning or belonging to the Execution of their Offices and R,o as, and to augment or diminifh any Fee or Fees above declared, as (hall be thought by their Difcre- tions to be convenient and meet for the Commonwealth of the King's Subjects of thole Parts of Wales ; ntaincd in this Ai.1 to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. LXXX l.l in, That from henceforth no m timer of Perfon or Perfons, for Murder or for Felony, (hall N'o Felon put to he pui to 1 i Fine, but fuffer according to the Laws of the Realm of England, except it pleafe the King's his Fine > but .. to pardon him or them ; (-,) and if the faid Juftices fee Caufe of Pity, or other Confederation, they ™'^ ^ n ~ prievc the Prifoncr till iv I 1 the King's iMajefty of the Matter. V'XV . /.' -in, That the Act made in the Parliament holden in the twenty-fixth Year of the moil Royal A Confinnttion Reign of the King':, Majefty, concerning ( among other Things) Inquifitions and Trials of counterfeiting, ofl6fI : ,- . c " 6 * warning, clipping and minifhing of the King's Coin, Murders, Felons and Accefiaries to the fame, per- quJ^oTotfcnce, petrated or done within ;' be had, made and determined in the next Shire or County within England done in Wales adjoining, where the King's Writ runneth, and every Article therein contained, (hall ftand in his full in the Counties Strength and Force, according to the Tenor and Effect of the fame ; any Thing in this faid Ordinance, or nextjdjoii any other Aft, C tufe or Matter heretofore had or made to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. J" 1 "* 1, ^' ;cs ' m ' LXXXVI. And albeit the fame Act as yet was never put in Execution for any of the faid Offences a " * ' heretofore done or committed within any of the faid three Shires of North-Wales; that is to fay, the

  • Counties of Anglefey, Caernarvon and Merioneth^ (2) be it now declared and enacted by the Authority

aforefaid, That the laid Ace, and every Article therein contained, fhall from henceforth take Effeet, and be executed in all Points for and concerning any of the faid Offences perpetrated and done, or that here- after fhall be perpetrated or done, within the ("aid County of Merioneth, to be enquired of, heard and de- termined within the County of Salop, in like Manner and Form as commonly is and hath been ufed for any of the fame or like Offences committed or done within any other County of South Jl^ales ; any Matter or Caufe heretofore rifen or grewn to the contrary thereof notwithitanding. LXXXVII. Item, That the Town or Flamlet of Aleriannad, and all the Grounds and the Soil within Abertannad m- the fame, which afore this Time hath been taken, reputed and ufed as Parcel of the faid County of Me- nexed to Salop, rioneth, fhall from the Feaft of Eajler next coming, by Virtue of this Act, be united, annexed and made ™* j'"d f cr Parcel of the faid County of Salop ; and fo from thenceforth to be reputed, taken and ufed for ever, and not w ^w to be of any other Shire or County of Wales ; (2) and that the fame Town or Hamlet, and all the Ground and Soil within the fame Town or Hamlet, be from and after the faid Feaft accepted and taken as Part and Parcel of the Hundred of Ofiw/lre; (3) and that the Inhabitants thereof from the laid Feaft fhall be at- tendant, and do every Thing and Things with the Inhabitants of the faid Hundred of Ofwejlre, as the fame Inhabitants do or be bound to do 5 any Laws or Cuftoms to the contrary thereof notwithitanding. LXXXVIII. Item, In cafe any foreign Plea or Voucher be hereafter pleaded or made before any of the Foreign Plea of faid Juftices of Wales, between Party and Party, triable in any other Shire within JVales, than where the Voucher oa»M«  fame Plea is pleaded or Voucher made ; that then the faid Juftices, afore whom the fame Plea or Voucher '" ? ny . °* cr . is or ihall be pleaded or made, fhall and may fend the King's Writ, with a Tranfcript of the Record men- or r '£^ '",. tioning the fame foreign Matter of Plea or Voucher, under the Seal to him committed, unto the Juftice of the County where the fame Matter is or fhall be triable, commanding the faid Juftice, by Virtue of the faid Writ, to proceed to the Trial thereof according to the King's Laws and Statutes ; which Trial fo be- fore him had, he (hall remand with the whole Record unto the Juftice before whom the faid Plea or Voucher was pleaded or made, who thereupon fhall proceed to Judgment, as the Cafe fhall require. LXXXIX. Item, In cafe the fame foreign Plea, Voucher or other Matter fo pleaded, be triable within this Realm of England, that then in every fuch Cafe the Juftice, afore whom the fame Plea or Voucher is or fhall be pleaded, had or made, fhall and may proceed to the Trial thereof, as fhall appertain, within the fame Shire of Wales, where the fame Plea, Voucher or Matter was pleaded; the faid foreign Plea, Voucher, or any other Thing or Matter to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. XC. Item, That no Manner of Perfon or Perfons from henceforth, without lawful Authority, fhall N°"Rl make any Rumours, Tumults, unlawful AlTemblics or Outcries at any of the faid Courts or Seffions, nor J an } u . 7 r un ~ any Outcries and unlawful Aflemblies in great Numbers at any other Time or Times, except it be for the y^ or Outcriei Apprehenfion or purfuing of Murtherers or Felons ; upon Pain of Imprifonment and °;rievous Fine to be fhall be ia taxed and fet upon them by the faid Prefidcntand Council, or by the Juftices or ether Officer before whom Wale*, fuch Mifdemearior fhall happen to be committed. XCI. Item, That all Manors, Lands, Tenements, MefTuages and other Hereditaments, and all Rights £,j La l' Js 1 , ln and Titles to the fame, in any of the faid Shires of Wales, defcended to any Manner Perfon or Perfons fith S^J Tenure theFealt of the Nativity, of St. John Baptjjl in the thirty-third Year of our faid Sovereign Lord's Reign, =r n d not iv ™ lCi Z z 2 or a Ue,